Part 10- What You Got

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Enoch and I backed away from the door, into the corner of the room.

"If you come closer, i fucking swear." Enoch said, his voice annoyed. The Barron let out a long laugh, then stopped and gave him a long, hard stare.

"You are going to regret that, you stupid boy." His hand turned into a sharp silver blade, that came swinging towards us.

"Get away from them, you dickhead." Emma was standing with my axe in her hands in the gloomy doorway.

"Now it's a party." The Baron said with a sickening grin on his lips. "What are you going to do about it, sweetie?" I grabbed a thick sheet of metal that was lying on Enoch's desk and smashed the Baron's head from behind. His body fell on the ground with a loud thump. Emma let out a gasp and fell to her knees, dropping the axe. I walked slowly over to him, the metal still raised in my hands and prodded him with my left foot. He remained still and lifeless.

"Holy shit." I let out a long sigh. I didn't realise i was holding my breath.

"Were the hell is Miss Peregrine?" Victor broke the silence. I didn't even realise he was standing next to Emma. It took me a while to find my words.

"I don't know." i said. Claire appeared at the doorway.

"But i do!" Claire said, happily. We followed her downstairs to the cupboard near the parlour where she oped it to reveal Miss Peregrine tied to a chair. We quickly untied her and sat her down at the kitchen table, with a glass of water.

"Can you remember what happened, Miss P?" Enoch asked her.

"Not really, one minute i was taking Toni to the bathroom and the next i was smashed over the head and in the cupboard, tied up." Miss Peregrine had managed to keep her calm voice throughout this situation.

"Well thank lord you are alright!" Emma exclaimed.

"what in God's name are we going to do with Barron?" Hugh said, i hadn't realised he was standing at the doorway. He was a very good listener, i think it was because he hung out with Fiona so much.

"we should go upstairs and decide, someone should keep watch for just in case something happens." Emma suggested

"Good plan."

We all wandered upstairs, i lead with Enoch, Hugh, Fiona, Emma, Victor and Millard trailing behind me. It was probably because i was the big strong monster or whatever. We reached Enoch's room where we had previously tied up Barron. I pushed open the door with my foot to reveal an empty chair and split rope sprawled across the bedroom floor.

"Shit." i exclaimed, approaching the open window, with blood drips on the windowsill. I swiped it onto my finger. "What are we going to do?"

"I dunno, but he is out there somewhere, plus he could be back anytime." Emma said.

"i guess you are right." I wiped the blood on my dress.

We slowly got back to doing whatever we were doing before the whole incident. There was a sickening atmosphere. It was like everyone was waiting for something bad to happen. The day grew into night and we were all cuddled up by the fire, ready for film night. Horace took his usual position on the armchair, raised his monocle to his eye, and it begun. It showed Enoch and i in his room. He was working on his latest project, i was sitting on the bed, reading a book. I got up, placing my book on the bed an walked over to where Enoch was sitting.

"Stop giving me the silent treatment." I said, looking glum. Enoch didn't reply. The image turned unclear and it changed. I was carrying a bag and walking away from the children's home glumly. The picture changed one last time, there was arguing crashing and then silence. Miss Peregrine hurried us up to bed, but i was no where near sleeping. I got up and climbed out of my window, onto the roof to watch the moon. It beamed down at me. It felt good to sit in the night air and just listen to the sounds of nature. I sat there for a long time.

And i wished for the children to be safe.

-Wow i haven't updated in years lol. I've been very busy. I will try to update more. I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and new year. Thanks for all your support, i can't believe almost 200 people have read my story!

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