PP and her ghouls wanna make a deal?

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Toni's POV
I stopped at the bottom of the driveway where everyone was waiting.
"FP, Sweetpea, you stay with the girls and Cheryl, there is a panic room in the basement that only I and now us 5 know about, not even Cheryl knows, use it if you see anything suspicious, and I mean anything. Third door on left, the door will only open from the inside or from my thumb/voice. You two are coming with me, but about 1/2 mile trailing and in forest cover. I dont know if you'll be needed or not, she said one on one but she's said that before too. Everyone got it?" I ask
They all nod.
"Lets go then,"  I get on my bike "And the panic room has cameras, so make sure you check all of them, make sure everyone is in the room before closing the door, its the first time using it if need be so its open right now,"
I drive off and hear the other two start following me. I reach the river right on time.
"You're way more punctual than your last leader snake,"
"I dont enjoy waisting time," I reply bluntly
"So lets get right to it then. You're the new serpent queen,"
"If your here to congratulate me, a card would have been just fine Penny, you didnt have to come from hell,"
"Ive been living in Florida bitch," Penny spits back at me
"Same thing,"
"For once we agree, Florida sucks,"
"Cut the small talk I have to go,"
"Right your perfect family," She replies with a laugh
"Penny if you're here to threaten me or the serpents or just be a bitch I'm leaving,"
"Oh but your gunna wanna hear this," She says "Remember when you were young and dumb and thought you could create peace in Riverdale?"
"Yes I do, all you ever did was try and prevent me from doing that,"
"True, but anyways, I heard through a little Birdy that the northside is starting to hate the serpents and the Southside again, I want to help,"
"Some people still see a divide but you never going to get everyone to like everyone,"
"Pink this can go one of two ways, I can bring all the ghoulies back and make Riverdale hell, or I can give you an opportunity and you just have to do me one favour,"
"Playing snake charmer again Penny, no way in hell I would be indebted to you," I say stepping forward "Don't bring your ghoulies, get the hell out of Riverdale,"
"Oh sorry wasn't I clear? The ghoulies are already here, and we got the crazy ghoulies from Florida and Texas and California now too,"
Several ghoulies emerge from a car in the parking lot,
"The serpents triple you in numbers,"
"Too bad you guys dont kill anymore, remember your new law 'use non lethal force, no more splitting families up no matter how much of assholes they are,' really good new age stuff but you're gunna learn quick that you're leading a gang- not a kindergarten playgroup,"
"What is you other option again?" I ask shaking my head
"You run the town Topaz, but you owe us one favour if you run,"
"Run? Like away?"
"Not dipshit, run for mayor, bring peace to Riverdale once more," She says in a mocking tone
"I'll think about it,"
"If anyone else runs this town in October we will come back, but if its you we want a favour,"
Penny swings her fist and connects right on my eye.
"I would swing back but I'm kinda against violence,"
"Make your choice Topaz,"
"I will not be mayor in October,"
"Then a Ghoulie will be,"
"Have fun with that,"
i turned and walk towards where Jughead and Fangs are and we get on our bikes and drive away. When we get back, everyone but FP is in the Living area.
"Hey Babe!" Cheryl says getting up from her chair
"Hey Cher," I say hugging her
"I missed you," She says kissing my cheek
"I was gone for like 1/2 an hour," I laugh
"You were gone for over an hour and why can't I miss you?" She asks breaking the hug and grabbing my hands
"I missed you too," I say kissing her "Where is FP?"
"He's cleaning up the glass in the girls room,"
Right on cue FP comes downstairs.
"Girls I need to talk to Cher and the boys go get ready for bed ok?It's late," 
They all run up stairs.
"Penny came to warn me that the ghoulies are back and wants me to choose, either make serpent life and life in general hell, or run for mayor, win and owe her a favour, I chose not to run, but that means a ghoulie will win apparently or like a affiliate of the ghoulies." I explain "I chose to not run but I think i found a loophole,"
"What is it?" Cheryl asks
"You run for mayor," I say
"Tone- what do you mean I run for mayor,"
"Cher you're smart and a influence on Riverdale whether we like it or not. I think people would elect you in a second,"
"Why not red?" Sweetpea asks
"Because what happens when I lose?"
"But babe, you wont lose,"
"Tones are you serious?"
"Cher, Remember after Hermione was elected, what you said to me?"
"That I wanted to be mayor one day because I'm 10x better than that quack,"
"If you still want to do it, why not now?" I say grabbing her hands
"I guess you're right, why not? I'll do it," She says smiling
"Thats my girl," I say hugging her
"Tones and I know black eyes are not under the stab wounds and gun shots category but please tell me Penny has one too,"
"No Cheryl she doesn't, I'm trying to stick to my anti-violence ways, it's time we stop killing and hurting people,"
"Ya well, I don't like my wife getting black eyes and not doing anything about it." She argues
"Awe poor princess," I pout mockingly "You've gotta admit, the black eye is a turn on,"
"Nope its not,"
"Just so you two know were still here," Jughead says
We go over the plan and all agree. We still have a little over a month until canadites have to announce their run so we decide to table it for now.

"Babe your gunna be the best damn mayor this towns ever seen,"

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