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Tonis POV

"Cher, can I talk to you in the other room?" I almost whisper (trying not to cry) as I make my way downstairs
"Ya for sure babe," She says concerned
We walk to the other room and I close the door. I immediately start crying and Cheryl hugs me. I cant even find words.
"T, calm down ok? You need to breathe," Cheryl says breaking the hug and putting her hands on my waist "What was wrong with Alex?"
"She said she's repulsed by herself, that maybe Dylan and the others are right, they told her she was a slut that had ni future and she looked in the mirror and thats what she saw." I say calming down
"She's strong Toni, she will stop seeing that, hopefully soon but she will,"
"She had dark hickeys and scarred and fresh teeth marks all over her breast area CHeryl. She told me that they said you and I would find her disgusting,"
We hug for a few minutes.
"It'll be ok Tones, we'll get through this," She whispers
"Ya we will, we always do,"
"I love you Toni Topaz," she says drying my tears
"I love you too Cheryl Blossom," I smile
She kisses me and I smile into it.
"We got all our girls back," She says
"We got all our girls back," I repeat smiling
We walk out and put the twins to bed.
"Mads, we will go to the basement, you and Alex can watch tv up here or go to bed doesn't matter, »
« Ok, » She says turning the TV on
We turn to leave before Madi stops us.
"We are still looking for 2 suspects, both white males. One is the leader of the infamous gang named the ghoulies and goes by Malachai, the other is a 13 year old boy named Dylan. They are thought to still be in the Riverdale area and we at the force are asking everyone, especially families with young children to stay on high alert for the next few weeks," I hear as I'm turning around
"It's fine, they aren't dumb, they wont come near Alex,"
"What happens if they do?" Madi asks
"I have a switchblade for a reason kiddo," I say pulling my knife from my pocket
"ANTONIETTE TOPAZ, put that away," Cheryl whisper yells at me
"I was trying to joke around," I say putting it away
"Not the time,"
"We'll be fine Alex, they wont come here," I say
Cher and I walk downstairs and lay on the couch. I lay down first and pull her so she is in between my legs. She turns on the TV and flips through the channels while I play with her hair.
"It's finally over TT," Cheryl sighs "We won,"
"Ya babes its over," I laugh
We watch 2 movies and decide to go to bed.
"I love you Bombshell," I say kissing her forehead
"I love you too Topaz," She replies snuggling into my chest
I'm almost asleep when I hear someone whispering
"Mommy, Mommy," I hear Tayleigh whispering
"Hey kiddo what's wrong?" I whisper trying not to wake cher up
"I woke up from another bad dream and I came to see you guys but I saw Lex going outside too and I got scared," She says panicked
"Babe," I say nudging Cher "I need to go check on Lex, can you talk to Tay Tay about her dream,"
"Ya for sure Tones," She says sitting up
I run down the stairs and notice the front door is in fact open.
"Alex?" I say opening the door wider
She jumps and looks behind her.
"Didn't mean to scare you," I half chuckle "what's going on? Why are you outside?"
"I couldn't sleep, I couldn't breathe, I just needed air I guess, I know it's dangerous but I haven't been outside in forever," She sighs sitting back down on the front step "every time I closed my eyes I was back in the bunker and I couldn't escape, every time I saw Malachai or felt Dylan or saw Heather taking off my clothes or penny with the taser and I just couldn't breathe,"
"I understand Alex, I know this must be really difficult for you," I say rubbing her back
She starts crying and puts her head on my shoulder
"Kid why don't we make a deal? Anytime you can't sleep, you wake me up and we will sit out here together, I don't want you to be alone at 2 in the morning outside, especially since Malachai and Dylan are still out there,"
"Deal," She says wiping her tears
"And if you ever want to talk about what happened- talk to me or Cheryl ok?"
"I will Mom," she gives me a soft smile and puts her head on my shoulder
We sit there and look at the stars until a car pulls up to our driveway.
"Uh Alex, go inside and tell mom to call Fangs and the boys."
"Ok," she says running inside
I can make out the outline of two people in the van.They move to get out but see me draw my blade and speed off.
"What the fuck?" I mutter going back up to my room
« Toni who was that?" Cheryl asks panicked hugging Alex
"I don't know they left," I shrug
"Hey kiddo, do you want to try and sleep?" Cheryl asks
"Ya," she says getting up "Good night,"
"Good night,"
She leaves and I lie down next to Cheryl
"At least I didnt call the boys yet,"
I laugh
"They just drove off when I brought my knife out," I say cuddling next to her
"Weird," She says playing with my hair
"Ya weird," I laugh again
I fall asleep and dream about the past.
We were falling asleep on the couch when I thought up random questions.
"CHer?" I ask wondering if she was still awake
"Ya baby?'' Shakes continuing to play with my hair
"Have u thought about your future?"
"You mean our future? All the time tones. I see us with 4-5 kids, adopting because i dont want you to deal with bitchy me and I dont want to deal with you being bitchy," She says laughing
"Wow you're nice," I pout
"No its also because you always said you didnt like babies cause they're loud. Anyways, I want to live in Riverdale, I want to build up Thistlehouse and DROP my family name and be happy. Hell maybe you can de throne bitch Betty as serpent queen and I, I dont know what I'll do... Maybe I'll be a teacher, or a reporter,"
"That sounds nice,"
"What about you? What would you say our future looks like?"
"Well I see us with 2 or 3 kids they like you more then me. I see us maybe moving to the coast eventually, and I dont know maybe adopt 2kids and one of us get pregnant I'm not really sure, I thought we would hyphenate our names i guess"
"I don't know if I'll be a good mom Toni," She sighs
"You will be an amazing mother Cher, because you're an amazing person,"
"Thanks baby," She smiles and kisses the top of my head
I wake up and turn to see Cheryl starting to stir.
"Good morning beautiful," I say kissing her nose
She scrunches her nose and smiles.
"Good morning," She says rolling over to face me "What has you smiling so much?"
"Can I not be happy?" I ask
"Not this happy unless you have an idea," She says suspiciously
"You know me so well," I tease "I want to have another kid, when things settle down. I want to have a kid,"
"You want to adopt another kid?" She asks
"I dont want to adopt I think we should look at one of us getting pregnant,"
"I think thats a great idea," She smiles
"But in a bit after everything slow down," I Confirm
she nods and smiles.
"How did I get so lucky that I have the cutest wife?" I ask kissing her
She just laughs and covers her face
"Don't make me blush," She whines
"But you're cute when you blush,"
"I'm leaving your dumbass" She says throwing a pillow and getting up
"Like divorce or just bed?" I ask jokingly
Kait walks in just as I say that.
"Divorce?" She asks quietly
"Oh Mommy is just being dumb Sweetie, We are not getting divorced,"
She just walks away into the twins room.
"You're not gunna divorce me because I'm in the sports bra," I say getting up
"You're a bitch," She laughs grabbing the sides of my abdomen
"I know Babes but you love me,"
"I do,"
We kiss and we hear the girls come into our room.
"Kait you're a liar they're not getting divorced," Madi says
"They still could be Mads," Alex says
"We are not getting divorced," I laugh
Madi and Alex look at us like we were lying
"Girls. I promise we are not getting divorced. Toni was being dumb and I threw a pillow at her, that's it,"
"Then why did Toni say?" Kait asks crossing her arms
"See what you started Toni? I hate you some days," She says lightly pushing me
"This wasn't my fault, you're the one that said you were leaving,"
The girls look at us confused.
"I'm calling Fangs he understands them better," Madi says as they walk away
"Ugh, now we have to deal with that," Cheryl says pulling a shirt on
"TINY WHAT THE FUCK?" We hear Fangs say from the main floor
"Ugh and I have to deal with that," I say getting dressed.
I go downstairs and Fangs immediately punches my shoulder
"Bro calm down," I say punching him back
"Don't divorce Red you dumbass, she's so nice,"
"I dont think anyone has ever said that about me," Cheryl says hugging me from behind
"True that," I say kissing her cheek
"You're mean,"
"I know but anyways, we are not getting divorced Kait got spooked," I say laughing
« Thank god didnt want to deal with that,"
We go on with the rest of our day and go to meet Chad, Reggie, and Tate at Pops.
"Kids sit where you want, we will sit over here," I say sitting down in a booth beside Cheryl.
"Ok," They say sitting down a few booths down
We talk for a while before a bunch of kids from their school come in.
"Miller, lets go," The shortest kid says looking at Chad
"I can't Jake, leave me alone," He says rolling his eyes
"Bro c'mon," Another one says "We're going to party,"
"And I'm not going Tyler," He replies harshly "I told you guys, I'm hanging out with Lex and Madi today so go away,"
"Hangout with those bitches then, lets go boys," Jake says
Chad stands up.
"Don't say stuff like that Jake, just leave ok. I'm not into what you guys are into ok? I'll see you in school,"
"Chad get your head out of your ass," The third boys says
"Lucas shut the hell up, and leave," Chad replies
"I thought we were friends dude," Tyler says
"Maybe your girlfriend wants to see-" Jake starts
"Shut up Jake," He yells "You are unbelievable Tyler, to think I would ever be friends with you after what happened. Leave, now, I'm hanging out with Lex and Madi, we can talk at football practice,"
"Whatever bro," The boys leave and CHad goes to the bathroom
Madi walks over.
"Mom I need to tell you something,"
"Ok sweetie lets go outside," I say getting up
We get outside and Madi turns and just says it bluntly
"The 3 boys, drugged Chad. About 3 weeks after alex went missing so he could let loose and have fun but he couldn't move,"
"What? What drug?" I sputter
"Roofies," She says looking at the ground "A girl made out with him and he tried to push her off but couldn't, thats as far as it went but he didnt know what to do so he told me and we cant figure out if we should tell Alex,"
"Maybe after she settles in again, She'll understand," I say re assuring her "GO eat kid,"
She nods and walks back into the restaurant.
What's has Riverdale come to? Kids being kidnapped, kids being drugged by their friends. We need to figure this out before our city burns.

A/N: Should Dylan have one last chapter where he comes back? Should Jake and the other two try and ruin the relationship?

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