A Tragically, Happy Day

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A/N: This is going to be a little confusing cuz tons is going on

Cheryls POV

"Girls," I yell
I have to tell them about the mayoral race because I'm announcing my run tonight. All four of them run downstairs and into the living room where Toni and I share sitting on the couch. The older two and Tayleigh sit across from us on the other couch and Kait sits on Tonis lap.
"Whats up?" Alex asks
"So girls I decided to run for mayor of Riverdale," I say
"Sick," Madi replies
"Mommy whats a mayor?" Kait asks Toni
"She's going to run the city sweetie," Toni laughs
"Shes going to take your job? I thought you already do that," Tayleigh says to Toni
"I run the serpents, not all of Riverdale," Toni laughs
"Do you know who you're running against? Madi asks
"Uh ya, somebody named Jennifer Gibson," I say
"Your uncles are going to watch you girls tonight because we have to go out ok?" Toni says
"Ok," They all say and go to the kitchen
"Babe did you say Jennifer GibsoN?" Toni asks
"Ya why?" I ask
"Soun ds really familiar, maybe I heard it on the news or was an old teacher or something,"
"Ya I guess," I shrug it thinking shes crazy
Jennifer Gibson- one of the most generic names I've ever heard.
"Cher, if this isn't your dream, if you dont want to do this anymore, back out ok?" She says
"Of course I still want to do this Tones," I say "Are you scared?"
"No of course not, I just wanted to make sure you weren't doing this for me, you should do this for you," She says smiling
"Tones everything I do is for you," I smile
"Well, this one is for you," She says kissing me
"Ok, this one is for me,"
"Did you pick colours and your slogan finally?"
"Yes I did," i say grabbing my binder.
"I picked pink and black, and my slogan is <All in, All the time. Its time for a different Riverdale>" I say showing her the designs
She looks at them for a second.
"Do you like them?" I ask
"I love them babygirl, by I assumed you were going to pick red white and blue like every other mayoral canadite ever,"
"Ya well, its time to make a change in our town. And I picked the colours of the person I love," I say playing with her hand
"And the slogan?" she says smirking
"I thought it was a great omage to my past," I say
"I love them both Cheryl," She says kissing my cheek "and I love you,"
"I love you too," I say nuzzling my head into the crook of her neck.
"Do you think I have a chance?" I whisper
"Cher, you're going to win this election ok? Jennifer Gibson doesn't stand a chance against the bombshell,"
"You're cute T," I say smiling and rolling my eyes
"This is a really good day for you Cher be happy,"
"I am Happy, it's almost a Tragic happy,"
"You're funny Cher,"
"Lets get ready, we have to go soon,"
We get dressed and all ready to go to the press conference.
"Girls, Sweetpea and Jug are coming with us, and fangs is sick. FP and Fangs are just down the hill, call them, or text them if you need them," Toni says
"Mom, when did you decide to run for mayor," Alex asks out of the blue
"A while ago, after the brick incident. But I've wanted to be mayor since, uh probably me and Toni started dating, right babe?" I say nudging Toni
"Uh, ya I think I heard about it first after our 1 month anniversary maybe," She agrees
"Cool, bye love you," Alex says hugging us
Which is weird- we're literally leaving for 2 hours.
"The twins are sleeping so be quiet, be in bed by 12:30 please, thats when we will be back,"
"Ok moms sounds good,"
We leave and once were in the car Toni turns to me
"Did you notice Alex was being weird?" She asks
"A little, I dont know," I say "Should you stay with them?"
"No we will be gone for an hour and FP and Fangs are literally 2 seconds away,"
I hum in agreement and Toni starts the car and takes off.
I just cant shake the feeling that our kids are not telling us something.

Alex's POV

We turn on the TV to the press conference, both Toni and Cheryl were there so I just had to get past Madi and this nightmare coud finally be over for them.
"Lex, I'm going to hop in the shower," She says
"Ok, I might hop in bed actually because I'm kinda tired," I lied
"Ok," She says going into the shower
Half an hour or so should be good enough of a head start
I'm coming early, just had an opportunity to leave- A I text Dylan
I'll be there Lexi- D I get back almost immediately
I start leaving as soon as I hear the shower turn on.
"Lex?" I hear a voice behind me say
"Tayleigh? What are you doing awake?" I ask
"I heard the shower turn on and the door open, I thought mommy was home, I had a nightmare." She says
"I'm just going to get Uncle fangs and FP actually, my hand is hurting. Just wait here ok?" I lie "Try and go back asleep,"
"Ok," She says as I turn and walk down the driveway into the night.

I walk until I'm about 3/4 of the way there. So I can almost see the meeting spot when reality hits me.
Never see Toni, Cheryl or the twins
MY uncles and FP and Alice
Aunt Betty and Polly
Chad and my friends at school
And most of all- I'll never see Madi again.
What am I even doing? What is all of this for?
I pull out my phone and dial the number Dylan sent me.
"Alex?" He says
"Ya its me, I decided I'm not coming. I'm not doing this to my family. So fuck you, fuck off, and dont fucking contact me again," I say and go to hang up before hearing what he has to say
"But the red head wants to win Mayor, doesnt she?"
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"The other nominee, Jennifer Gibson, will step down once you're with us,"
"Bull shit,"
"Shes a ghoulie, she does what my dad tells her to do,"
"I dont care, Cheryl will win anyways," I say hanging up and turning around
When I turn around its dark, until the road is illuminated by headlights which is odd because no one else uses this road on a regular basis except for my moms and uncles, but the thing that caught me off guard was Tayleigh standing about 20 feet behind me in her PJ's
"I thought you got lost like Taylor does sometimes,"
I hear the screeching of tires and look behind me too see Malachai's car and 2 other larger cars stop
"Run Tayleigh, Run," I yell starting to run
I almost catch up to her when I hear the gunshots.
Tayleigh had turned to see if I was still behind her and got hit by 2 bullets, one on her stomach and one on her thigh.
I immediately take my jacket off and wrap her leg and apply pressure to the wound on her stomach. I hear running from behind me and immediately know Dylan isn't leaving without me. I take off the ring Toni and Cheryl got me and Madi for our birthdays and put it on her finger.
"GIve this to Mads," I say
"Lex I'm tired," She says crying
"I know Tayleigh, but stay awake, Cher and Toni will come find you, Be ok, ok?"
"I'll try, Alex," She says losing colour in her face
I take off the necklace I had on, from when I was a kid and i saw my foster mother die.
"This will protect you from the nightmares Tay, hold this and stay alive," I say hugging her and kissing her forehead as I feel hands begin to pull me away from her. I already had dialed 911 so they can hear this happening.
"Tayleigh Topaz Blossom was shot twice on 4th street and near Lithle street," I yell to the phone I dropped "Hurry shes dying,"
The last thing I see is Dylan smashing my phone to pieces, and kicking Tayleighs motionless body tp the side of the road.

Toni's POV

Cheryl finished her speech and I was clapping when I got a call.
"Is this Mrs. TopazBlossom?"
"Yes, is this important, I-"
"Yes, very. A child identified as Tayleigh Topaz Blossom by an unknown caller was found with two gun shot wounds on 4th and Lithle," The lady says "Shes unresponsive and on route to Riverdale General,"
"I'll be right there, I'm getting a call from my other kid I say in shock,"
I switch calls because I saw Madi's Number pop up on my screen
"Mads-" I start holding back tears
"MOM THIS IS IMPORTANT IM SORRY," she says panicked "Fangs told me to call you, Alex is missing, i had a shower and she was here and now she's gone."
I thought they said Tay was Hurt.
"Is Tayleigh in her room?" I ask trying to hope they made a mistake
"I'm just outside,"
I can hear the door open and Madi crying.
"She's not,"
"Tell Fangs to drive you and Kait to Riverdale General," I say hanging up
"Hey babe, why are you crying?"
"Cheryl we have to go,"
"Is everything ok Tones? You were excited for this,"
"They found Tayleigh unconscious with 2 bullet wounds and Alex is missing," I say "We have to go,"
She just nods and we run to the car with Pea and Jug not far behind.

My only thought was- what happened?

Chonis child :)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें