Back to School

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Cheryls POV
Today was the first day of school for the children of Riverdale. Kait was a little upset that Tate wasn't going to her school but other than that, she was excited. She comes down stairs in a Blue Jays baseball jersey and light blue ripped jeans.
"TT are you almost done breakfast we have to leave soon," I ask
"Ya its done," She says handing me a waffle
"Toni, you said you were going to make a homemade breakfast, these are toaster waffles," I say rolling my eyes
"Well,its the best I can do, I burnt all the eggs,"
"Toni, we had like 2 dozen eggs,"
"Ya, I burnt them all,"
Kait comes bouncing down the stairs, and poops down right at the kitchen table.
"Thanks mom!" She says as Toni hands her a toaster waffle.
She eats really fast and then goes outside to shoot pucks before she leaves for school. About 1/2 an hour later we have to leave.
"KT time to go, we have to meet with your teacher before school starts,"
We all get in the car and take the short trip to Riverdale Public School, we walk in and find Kait's classroom.
"Oh, Mrs. and Mrs. Topaz-Blossom, how are you today? I'm Mrs. Kosyn,"
"Hi Mrs. Kosyn I'm Cheryl and this is Toni," I start
"And you she must be Taylor," she says looking at KT who is off looking at the desks and the classroom
"Sorry that's one of the things we are here to tell you, due to her birth certificate in Canada never getting changed her legal name is still Taylor, but she has gone through some... triggering events and when people call her Taylor she gets really paranoid and won't talk for like hours so when she was seven she started introducing herself as Kathryn but she likes Kait or KT too," Toni tells her
"Oh you know what, I think I heard of your case," she starts shifting through files "Yes, she also has some problems with specific people, is that right,"
"Well yes, but everyone who She has problems with is in jail now so those concerns are done," Cheryl says
"The other thing is, well as you know Cheryl and I are pretty important to Riverdale for different reasons and that gave us enemies, we talked this over with the principal, but if we don't pick Kait up we will either call or it will be one of these 5 people," Toni hands the teacher an official school board paper specifying who can pick Kait up. Jughead, Fangs, Sweetpea, F.P., or Betty.
"Sounds good to me, one other thing we have on Kathryn is that she is rather smart," she starts
"Yes, She was the highest in Classed Efficient Quebec and 2nd in Ontario," I say
"Now as you know we don't have the same test in the states so depending on what that means she might have to go up a grade or two to help her learn more,"
"Just let us know," Toni says
"Thank you," I say
"No problem, see you at the end of the day!"
"Bye Kait," Toni and I say in unison
"Bye Mommies," Kait says waving and turning back to some math board on the wall
We leave and head to Pops to meet Betty and Jughead. To our surprise, when we get there everyone is there including Reggie. We talk for a few hours and then all head to the docks. We stay there until around 3 when Cher and I have to go get Kait and Reggie has to go get Tate.
"Why don't we all go to Pops at 4:15 to celebrate the first day of school?" Toni suggests
We all agree and set off in our different ways. We get to the school just as classes get let out.
"Kait over here," I wave
She comes over with her head facing the ground, she's wearing a different shirt then we sent her in.
"What happened to your shirt?" Toni asks
"Nothing just spilt on it," she mumbles
As we get in the car, I see Kait sneak a peak behind us to where a bunch of kids are pointing at her and laughing.
"How was your first day?"
"Fine," She says
"Did you do anything fun?"
"Math test," She replies smiling a bit
"Already?" I ask
"It was to see how we were doing so she knows what level to start teaching,"
"Oh cool,"
"Make any friends?" Toni asks
"No," She replies
"Why not?"
Obviously this wasn't getting anywhere so we decided to drop it.
"We are going to Pops to see your Uncles!" Toni says
"And Reggie and Tate," I add
She smiles for the first time since she got in the car. We pull into Pops and walk into the restaurant.
"Go wash up," Toni says to Kait before sitting down with Jughead and the gang
"How was her first day?" Fangs asks
"Not very good I think, she is really quiet and when we were at the school kids were pointing at her and laughing," I say
"And that isn't the shirt we sent her in today," Toni adds
KT comes back out still with her back pack on and sits down beside Sweetpea.
"Can I see your backpack?" Toni asks
"Why not?"
"I don't know,"
Sweetpea takes her backpack and throws it to Toni.
"No!" Kait protests as Toni unzips it
She pulls out Kait's shirt which is ripped and torn with dirt and a little water on it.
"Kait?" She asks
Kait just looks at the floor.
"A couple kids didn't like the jays," she said "apparently one of their parents played for the Yankees and Red Sox where as the other twos parents said that there shouldn't be a Canadian team, the cornered me in the bathroom and ripped it up with safety scissors and through it on me, I had my backpack so I threw this on and went on with my day,"
"OMG," I say "Why didn't you say anything?"
"They said not to, I didn't want to be less popular than I already am," She says
We keep talking until Reggie and Tate walk in.
"Kait, you and Tate can use that booth," Toni says making room for Reggie
"How was Tate's first day?" I ask'
"Good, he knows a lot of the boys from football so he did ok, apparently he's pretty popular, and Kait's?"
"Went terrible," Toni says showing him her jersey
"OMy God," He said, "But I have an idea of how to get them off her back,"
He explains his plan and it is brilliant, we put it into action for tomorrow.
"Kait time to go home, its time for bed," I say
We lost track of time so once we got home it was past Kait's bedtime.
"You know, she has more serpent jackets than me." I laugh sitting on my bed
"She has more than us combined," She laughs
"True," We go to sleep and I hope that the plan will work.

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