"There are four packs of pads with different colors. Which one do I get?" I said.

"Get the lavander-colored pack. Or the teal-colored one. Whichever one you want to use."

What the fuck is a teal and a lavander?! I know they're both colors, but I mean, how do you tell them apart? How come girls know all of these things?

"Uh... I see a purple one and a blue one and a blue that's slightly lighter than the blue one that I just mentioned earlier, one's a light purple one. Which one?" That's it. I tried my best. If she still doesn't get it, I don't even know anymore.

"Get the slightly lighter blue pack." She said as I pulled it out from the cabinet.

"Zen, Louis is here." I heard Mim from the background.

"Tell Louis that you're you and that I need help ASAP." I told Constance.

"And make him deal with my menstrual cycle problems? No way. I also can't go there cause mom's gonna kill me. Text Georgie instead." She said as she hung up on me.

Something about being in my body makes Constance feel more powerful. Also, my body makes her calm. Her body, however,  didn't do the same for me.

It makes me want to eat as many chocolates as I want while watching TV series and it also wants me to pull all my hair out.

If we (boys) think girls are confusing, wait til we become trapped in their bodies. Everything instantly becomes out of control when all you ever want to do is to control everything.

I texted Georgie but she still hasn't replied after I had taken a bath so I did to her what I did to Constance. I called her.


"Gerogina, I need your help."

"Why do you sound so serious?"

"Um, it's an emergency."

"W-w-wait, something's wrong..."

"Georgina, I'm Zayn and I need your help."

"You're back in each other's bodies?! You have got to be kidding me."

"I need your help, just please... come over as soon as you can."

"Okay, I'll be there in five."

She hung up.

I laid down in the bath tub until Georgie has arrived.

"Okay, so what's the sitch?" She says from outside the door.

"I'm bleeding out." I softly said.


"I'm mentrua----"

"Oh my gosh Zayn!" She says. It was muffled, so she was probably covering her mouth. But even through the door, I can feel her smiling at the thought. "You need someone to panic with, that's why you called me!"

"No, I just that... I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"Wait, just let me in! I've seen that body naked anyways."

I let her in and handed her pads and some underwear. She taught me how I was supposed to do place it and she also told me what to do and what not to do whenever this happens. I hope I could remember all of it, though.

We went out of the bathroom and handed me something out from her bag.

"Here, take it." It was a small pink box. I pulled out one piece from the box and asked her what it is.

"It's a tampon. Stacy rarely uses them but if you do not like sitting on your own blood, you should try it. This is my emergency tampon, so if you want one whole pack, you have to buy for yourself. It comes with instructions on how to use it inside." Who knew that this could be so complicated?

I put the tampon in the bag and got dressed. Georgina taught me how to pick clothes for this horrible situation and then took some other clothes from Constance's untouched designer closet. Then she pulled out some kind of log book from one of the drawers.

"Doesn't she trust you enough? Does she really have to make you create an inventory for her clothes?" I asked. They were bestfriends, right?

"She doesn't even care about all these clothes, her parents just buy these for her but she doesn't even touch them so she just lets me wear them. And this is not an inventory, silly. It's a log book for our clothes. We do this to keep track of our fashion progress."

"Do girls really have to do that?" I stupidly asked.

"Yes, but not all girls. Just us. I think. Anyways, I have to go! Bye!" and then she kisses me on the cheek.

It feels weird to be kissed by a girl on the cheek while you're in a girl's body. She already got used to kissing Contance. But I'm not Constance and she knows that. She probably likes me because let's face it, I'm smoking hot.

To be honest, Georgina's a cool girl. She's also very nice and she's not as dumb as the other girls in the school. I could've liked her if she didn't care so much about what people would say about her. I hate it when girls do that. I hate it when people, in general, do that.

But it's human nature. You can't really control your need to be wanted because people are supposed to be complements of each other. Somehow we feel like other people's existence and their opinions matter because somehow they complete us.

Which is why I like people who can ignore what other people are saying, like Louis. If he wants to do something, he just does it and ignores what people are going to say about him.

I'm not like that. I care so much about people's opinions, but they don't know that because I act like I don't. I care so much about my image that I couldn't even sing in front of people. I'm so scared of what they would say about me. So I resorted to just being the "bad boy". People think bad boys are just bad boys. If you're the good guy, one wrong move and they will judge you. Being the bad guy, however, will make people scared of judging you. Sure, there's a bad guy archetype, but who cares? You're the bad guy, you're not supposed to care. Just go with the flow.

Ohhh, period joke!

God, these hormones really are taking a toll on me.

Hello! :)
So what do you guys think about this chapter? I tried my best to keep it light because the next few chapters are going to be heavy.

We will be going back to Constance's POV next chapter!!! :)

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Again, thank you so much for reading!! :)

Switched | Zayn Malik AUWhere stories live. Discover now