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Jahseh's pov:

The man standing in front of me was in fact the one and only Ski. Just the thought of him sent chills through me.

" long time no see." Ski says in a dark tone.

" you thought you would escape me?" Ski deeply chuckles. I couldn't seem to focus. My mind was blurred. I wanted to scream but what would that do. I would only get us all sent back to jail because I'm sure our escape has made it on the news by now.

All I know is I can't give in. I can't show weakness.

" yeah I think I'll be on my way now." I announce before starting to walk away.

" I don't know if I can let you do that." Ski warns before pulling me back to him with a tight grip on my arm.

" let me go and I won't scream." I warn him trying to stay tuff.

" is that all you got?" Ski questions.

" well it does mean you go back to jail." I remind him.

" yeah but your coming with me." Ski says tightening his grip. How am I supposed to get out of this? How am I supposed to warn the other guys? I just hope they don't wait for me too long. If Michael would of just waited for me maybe we would of been able to get out of this. Well what if they already got Michael?

" now are we going to walk out of here peacefully or is your ass gonna get us all jailed." Ski asks in a slightly irritated but calm tone.

" let's take this outside." I answer him.

" good answer." Ski says before walking out as I follow close behind. I wonder if I can out run him. I just know I gotta try something. I'm not spending the rest of my life with him or 6 feet buried under ground.

As soon as I took a step out of the store I bolt as fast as I can. I don't dare to look back.

" oh you think you can run." I hear Ski yell behind me.

" I've got your friends." I hear him yell again. He's got to be lying. There's no way he has all of them after all there's only two of them and 5 of us. Unless there's more than I thought. I only saw Ski and Omar but I could be wrong. Even if I do look back I'll just end up either locked up with everyone else or I'll be locked up for no reason. The best thing I can do now is run. I can't afford to make any deals. I could never trust Ski.

I keep running until I find a way I can lose Ski. I decide to go in the woods. It seems to be the best place to try and lose him. I keep running till my body starts to fail. I don't hear footsteps anymore but that doesn't mean he's given up. I know he'll be back.

I need to find everyone. I'm in the middle of no where. I start by texting Michael " where ya at?"

He immediately texts back with "I'm with Kimetrius behind the dollar store but I don't know where the others are."

I text back " alright I'll be there in a sec."

I then try texting nick. It takes a while but then he responds with " I'm with Kimetrius we at Mc Donald's come meet us."

Ok this makes no sense. How can they both be with Kimetrius. How am I supposed to know who's lying. Ski must have at least one of them but who?

Who do u think is lying?

Should Jah go to meet up at either of the places?

Why do u think Ski wants Jah so bad?

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