Chapter 25: Thailand

Start from the beginning

"No it doesn't. Just style it up a bit. Like this".

"Hey stop, I can do it my self".
He tucked the shirt in my shorts with his fingers slipping inside. He may have not meant in that way but I was very much uncomfortable.

I tried protesting but he was already done.

Swifty making my way to the mirror, I was shook. Hm not bad. The guy atleast got fashion sense even though he has no common sense.

"Hey what are you doing?".
I flinched when he adjusted my shorts.

"Pull it down a bit. Your ass is on display. Do you really wanna get arrested for nudity in public?"

"But its not even that high-.. ouch".

He.... He spanked my butt cheek.

After he was done fixing me. I stood there uncomfortably. He noticed my reaction and asked what was wrong.

"I thought.... You said you won't touch me for a while", My head hung low as I fiddled with me fingers.

"You think too much. I won't. I already got a fiancée", my eyes abruptly landed on his face. His eyes were soften and he held an innocent expression.

With that he exited.

Why is he acting like a possessive boyfriend? Maybe he's right. I am thinking too much.

We departed for the airport and I swear people looked at us in a weird way. He took my hand in his and didn't cover his face at all. What's happening?

"Hey is that J-Jeon Jungkook? That gangster's son?".

"Oh my god, why is he here. Is he going to kill us?"

"Jeon Jungkook? I heard he's undefeated. Looks like even our police won't be able to do anything to him".

"Is that his wife? No he's not married she must be his girlfriend. Bless that poor soul".

"Woah look at him he's a fucking daddy. Who's that bitch with him? Um leave my man alone slut".

People burst in whispers throughout the airport at our arrival. He's really that famous?


At first I thought it wasn't that serious but know I'm convinced that he's to be taken seriously. The fear in these peoples eyes makes me shiver. I'm screwed aren't I? After he's done with me. He'll kill me too like those other victim.

*Inhale... Exhale*

I tried releasing my hand from his grasp which only became tighter. He was gripping ny hand so hard that I thought it woupd detached very soon.
People crowded around us but kept there distance. They treated him like a celebrity. Mostly teenage girls and fanboys. Whats so good about being a Mafia? Is killing people that cool? Is being a criminal that cool?

He led me out with everyone staring at us. Outside stood Kim with a Maserati.

He handed Jungkook the keys and stepped aside. Jungkook simply got in as I stood outside, dumbfounded.

The car window slowly went down, revealing his face.

"Do you need an invitation to get in?"

"S-Sorry", apologising, I got in. Fastened my seat belt and we departed to whereever we were going.

"What about kim?" he's not gonna leave him there is he?

"Kim's also on a holiday. Let him be."
A simple answer was received.

We could have just settled in his car near the jet. Why did he waste his time going through the airport? Somethings fishy.

"Where are we going?"
My curiosity is getting the best of me.

"You'll see", he glanced at me with a smile.


After what seemed like years but was actually 30 minutes, we arrived at a private property, surrounded by trees. The automatic gate opened letting us in.

My god is this road even gonna end? Soon enough I caught a glimpse of a Mansion.

The view was finally visible and as soon as he parked the car, someone came out through the grand door.

"You've got to be kidding Jackson". I heard Jungkook mutter.


Before I could even get out of the car to go greet him. Jungkook reversed it and sped up to the gate.

"Hey Jungkook come back here!!"
I heard Jackson yelling from the back.

"Where are we going now?!"

"To another location where there's no Jackson".

"Jungkook please, I'm tired I don't want to go anywhere now".

"Of course you wouldn't. Now that you have Jackson".

Is he pissed?

"Stop the car!" I demanded.

"Or what?" he challenged.

That's it.

Unfastening the seat belt, I crawled my way to his lap. The car vigorously halted. Luckily he held onto my waist, securing me from getting hurt.

Sitting on his crouch, I watched his priceless reaction.

"Oh you shouldn't have done that", his gaze darkened.

To be continued...

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