Lodge Leave

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"Lodge, just leave. You're not royalty here anymore." Cheryl says
"Well, I was just about to leave and then, someone," She says glaring at KT "Got my 2 favourite people sent to prison, so I might just have to stay a while longer."
"He broke her leg!" Cheryl argues "What happened to you Lodge?"
"Um, that's ancient history Bombshell, and he really did feel bad about that." Lodge says with a phony frown
"He held a gun to my head," I say
The serpents start coming towards us after hearing that comment. I'm so angry.
"Veronica, your Dad and Archie have been murdering people and maiming people since the end of high school. They have been torturing KT for over a year and a half now and I'm done."
"You've known your daughter for 4 months," Veronica says
"She told us what happened in Montreal."
Veronica bends down to KT's level.
"Now little one, why would you have done that? My daddy told you he would kill everyone you love."
"He had a gun to mommies head! I had to tell them why that is," She lied
"And it doesn't matter anyways, we already knew," Cheryl says
"How is that?"
"Because Jughead over here," Cheryl says pulling Jughead towards us "Speaks french and your father decided to threaten her right infront of us."
"Whatever. I'll be back and like you said yourself Toni, 'an eye for and eye',"
"I gave your boyfriend a book," I spit "And he kept it to this day,"
"Is someone jealous?" Cheryl laughs grabbing KT's hand
We ride with the serpents to the Cooper house and when we get there, we're all over to news."
<<Hiram Lodge, Archie Andrews, finally brought to justice over the multiple assaults, stabbings, and dangerous drugs they have been supplying internationally. Also, a year long murder investigation that was underway in Montreal, Quebec has been offically solved with the help of a resident of Riverdale, an 8 year old girl to be exact. More on this story on your news at 3>> I hear from the TV
"Why do I always miss everything?" Betty says from behind us. "tell me EVERYTHING that happened."
"I'll do it Mom," KT says while sitting beside me on the couch.
"GO ahead KT," Cheryl says
"We went to Pop's this morning for breakfast and ordered, Cheryl got a call and left. Then, Toni really had to go to the bathroom so she asked Pop Tate to watch me and left. As soon as she left 2 men walked in... what are you writing?"
Betty had pulled out a notepad and wrote something down.
"Your aunt Betty is like Nancy Drew," I say to her
"Oh ok, the two men sat down where Toni was sitting, facing the back of the restraunt and readhead said 'Taylor Topaz-Blossom,' they said and then they started talking about how they reminded me if I ever told anyone they would kill everyone I love and that whole speech again, then the red head said, 'You're coming with us,' and I gave him attitude back and said 'who are you anyways?'"
"That's my girl," Cheryl says high fiving Kait
"That's what he said!" Kait exclaims before continuing "He said Archie, and I remebered what Mommy told me and I said Andrews, he dragged me out of the booth and I screamed. Then Toni came out of the bathroom and says 'Archie?'"
"I got the rest of the story ok Kait? Here's my phone, just go play in the front room," She takes my phone and leaves
"He called her a Bitch and said a bunch of things about us being old friends but he had to take my kid, I said over my dead body and he snapped back some cliche thing about how that can be arranged. That's when Cher walked in and whispered that the serpents were outside,"
"After he called her a bitch again," Cher reminds me
"Right, anyways Cher started talking to Archie who was still trying to drag Kait out of the diner and I got Jugs attention with my switch blade, I tackled him and Hiram fled, only to be caught by some serepents. I crawl over to where KT was pushed to and hug her. Thats when he fired to gun trying to kill Cherl, he's just a terrible shot."
"He didn't completley miss," Cheryl shrugs showing a graze wound on her arm.
"CHERYL? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"Babe just continue,"
"Fine, I stood up facing Archie and he raised his gun to my head and started talking about the book I gave him before he left. He said he read a quote in it and then I tell him if he puts the gun down and lets me raise KT, I would forgive him and our friendship would go back to normal. He said something about how if someone were to kill, hurt or threaten him or his family, to kill the person they loved the most. Then jughead stupidly cut in and said some sarcastic comment about him breaking a 6 year olds leg. Archie told kait to look at me and did his whole speech on how this was all her fault. Then Cheryl hit him with a rolling pin and he got knocked out."
"Cheryl Bombshell for the win." Betty says
"Then we were outside about to come here and guess who showed up... Veronica Lodge. She also called KT a bitch but she also added 'Mini Physcho' infront of it. Then Cher and I asked if she was jealous he kept a book I gave him afetr he got me shot and walked away.
<<Veronica Lodge>> We hear faintly from the TV
"Turn it up," Cheryl says
<<Veronica Lodge, infamous daughter of Hiram Loadge and Wife of Archie Andrews who were arrested today has come out with a bombshell. "MY DADDY AND HUSBAND WERE SAVING THAT LITTLE GIRL." Veronica starts "Toni and Cheryl Topaz-Blosssom abuse that child. My dad and Archie knew that and tried to save her. Taylor was scared of the repercussions of leaving so she freaked out and made up an absurd story. That child is scared to death of the two. As seen in these photos, (she holds up photos of KT's wrist after the attack) there are brusises on the child wrist and back. Her first day in Riverdale, she almost drowned and got a cut so deep on her foot she was admitted to the hospital and needed 23 stitches. I call for an immediate release of my father and ny husband and charges against Toni and Cheryl Topaz-Blossom for child neglect and abuse." Veronica finishes. Authorities have stated as of now there is no evidence of the alleged abuse but will look into it. Authorities theorize this is the last pitch effort of someone who is desperate to get their family out of prison.>>
"Wow." Betty says
"That bitch," I mutter
"Can she even do that?" Cheryl asks
"NO, its slander!" Jughead replies
Just as we are discussing next moves. We hear the glass of Betty's front window shatter and KT scream. WWe all rush into the next room to see Kait hiding behind betty's couch and a brick sitting on the coffee table.
"What the hell?" FP yells
"KT, its okay baby, come here." I say giving her a hug
"Okay this is ridiculous," Jughead says "Betty what did you figure out from your notes? We need something."
"OKay hear me out," She begins, "When he shot at Cheryl, he just shot, he didn't care if KT was listening and looking or anything, but when he had a gun to Toni's head he stuttered, didn't pull th trigger right away. This is probably for one of two reasons 1. He has some sort of feelings for Toni that he doesn't have for Cheryl, like sympathy or regret, 2. He thinks KT loves Toni more, like if he killed Cheryl she would be sad but would get over it, but if Toni died it woukd be devastating so he wanted to make a spectical of it. The only other reasons would be that if he thought if Cheryl died Toni would be able to raise KT still but vice versa if Toni died Cheryl couldn't. Which leads me to my next theory, but if i'm right KT cant be in the room right now."
"Come with me kid," Jughead says picking KT up
"Perfect, continuing then, I think Hiram and Archie bugged or chipped Kait."
"What?" I say confused
"Remember when Toni was unconcious at the river and Cheryl said she couln't do it without you? Kait was sitting right there and how would they have known about Kat telling you?"
"Archie said someone came looking for him"
"ANd thats a load of bull because how many times has your phones lost service suddenly?"
"A lot recently why?" Cheryl replies
"Your phone is trying to get on the private server that Mr. Lodge set up for Kait's chip"
"Wow, this is messed up" I say
"The last thing is they must have been spying on you and knew you two left because I dont see it as a coincedence."
Just as she finishes that sentence Jughead starts yelling for us.
"MOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM," We hear as we walk into the room
Kait's grabbing her neck in pain and just as suddenly and she started crying she passes out.
"Call 911 Cher," I say as i run to see her
Shes breathing fine, her heartbeats fine. I move her hair and see something weird.
"You were right Betty,"
I move her hair to reveal a blinking light coming from underneath KT's skin.
"Thats not good," Betty says pointing towards the glass door, Sherrif Kevin Keller, standing with Veronica Lodge and the ambulance are outside our door.

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