Shrugging, I lean back, my phone now further away. Nonchalance is key to pissing him off. "No, I got his message loud and clear. It's a shame I can't say I missed him."

Bennett pulls out his pocket knife and begins to clean his fingernails, clearly amused by the accidental gasp I let out. "You never could follow directions very well."

"Why are you here?" I demand, "I listened to your warning, I gave up a whole part of my life and suddenly that isn't enough for you?"

I'll never forget the morning I woke up the night after Sage punched Bennett, his threat left for me to see. That's when I finally made the decision to forget about me and focus on my family. The day before Karen told me about her offer to let me be in charge, I had gone to Bennett's to talk about it, not believing I was enough for my family. He wasn't very fond of the conversation or any talking for that matter.

He sighs, "You did. I waited for you to go against me, to go visit your friends. I used to wait in Oak Hill, expecting to see you sneaking around but birthdays and holidays passed and you were a no show. It took some work but I finally learned you stopped talking to everyone, I didn't think you had it in you."

I didn't, once you hit rock bottom there's no fight left to give.

"So I kept tabs on you, checking in from time to time and I decided how you ended up was punishment enough. There wasn't a hint of that girl I met, none of that sass or fire, instead you were a ghost."

I flinch at his words, angry at myself for believing he would leave me alone. For allowing my grief and blinded thoughts to get the best of me. How many times have I let my guard down just for him to be there. Watching.

"I stopped paying attention for a while, but then your boyfriend came along. What's his name again?"

He looks at me expectantly and I just glare at him, my heart pounding in my ears.

"Ashton." He sounds the name out, curling his lip. "What a curve ball he was. You got so happy and I can't have that."

Bennett walks closer to me, resting his hands on the other side of the counter top. Fighting the urge to move, I stay put, I won't cower to him.

"I had a friend keep tabs on you at school, even tried to have him start a fight but your boyfriend wouldn't take the bait. Too preoccupied with listening to you."

So it wasn't Avery that had him mess with us.

Tilting my head, I smile, "It's amazing what happens when you listen to your girlfriend."

He scoffs, spinning his knife on the counter top. I take a moment to watch it spin, wondering what will happen once the blade stands still. Before either of us can say anything the basement door opens.

"Hey, Scar-"

Bennett slaps down in the blade, holding a finger to his lips. Like I need a warning, I'll die before I let the twins near him.

"Stay down there, I have bleach everywhere and I don't want y'all getting in it."

"What're we doing for dinner?" Silver asks, sounding like he's still on the stairs.

"We're going to do burgers, please don't ask for pizza." Keeping my voice calm is pretty impressive considering that fact my legs are shaking. Please don't fight me on this.

There's a pause of silence but eventually he sighs, "Okay."

I wait until I can hear the door shut before relaxing. They're safe now I just need to keep them that way.

Bennett walks around the center island, dragging his knife along the surface. The sound is barely audible over the music but it's all I can focus on.  "What exactly do you want from me?"

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