Only You

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Toni's POV
I put my head on her bed and start bawling.
"Go be happy Cher, you deserve it, I'm proud of you," I whisper squeezing her hand
"I'm only ever happy when I'm with you," I hear faintly
I jolt up "Cher?" I say in disbelief
"Hey Baby," She says with a weak smile
"Oh My Gosh!" I give her a hug.
We hug for a long time.
"I love you Cher,"
"I love you too Toni," She says softly
She lies back down and I sit back in my chair.
"How long was I out?" She asks
"Just over a month,"
"That must have been total hell for you, I'm so sorry,"
"Don't apologize, Cher I'm fine ok? Better now that I know you are awake,"
I put my hand on her arm and move to get the doctor.
"Don't go,"
"Ok, I'll stay," I sit back down
"Babe, you look tired... how long has it been since you slept,"
"Two and a half days," I say laying back
"BABE," She says trying to sound angry "You should sleep,"
"Hey my record was 4 days while you were in a coma,"
"Come lie down, I don't want to be mad at you,"
"Cher, don't be mad I just wanted to be here," I say climbing into her bed
"I know, I could never be mad at you," She laughs
I lie beside her with my head on her collarbone and my arm across her stomach.
"You know, in the last 10 minutes or so before I woke up, I heard everything," She says playing with my hair
"So you heard my... thing?" I say laughing
"Ya ya i heard most of that,"
We laugh.
"Babe, I couldn't leave you alone," She says in the middle of a laughing fit
"And why is that?" I ask suspiciously
"Because you stay up for 4 days and that's the making of a crazy person, and if Kait's gunna grow up normally she needs at least 1 sane role model,"
"And that's Betty," I laugh back at her
"And that's Betty"
She keeps playing with my hair and she kisses the top of my head.
"I missed you Cher,"
"I know," She says "i mean subconsciously I think I missed you too, but nothing happens in a coma so I don't even remember the last month,"
I laugh and kiss the bottom of her jawline.
"Toni are you watching videos again?" Jughead says rounding the corner "because I can here you laughing from down the hall,"
"No hobo, I'm just hilarious," Cheryl says weakly
"Cheryl?" The boys and Betty say in unison
"She woke up around 20 minutes after you left," I say
They all sit down.
"But I thought Betty said you were dying," Fangs says obviously confused
"I was and then she said some soppy speech about how I could go and she was fine and wanted me to be happy, and I've never listened to her before so why start now?"
"You're hilarious Cheryl," I say kissing her cheek
"But, if all 5 of you are here, then where's Kait?" She says confused
"Oh I sent her to a camp, she needed to get away from everything for a few days, F.P. is picking her up in like an hour,"
"Is this 'everything' me in a coma and Toni being a crazy person staying up for 4 days straight?" Cheryl asks
"HEY! I know you don't have your energy back but why is bitchy Cheryl back so soon?" I ask pouting
"I haven't been a bitch for over a month," She laughs
We talk for a while until we hear KT yelling at F.P. down the hall.
we all laugh.
"No one told F.P. that I got bored with dying and woke up?" Cheryl asks
"Funny way of putting it but no," Jughead replies
Kait walks angrily into the room.
"Mom, why didn't you tell me...what?" She looks so confused "F.P. just told me mom was dying,"
"Well, I was dying and now I'm not dying," Cher says "Come here and give me a hug,"
She goes to the side of the bed that I'm not laying on and gives Cheryl a hug.
"Love you Mommy,"
"Love you Sweetie,"
"So what did mom tell you about the trial?"
"Nothing, what happened?"
"Really nothing," I cut in
"There was the thing you said Cheryl would laugh at" Kait says
"Antoinette tell me,"
"Ugh fine, they accused Kait of murdering her sister and I thought back to high school,"
"You did what?" She asked
"I didn't actually do it, they accused me of murdering my sister by pushing her out the window or something,"
"And then kait put down some pretty sick legal technicalities that literally no one in the courtroom understood." Sweetpea says high giving Kait
"It's right in the law," Kait said
A nurse that I never met before asks us to leave the room so she can give Cheryl a exam. We leave and everyone but me goes down the stairs to the cafeteria, I stay outside her room against the wall. I'm smiling like an idiot, I couldn't believe she actually woke up. The nurse walks out and I walk back into the room.
"BABE COME BACK AND LIE DOWN," She tries to yell excitedly but it comes out an angry whisper
"Ok, relax I was going to anyways," I put my knee on the edge of her bed and kiss her.
She puts her arms around my neck and kisses me back.
"I love you Toni Topaz Blossom," She says smiling
"I love you too Cheryl Topaz Blossom,"
I lie down beside her just like I was before, she plays with my hair while we talk.
"Kait wants to go back to school shopping soon, she said she wants to go clothes shopping with you because she looked in our closet and liked you style more,"
"Because I'm a better dresser,"
"You're hilarious Cheryl, anyways she doesn't know any American stores so she did suggest we go out west for a mall she went to once or if there is any American malls, But I haven't bought my own clothes since Freshman year,"
"Toni you've gotten new clothes every year," She says
"Ya but you've always just bought them and brought them home,"
"What if kids make fun of her?" Cheryl says
"Have you met our child, she'll be fine," I say matter-of-factually
"Ya I guess you're right, maybe we should ask her, you know what her social life was like in Canada,"
"Maybe you're right,"
Right as I said that the rest of them walk in. They sit down.
"So Kait are you excited to go back to school?" Cheryl asks
"Ya I love school,"
"What are your favourite subjects?" Jug asks
"Science, and math, then English and technology, then gym and health,"
"Wow mine always went Lunch then recess," Fangs jokes
"I hate both of those,"
"Because a lot of kids were mean so they weren't fun at all.
"Don't worry your half from Riverdale 4 and half Serpent so its pretty certain you'll be popular,"
"What's Riverdale 4?"
"The Blossoms, the Coopers, The Jones', and the Kellers, we were the 4 families that put Riverdale back together after something happened,"
"What happened?" She asks
"I'll tell you when you're older," I say back
"Remember when it was The Riverdale 6?" Fangs says
"Who dropped it?" Kait asked
"More like kicked out, Andrews and Lodges," Betty says
"Lodges never counted," Sweetpea says
Cher has to stay another couple nights but me and KT go home and I finally. Get a good nights sleep.

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