The plan

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Jahseh's pov:

Today will probably be the riskiest so far. We have to be able to get through all of the air port security without anyone noticing us.

I was currently packing as much as I could fit in my suit case. I mean we're going to need as much as we can get once we start our new lives in Canada.

I still feel bad about Michael and Gazzy but there's nothing I can do at this point. If I knew I could help them without a risk of getting caught myself then I would of helped them. Right now I just need to worry about getting passed security.

I would of never guessed that this is where I would of been 6 months later. I never thought I would end up in jail let alone leaving the country. I had everything going for me before this all happened. I had a girl. I had decent grades and good friends. Wait till my mom figures out I escaped prison. She knows I didn't kill nobody but she still doesn't want me fighting the law because it will only get me in more trouble. I just don't understand how I got here. Who would of framed me?

" Jah we're leaving soon," Kimetrius informs me. I nod showing that I understand.

I quickly finish packing before joining the others in the kitchen.

" alright guys so we are going to need somewhat of a disguise," Taymor informs.

" ok what do you have in mind?" I ask curiously.

" well I have bleach for changing our hair colors and makeup to cover our tats," Taymor announces. So far everything sounds like it might actually work.

" oh and we're going to need to wear more dressed up clothing so it won't make us look skeptical," Taymor adds. Everyone agrees to Taymor's plan and we all start changing our appearances.


" everyone ready?" Taymor asks. We all nod our heads indicating we're all good. At that we all head out to the car. I hope we did enough to hide our selves.

Taymor is driving while Kimetrius is in the passengers seat leaving me with Nick and Daniel in the back.

The trip is pretty long but we found ways to entertain ourselves. Kimetrius was blasting music in the front while Nick kept falling asleep. His head kept falling onto my shoulder and then when he realized what he was doing he would immediately blush and sit back up.

" it's ok Nick just sleep," I assure him letting him know it's ok if he lays on my shoulder.

The rest of the ride was pretty quiet. We didn't make any stops because we didn't want to take the risk of anyone noticing us.

Soon enough we reached the airport. I immediately became very nervous. What if we get caught and this goes all wrong? I seriously don't know what I'll do. I'll probably spend the rest of my life in jail.

" we can do this guys, just act normal," Kimetrius suggests. We then all leave the car and head into the airport. Luckily so far no one seemed to notice us. I never felt so awkward in an outfit though. I'm wearing khakis and a plaid button up shirt. Just thinking about it made me cringe.

We were just about to go through security. Even though I had nothing that could get me in trouble, I just felt like something was going to go wrong.

First Taymor went through and he was clear. Next was Metri and he went through just fine. After that Nick and then Daniel and finally me.

I tried reassuring myself that everything was going to be fine. I then walked through only to hear an immediate beeping noise that sent panic through out my whole body.

" sir please step over here please," The security asked of me. I couldn't help but let my nerves get the best of me. Why did it have to beep on me out of all people.

The security started to check all my pockets and anywhere I could of hid something.

" your clear, sorry it goes off on every 100th person," the security guard informs me. I immediately sigh in relief. I can see the others do the same. I quickly head over to them.

" that was a close one," Taymor sighs.

We all then continue to were we need to be to board our plane. Just one more step left and we will finally be safe.

I probably spoke to soon because the next thing I saw....

Cliff hanger

What do you think Jah saw?

Do u think they will ever see Michael or Gazzy again?

Who's pov do u want to see more of?

Do you think they will make it out of the u.s?

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