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Toni's  POV
for the 10th time tonight the boys wake up crying.
"Babe it's your turn," Cheryl says hitting me
"Ya ya, I got it Cher," I say clumsily getting up
I walk to their room.
"Babies, hows it going?" I say turning on the dim light
They both continue to cry. So I pick them up.
"Hey boys, how's it going?" I say rocking them in the chair "shh shh, it's ok babies, it's ok,"
I rock them for a while before they both calm down and but they don't go to sleep. I bounce them and talk and eventually I think they fall asleep... because I do too.
Cheryl's POV
I wake up from an ok sleep, which is weird but what's weirder is that Toni isn't in the room. First, I go check on the boys because they are suspiciously quiet. I walk in to see Toni passed out on the rocking chair with the twins sleeping in her arms.
"Babe," I say kissing her forehead "time to wake up,"
"Hmm?" She groans "are the boys awake yet?"
"You're holding the boys silly," I laugh
"Oh I am," she laughs
TJ yawns awake and Owen slowly opens his eyes and both look at Toni
"Hey baby's," she says"time for breakfast,"
Owen starts babbling and TJ grabs Toni's hair. We walk down the stairs and the older girls are already awake.
"Moms can I talk to you guys?" Madi asks
"Sure Sweetie, lets go to the living room," I say
"Can the boys come?" Toni asks
"I don't care they don't know anything anyways,"
"Hey! Don't be mean to your brothers! They are experts at keeping me up all night and crying until they see Cheryl!" Toni argues
"Toni shut up," I say as we enter the room
"Bite me,"
"Moms, I'be known this for a bit- he'll practically my whole life." Madi says looking at her hands
"Mads you can tell us anything, you know that," Toni says
"I'm gay," she blurts out "I like girls,"
Toni and I look at eachother.
"Mads that's totally normal,"
"Mads I like girls too," Toni says nodding
That makes Madi laugh.
"Can I ask a question though Mads?" I ask
She nods
"Did either of us ever make you feel like you should have a boyfriend? I mean were you nervous to come out because of me?" I ask scared of the answer
I've tried so hard to not be like my mom
"No not at all, I was really just running from myself I guess." She says
"That makes sense," Toni says
"Ya I had plenty of boyfriends before I realized I was gay," I say
"Fangs told me both of you were bisexual," madi says confused
"Well he's dumb," I say laughing "I dated boys because I was taught that's what was acceptable and if I wanted to eat I was told to like boys. but this troublemaker over there,"
"Made her gayness overload," Toni cuts in "So she decided to throw both middle fingers up and go with it," she finishes
"Toni, be quiet," I laugh
Madi laughs
"And I'm bisexual but boys are dumb and Cheryl's hot," Toni says
"Antoniette what is with you today?" I laugh
"That's actually helping this conversation,"
"See Cheryl? fight me," she says flexing with the babies
"So is there any nice gay girls at your school?" I ask
"Or bisexuals?" Toni argues
"Don't date a bi girl they're annoying," i say pointing at Toni "Totally kidding, Toni's annoying because she's a bitch,"
"We never talked about my crushes before, we aren't talking about this now," Madi says
"Fine," I say
We walk out into the kitchen and Alex is still sitting there.
"Told you it would be fine," Alex said "they literally are in a gay relationship,"
"I know I know," Madi says
The little girls come downstairs and Madi tells them she's gay.
"Mommy are you ok with that?" Kait asks
"Yes of course," I say
"Cheryl's gay too Kait," Toni says
"Toni shut up," I say shaking my head
"Mommy would you be mad if I liked boys and only boys? Like aunt Betty?" Kait asks
"No sweetie, we don't care you you love,"
"Ok," Kait smiles
We talk for a while and Toni keeps making odd comments.
"Toni come over here," I say
She walks over
"What'd I do?"
"I want to smell your breath because you're acting drunk," I say
"I'm not! I don't drink," she argues
"You're acting like you acted when we drank at the wyrm as teens," I say "come over here,"
She huffs and comes over
I smell her breath and she definitely hasn't been drinking.
"Are you feeling ok honey?" I ask her feeling her forehead
"Ya, I'm just happy," she says kissing me
"Mhm?" I ask
"Mhm," She says smiling
"Moms, we started playing a new game at lunch, G&G it's so fun," Madi says
"G&G?" Toni asks
"Griffin and Gargoyles," Alex says
"If I catch either one of you playing that game I will personally ground you until your brothers graduate," I say sternly
"What? Why? It's just a board game," Alex says
Toni and I look at eachother
"Because it's not just a game girls," Toni sighs "it's a lifestyle that makes kids suicidal, homicidal and hallucinate without even knowing it,"
"How do you know that?" Madi asks
"Because, when we were juniors we played it." I say "and it wasn't good,"
"If you played it why can't we?" Alex asks
"Because I almost died," Toni says
"What?" Madi asks
"The gargoyle king is a new person every time the game comes back. And their goal is usually to hurt people and girls I'm afraid that's probably you two," Toni says "we never found our gargoyle king, but he tried to slit my throat,"
"Twice," I cut in
"So no more game got it," Madi says
"Ya no more game, it's an addiction... don't do it," I say sternly
"Got it," they both say
"Thank you girls," I say genuinely
"No problem,"
The girls go upstairs and leave Toni and me with the boys.
"I'm sorry I accused you of drinking, you are just acting different today," I say frowning
"Love it's fine, I'm just happy because my smoke show of a fiancé is healthy and smiling," she says kissing me
"I love you TT," I say kissing her
"I love you too Cher," she says
We go to the living room and Toni lies down with TJ on her stomach and I have Owen in the chair.
"What a surprise gazing into your eyes
I swear mine still get lost in the light
No photograph can possibly show
The you I knowwwww
No doubts
No more fears
I see you shine and the dark disappears
Then I know everything is gonna be fine,
Because you shine
Oh how you shine," Toni sings to TJ
"Your voice gets me every time," I say
"How So?" She asks
"It's just beautiful,"
"You're beautiful," She says
TJ babbles
"Mhm you think mommy's beautiful too? Ya?" She asks tickling him.
"You are so good with them," I say laughing
"You're better though," she says "they always want you when they're crying,"
"That's because I'm the one that feeds them," I laugh
"Right I should've learned from the first four... the way to their heart is through their stomachs," she says tapping her temple
I just laugh at her. She sits up and kisses TJ's cheek
"TJ is my new favourite kid," She proclaims "he has the sickest name and his hair looks pink,"
"His hair is red dumbass," I laugh
"Even better, my favourite person in the whole world has red hair," she says
"And who might that be?" I ask jokingly
"Well there's this girl," she says flopping on the couch
"Ya, and shes sososo stunning and she's amazing with kids and her eyes are something you can just melt into and I'm going to marry her really soon,"
"Oh so it's me?" I ask
"No another gorgeously stunning red headed beauty, you wouldn't know her," she says
I fake pout
"Kidding Cher," she laughs "you're irreplaceable babe,"
"You're being such a flirt today, what is up?" I ask seriously
"Cher I'm fine! It's just happiness," I say
"Ah ah ah, don't give me that bullshit Antoinette, I know you, better than you know yourself. As much as I love this there is something wrong," I say sitting beside her with my hand on her knee
"Well there are 2 things," she confesses
"Whenever you're ready,"
"Veronica is getting out of jail and your mother wants to take the kids away from me."

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