75. Special Joshua Day.

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I heard a noise coming from the other side and I asked myself if everything was alright in there. Though, soon enough, the door opened and a little angel with messy hair appeared in front of me.

"Joshua," Kenny stated in surprise when seeing me, "Y-you're here."

"Yeah," I told him with an hesitant smile and then I asked him, "Are you busy right now?"

"N-no, I was just doing some drawing to pass time," he quickly replied and I was the one surprised this time.

"You draw? I didn't know that," I informed him, "Are you good?"

"Good at drawing?" he questioned me and I nodded, "Oh, well, I don't know, I mean I'm not s-sure. It's simply a hobbit of mine."

"Can I see them?" I asked him and he blinked.

"See what?"

"The drawings, Kenny," I let out a laugh. "Well, if I'm allowed to."

"Y-yeah, o-of course," he stuttered and he quickly added, "But weren't you supposed to hang out with Declan? Where is he?"

"He's talking to his love," I replied and I let out a sigh, "I didn't think that this day would come, but I've been officially replaced by my best friend's boyfriend. My presence won't change anything to his day."

"Oh, he did that to me too for the past week," Kenny informed me, "As soon as Pierre sends a text, I know immediately that talking to Declan is going to be useless."

"You must understand my feelings then," I told him and I handed him one of the can, "Here, for you."

"Oh, thank you," he said and he grabbed the can from me. He immediately shivered. "It's cold," he stated and he stepped back, a little bit hesitant, "Come i-in."

His voice was so low that I wasn't sure if he really wanted me to be here. I stared at him for a moment, wondering what I should. 

"I'm sorry," the words left my mouth before I could stop them and he frowned in confusion.

"For what?" he asked me. 

"For talking bad to Hans without a valid reason," I replied nervously. I didn't get the chance to officially apologize to him concerning my little conflict with his best friend, or more like I avoided doing it. I wasn't really sure if Kenny wanted to talk to me actually. I thought that maybe he was still angry and I was kind of scared to face him until now. "I know that he was just trying to help Declan and I was mean to him unjustifiably. I'm sorry. I'll try to act nicer next time."

"I am not really the one who you should be apologizing to," he told me, the corner of his lips turning into a smile.

"Do I really need to apologize to Hans?" I asked him, not wanting to do it at all, and he shook his head.

"No need to. I'm pretty sure that it would be too hard for you," he said with a laugh, "Besides, Hans admitted not liking you too."

"I knew it," I immediately said and he rolled his eyes. I gave him an hesitant smile, "So you are no longer angry or h-hurt, I hope."

"I'm good, Joshua," he assured me and he stepped aside, giving me a warm and welcoming smile this time, "You can come in."

I entered the room and he closed the door behind me. I quickly took in my surroundings. It was my very first time in his bedroom. There was a single bed, a television, a wardrobe, a few shelves fixed to the wall with some manga placed on top of them, along with a few DVDs, and there was a desk. His bag was laying on the ground just beside it. 

I could feel Kenny's eyes on me as I walked to his desk. It had a few stuff laying around on it but what caught my attention was the opened sketchpad placed in the center. 

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