Part 4-lost

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CRASH! the doll fell to the ground lifelessly, whilst the other stood triumphantly, the other doll's heart on its crab claw. I looked up at Enoch and smiled. 

"That is the coolest thing i have ever seen." i said

"really?" he replied, tipping his head to one side.

"no i'm kidding." i said sarcastically

he grinned

"har har" he said "i'm glad you like it."

"you are not as shit as i thought." i said getting up from the stool opposite from Enoch and walking over to the various jars that sat on the shelves in Enoch's room. 

"Gee, thanks." He said in his monotone voice that he used at dinner

"i have a theory." i said, my fingertips running along the various shaped jars

"and that is..?" he questioned

"you aren't as tough as you want people to think." i turned to him

"i never said i was tough." he raised his eyebrow

"no, but you want people to think you are." 


i smiled and he grinned back. It was a lame smile, but i took it.

 "I think i'm going to go out." i said I wanted to have some fun. Besides, no one ever actually liked me before. Enoch's grin dropped.

"are you insane? Even i don't do that, besides, the loop is going to reset soon."

"In how long?" i asked

"two hours." he said, in a whisper.

"two hours? That is plenty of time."

Before he could object, i grabbed his hand and dragged him downstairs where the children were still eating. They didn't notice us as we slipped out of the front door.

"where does miss Peregrine keep the spades?" i asked

"In the shed" 

"where is that?" i asked

i followed him to a small shed, that he unlocked and opened the door to. I grabbed two spades and handed one to him. 

"have you ever been grave robbing?" i asked

"what?" he said, his mouth dropping open

"you probably need body parts, i want to go out, lets rob some graves."

"where, exactly will we rob these graves?"

i roll my eyes "a graveyard maybe?" i said sarcastically "now lead me to your graveyard." i said grinning

"well its not my graveyard..."

i cut him off "come on! it will be fun."

"fine. But i'm only coming because i want to supervise you, miss Peregrine would be mad if you died or something."

"Yeah, Yeah." i said. "now take me there!"

He paused, looked back at the house, sighed and walked into the woods, his shovel over his shoulder. I followed behind, my shovel scraping across the ground.

"can you stop making that awful scraping noise, please?" Enoch asked, annoyed

"sorry." i replied, lifting my shovel up

The rest of the journey was brief and silent. 

"well, here we are.." Enoch said opening a gate into a small graveyard.It was starting to get dark, the eerie silence was deafening in a way. Despite knowing Enoch for about an hour and a half, i really liked him. The graves stood high and low, their shadows lurking behind each other, ready to pounce if needed. 

"where shall we start?" i said, turning my eyes away from the graves to Enoch. 

"i can't believe you are making me do this." he said stubbornly

"i didn't make you do anything!" i said, shouting a little. He may be sweet, but he is damn annoying sometimes.

"fine. How about here?" He pointed to the nearest gravestone and read it out loud "here lies Benjamin Donaldson, may his soul rest in peace. Hey! The date is pretty new, he can't be fully decomposed." Enoch said excitedly 

"Great." i said pushing my spade into the dirt, shorty after Enoch joined in. After much more digging, we dug up more and more graves, there were a lot of new dead bodies. After an hour, we had a haul of hearts and (to my surprise)  a lot of jewellery. We fell over a few times, as we were in the dark, so we were extremely muddy. We wandered back, our now dirty shovels over our shoulders and jars of hearts in out arms. 

"ok, i gotta admit, that was a bit fun." Enoch said, chuckling 

"See, i told you."

we snuck back into the house, after putting the the shovels back in the shed. To our surprise Miss Peregrine was not waiting for us like we expected. I smiled at him once more and went back to my room, like i had been there the whole time.

Little did i know that Enoch was thinking about the choices he made, and how they confused him. Dirt on his hands, and a smile on his lips

Thanks for reading! Be sure to leave suggestions in the comments and vote (only if you want, no pressure 😂) I had loads of fun writing this, i hope you enjoyed it too!

The monster within me- Enoch O'ConnorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon