„Oh." He responds, his eyes on my left pocket, so I quickly open the door, shutting it close after I stepped in. The breath I didn't know I have been holding passes my lips as I lean my head against the wood of the door.

I'm so damn exhausted. I just wanna sleep. After turning on the water to make it's less suspicious, I take out the pregnancy tests. So where do I put this now? I need a place where he doesn't see them. Uhh.... oh there! He won't look in my make up back, right?

Quickly, I put them in before zipping up the bag and placing it into my already packed suitcase. After taking off my jacket, I turn off the water, making sure one last time that my bag is hidden.

After I checked it, I could feel the tiredness rush through my body, so I make my way to the bed, yawning.

I could see Shawn laying there, his hands behind his head for support, the blanket only draped over his legs, his defined muscles on show. A sight that normally makes my heart flutter but right now I wish nothing more than this day to be over.

I feel like everytime everything is fine, something like that happens to ruin it again. It's like someone doesn't want us to not have a problem. But before I start to worry even more, I will get checked by a doctor.

Like.... the one negative pregnancy test can't mean nothing, can it? Shawn's eyes flutter open only a bit as he notices me crawling under the covers. Smiling apologetically, I look up to him, knowing what he is thinking about.

„Don't be mad." I pout, placing a soft kiss onto his shoulder while my fingers caress his cheek. A low chuckles escapes him as he turns onto his side, head resting on his hand.

„I'm not..." he murmurs, stroking back a strand of my hair that fell into my face. I quirk a brow and he breathes out through his nose.

"Okey a bit but can't you understand my point of view too, Rose? I don't want you running around Tokyo in the middle of the night without me."

„I wasn't alone."

„Rose." He groans, letting himself fall onto his back again. "I'm kidding. I won't do it again. I swear." I chuckle, resting my chin on his bare chest while sticking out my pinkie. A smile tugs at the corners of his mouth as he looks at me through hooded eyes.

„Good." Shawn nods, linking his finger with mine. Smiling, I quickly place a kiss on his lips but as soon as I back away, he puts a hand into my neck preventing me from moving to connect our lips again.

„Not so fast." He hums, pecking my lips softly before resuming to the passionate kiss. I have to yawn another time, causing me to pull away. Now he is the one to pout but I only giggle, ignoring it.

Turning over, I turn off the small lamb on the nightstand before snuggling up to Shawn, who immediately wraps his strong arms around my small figure. "Goodnight love."



The sunlight creeps into the room through the half opened blinds, causing me to squint my eyes. Groaning lightly, I ball my fists, rubbing over my tired eyes. Just as I was about to open them, I hear shuffling and a shattering noise in the bathroom, followed my quiet curses.

Frowning, I look besides me only to realize that Shawn's not there. What the hell is he doing? Quickly, I climb out of bed to rush towards where I heard the noises.

I push the door open, to see him crouching on the floor while picking up some shower gels and stuff that fell out of a bigger make up bag of mine.

My eyebrows furrow as I see every drawer opened, the towels ripped out and the content of my suitcase completely messed up, looking like someone just broke into our hotel room. Wait where is....

My heart starts to race as I can't seem to find the small bag with the pregnancy tests but soon I let out a sigh of relief as it spot it placed on the sink.

„Where could it be?" I hear Shawn mumble since he is still too caught up in whatever he is doing to notice that I'm standing here.

Crossing my arms, I clear my throat and immediately his head snaps up. His cheeks flushing pink as he stares at me with his mouth open. "What are you doing?" I ask, walking some steps closer.

„Me? Oh uh... nothing. I was just looking for something." Shawn replies laughing lightly, taking the small make up bag from the sink and my heart skips a beat.

„Oh really what is it? Maybe I can help to find it before you spill the rest of my stuff out." I chuckle, quickly approaching him.

„Uhm... that thing, you know. I just can't find it."

„What thing?" I ask, watching as he opens the bag. "You know... that one little thing. What is it called? Oh! The cream you use when your joints hurt." Shawn says but before he could look into it, I snap the bag out of his hand.
I close it, acting like everything is normal.

„Oh that. It's not in here with the girls stuff, Shawn." I smile, trying to hide the minor heart attack I just had. "Here." I say, bending down to pick up the little white tube that was shattered on the floor along with all mu other things.

„It was right in front of you." I chuckle and Shawn scratches his neck, smiling lightly.

"Oh yeah. I'm so blind sometimes. You know what? I will clean everything up here while you can just rest a bit more or whatever you wanna do." Shawn offers, kissing my temple and reaching to take the bag from under my arm but I just hold it more tightly.

A confused expression spreads on his face. "Thanks but I need that now. I will get ready and then help you clean up this mess. Give me ten minutes." I responds, sending him a small smile before I quickly make my way out of the bathroom.

Exhaling deeply, I plop onto the bed. F*ck that was close... What the hell was he doing? As if he only searched for that cream. Does that mean he saw something?

Until My Last BreathDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora