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That son of a bitch. Both Hiram and Archie are going to pay.
"I'm sorry mommies," Kait says looking up at me and CHeryl, "He just scared me so I had to lie, I didn't want him to hurt you two."
"We know sweetie, it's okay, remember what I told you on the bench when I gave you my jacket?" I say to her
"That other Mommy is a badass and would never let anyone hurt me ever." She says smiling through her tears
"She definitley has you mouth!" Fangs says
"Not now Fangs" I say back, "Thats right Kait, now why did even the Hospital say your name was Kathryn?"
"because when the police picked me up they asked for my name, and earlier I crawled over to the mans body and his wallet said his name was Kayden and the name I could think of closest to that mans name at the time was Kathryn, but i didn't want to completeley give up Taylor so I told the my name was KT, Kathryn Taylor, buts thats why said to call me kait, because its close to Kayd. I told them my name so that if the man ever wanted to find me, it would be a hell of a lot harder for them to. SO I guess you can call me KT now if you want since you know the story."
"Fangs, why don'tyou and Kait go see if there are any fish in the water?" Cheryl says
"Can we Uncle Fangs?"
"Sure Kiddo," Fangs says as he give Kait a piggy back to the dock.
"I'm gunna kill him," I say to Cheryl
"Babe, I know you want to but it's not worth it ok?"
"SHE NEEDS BOTH HER MOTHERS!" Cheryl says "The girl has obviously been through a lot, she can't see one of her parents go to jail. Babe I know you're angry, so am I but we need to be smart Toni,"
"Ok you're right, but this terrible. Archie used to be one of our best friends... I can't believe he would do that to a child."
"I know what you mean Toni, but you know Archie changed after him and Veronica got married. He became part of their crime family. I wouldn't put it past him anymore." Jughead says
"I knew that punk was trouble since the first day I met him."
"Agreed," Toni says "I always knew there was something off about him."
"Mommy come over here! I found a snake!"
"We're coming kiddo," I say as I grab Cher's hand and go towards the dock
"It looks like the snake on the back of your jackets!"
"It kinda does," Cheryl says
"Uncle Jughead, how did you become so good at French?" Kait asks while still looking at the snake
"Well do you remember aunt Betty from pops?"
Kait nods her head
"She is really smart, and she told me if I wanted to take her to Paris, I had to learn French. So I got a tutor and learned."
"That's cool,"
"How'd you learn kid?" Fangs asked
"Well in Canada you have to learn and I really like it so I studied really hard. I also lived in Montreal for a year so that helped a bit I guess,"
"What's your favourite snack ever kait?" Sweetpea asks
"Well it's either poutine or Crispy Crunch,"
"Oh cool," he says obviously confused
"You don't have those in the states do you." She says laughing
" No, no we don't," I say while playing with Cheryl's hand
We laugh for a while and talk about Canada for a while. Kait is smiling and leaning up against me. All of a sudden Kait jumps up and looks straight into the surrounding forest, screams and pulls on my jacket.
"Mommy mommy we have to leave, tell Uncle Jughead and the rest of them to come too, someone's in the woods,"
"Jug got over to the forest and see if you see anyone, Kait thinks Hiram is here."
Kaite hiding behind me now crying while Cheryl is trying to calm her down.
"It's probably just Betty, I told her to bring us burgers," he replies
"BETTY?" I yell
"Hey guys!" Betty says stepping out of the woods "Didn't mean to scare you guys, my leg got caught on a branch,"
"Kait, look it's just Aunt Betty." I say to her
"I'm sorry mom, I thought he was coming back for me,"
"It's ok sweetie, go see Aunt Betty," I say pointing to where Jughead and Betty were setting up the food, "She brought us some food!"
"Ok mommy!"
"Babe," I say while I turn to Cheryl
"I know Toni, we just have to help her. As long as Hiram stays away from us we will be fine."
"Ok, but if he hurts her, I swear on my life,"
"Let's go eat okay?"
She grabs my hand and we start talking about our Europe trip while we walk over. We laugh just as we reach the table where Betty set everything up.
"Do you speak French too?" We hear Kait say
"Too?" Betty asks
"Well Jughead can and I can and he said you can." Kait replies
"Ya I speak French!" Betty says
"Why were you speaking French Juggie?" Betty asks
"Because they tricked me into telling them a secret."
"Hiram's back, and he and Kait already know each other."
"Don't forget the guys with red hair," kait says while eating fries
"Oh ya and get this, Archie Andrews is not only an accomplice to murder, but he also broke a 7 year olds leg," I say angrily
"What did I miss while I was at the nail salon?" Betty asks shocked
"Well, Kait was a 6 year old run away in an alley in Montreal when Hiram and who were almost 100% sure was Archie broke her leg and they threatened her that if she ever told anyone that they murdered a man name Kayden they would murder her family and everyone she loves and it will be her fault."
"Wow, is Veronica back too?"
"Not that we know of." Cheryl says
"The only thing we actually know is that Hiram calls Kait Taylor and he wants to keep her quiet."
"All we know is that he is a psychopath and he turned our friend into someone who breaks the legs of 6 year olds" Jughead mutters
We change the subject and talk about other things until just before sunset.
"We should be getting home," Cheryl says
"Ya see you later guys," I say
"Awe," Kait whines "do we have to?"
"Yes sweetie, but we will see you uncles tomorrow" I tell her "go give them hugs"
She hugs all of them goodbye and then Cheryl gives her a piggy back up the hill.
"Boys, keep your phones on tonight... just in case." I turn and say to them
"Will do Toni," Sweetpea says
"Thanks bros"
I jog up to where Cheryl and Kait are.
"Let's go home," I say as I grab Cheryl's hand
At home Cheryl and Kait make cookies while I play games with the stooges.
"Mommy try this cookie!"
"Cover me boys," I say just before I turn off my mic
"Ok what kind did you make?"
"Chocolate chip!"
"Ok, where's Cheryl?"
"Cleaning up"
I eat the cookies with Kait and I show her pictures from our wedding.
"Awe this ones cute!" She says pointing to the one of Cher and I dancing.
"I love your guys colours!" She says looking at the picture of the aisle, with red on one side, blue on the other with a purple carpet through the middle.
Then we get to the pictures of the Three Stooges in their orange and yellow suits.
"On my wedding day, If there is orange and yellow, I'm saying I don't,"
"Hey your mom said the same thing," I say as I laugh
"What did I say?" Cheryl asks while walking in and sitting down beside Kait
"Tell her," I say nudging Kait
"On my wedding day, if there is Orange and yellow, I'm saying I DON'T," She says with sass that reminds me of Cheryl
"That's my girl!" Cheryl says giving her a high five
We laugh for the rest of the night until we put her to bed.
"It's gunna be ok, right?" I ask Cheryl as we lay on the couch
"Ya it'll all work out baby." She says as plays with my hair and kisses the top of my head.
A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the late upload I had to work all day today, next chapter will be shorter and a filler but the one after that is rather eventful :)
What do you want to see happen next?

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