(Living) Nightmare

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Cheryls POV

I wake up in a pool of Toni's sweat. Gross. But what actually woke me up was her tossing and turning.
"Babe Wake up," I say shaking her slowly
She snaps up and looks around
"CHERYL," She asks in a panic
"Babes im right here," I say hugging her "You had a nightmare,"
She hugs me back and her breathing goes back to normal.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask
She nods.
"I'll go make coffee," I say
Its already 7 o'clock and Tones wont sleep again anyways
"Ok," She goes to the bathroom and i go downstairs to make our coffee.
She comes down the stairs with the boys in her arms.
"These cuties just woke up," She says setting them in their High chairs.
"So?" I ask "Nightmare,"
"It was my mom, she was back with malachai," She sighs "nothing major,"
"You were saying my name," I reply
"She had her gay be gone drug and you said you didn't know who I was," She sighs
"Toni Topaz I love you," I say kissing behind her ear
"I love you Cheryl Blossom,"
I turn on the TV and immediately Toni and I are shocked.
<<Former riverdale residents Veronica Lodge and Penelope Blossom have been reported missing by their separate families in a matter of 2 hours, they were last seen in a meeting together at Pops diner last evening and this morning have been reported missing, anybody with details should contact police>>
"Well thats suspicious," Toni shrugs
"Ya thats really weird," I agree
The doorbell rings and we look at eachother.
"They're missing, they aren't going show up," I say
"My bet is the police," She replies "I mean we hated both of them,"
I shrug and we go answer the door.
"Hi, I'm Lauren," A lady I've never seen before says
"Oh if you're with the media, we aren't talking right now," Toni says sympathetically
"Actually, I'm from Canada. I'm Taylor and Tayleigh's birth mother," She says
"Oh?" I say suspiciously
"I saw you guys a while ago on a press conference and got around to coming here," She says
We step out and close the door.
"How old were they when you put them up?" Toni asks
"1 month," She says
"Lauren you seem like a nice lady but the girls are... not in a good place," I sigh
"Why?" She challenges
"Both of them have gone through so much and we can't  put them through any more stress," Toni says
"I want to see my daughters," She demands
"They aren't your daughters anymore," Toni says "And I cant set back either of the girls mentally, specifically Kaite," Toni shakes her head sympathetically
"Who's kait?" She asks
"See? You dont even know what went down in her life," I say "Please leave, if you leave me your number I can call you? When they're better?"
"I want to see my girls," She says getting more aggressive
"I'm sorry, that wont be possible today," I say
Suddenly I see crazy in her eyes and she starts yelling and screaming. Toni steps in front of me and just looks at her going ballistic.
"I think it's time you leave," TOni says calmly between out bursts "Please,"
The lady runs away and kicks over half our plants.
"I love new friends," Toni says sarcastically
"We have to keep an eye out, she wont leave," I say going back into the house
"I know, and we will,"
We walk into the kitchen to see Madi and Lex feeding the boys peaches.
"Hey girlies," I say kissing the top of both of their heads
"Who was the psychopath?" Madi asks
"Oh you saw her?" Toni asks
"Ya she was screaming," Alex replies
"Did the younger girls see her?" I ask
"No they didnt, they're playing in the basement," Madi replies
"Ok good," Toni says
"Why? Who was she?" Madi asks
"A lady claiming to be their birth mom," I sigh
"Girls if someone claiming to be your father came to the door, would you want us to tell you?" Toni sighs
"We never knew our dad so no, he left when we were a month old," Madi replies
"Isabella is dead but I wouldn't want to see her either because you guys are our lives now," Alex smiles "Plus it would bring too many memories and feeling that I dont need right now,"
"Isabella?" Toni asks
"Birth mother," Madi replies "she was a bitch,"
"Maybe we should let her talk to them" I say
"No Cheryl, Kait barely remembers you most days," She says "We cant confuse her and plus she gave them up when they were a month old,"
Kait and Tayleigh walk in laughing and I look at T and nod.
"Kait do you remember youre birth mother?" MAdi asks her
"Cheryl? Ya all the time, she was a lot nicer than that one," She says rolling her eyes at me
"Kaite, that is Cheryl," Toni says
"Thats what you keep telling me, but aunt Veronica shot mommy I was there remember?"
Toni looks at me and I nod in agreement.
"What about you Tayleigh?" Alex asks
"No she left us in a forest when we were 3 months old and never came back," She says glumly
"A forest?" I ask
"Ya our foster parents told us when we lived in Thunder Bay," She says "They found us in a forets with a note saying not to look for the mother because she didnt want us and wanted us dead so we never really cared anyways, i only know her name,"
"What was it?" Madi asks
"Lauren Werther," Tayleigh says
"Oh," I say looking at Toni
"What about you guys? Where is your birth mom?" Tayleigh asks
"She died," MAdi says
"OH sorry," Tayleigh says
"Its no problem kid,"
We talk for a while before beginning to reminisce
"Remember the first day Madi and Alex came here?" I ask toni
"Ya I thought they were quiet, man i was so wrong," She groans
"HEY!" They both say
"How dare you think I am quiet!" Madi says
"Don't worry, that lasted about a day and a half," I say rolling my eyes
"We were adjusting,"
"Ya we figured but when Kait got here she would not shut up," Toni laughs
"So nothing has changed," Alex laughs
"What about me?" Tayleigh asks
"I think you were the hardest because you refused to talk to Toni for like 3 months," I say "Not that that was your fault, but it was weird and hard because everyone else kinda latched to Toni first,"
"To be honest i liked Cheryl a little more than toni at first," Alex says
"Why?" I ask
"Because Toni was a little less fazed with the stabbing incident," Alex says "And i liked Cheryls jacket more,"
We laugh and there is another knock at the door. Toni and I get up to get it.
"Hi I'm Micheal," The man says
"Hi?" I say suspiciously "Can we help you?"
"I'm Madisyn and Alexandra's birth father,"
"What are you doing here?" I ask
"I want to see my girls," HE says
"I'm sorry, that wont be possible," Toni sighs "The girls have gone through so much, I cant put them through that,"
He goes ballistic and starts getting aggressive towards us before Toni takes her blade out.
"I have to ask you to leave," She says stepping forward
He takes something out of his pocket and Toni yells.
"Cheryl RUN!"
She charges him and I hear a gunshot as I reach the front door and when I turn around- the man is gone, and toni is on the ground

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