Joe's video.

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Joe texted me that next week and we set up a time to do a video with Zoe and Casper.

"Are you going to tell him?" Phil asked scarfing down his breakfast.

"In the right outfit you can't even tell so I don't see any reason to." I said fluffing my shirt.

"Yeah but what if he picks something that you can't do?" he asked.

"There's not a lot that I can do." I said.

"That's my point." he said.

"If you're worried why don't you just come?" I asked.

"Would that be weird?" he asked.

"No, it's Joe." I said.

"Okay then." Phil agreed.

We showed up at Joe and Casper's not long after. "Hey guys." Joe said opening the door.

"Hey." We both said walking in.

"Philll." Casper said spinning in a chair.

"Casper." Phil said back excitedly.

"I didn't know you were coming." Casper said still excited.

"Yeah, it was a last minute decision." Phil said. "Hope that's okay."

"You're always welcome." Joe said.

"Zoe here yet?" I asked looking around.

"Not yet, she went out to get stuff for the video." Joe said.

"What are you guys going to do?" Phil asked.

"I ended up deciding on the baby food challenge because I haven't seen anyone do it in ages." Joe said.

"That sounds prefect actually." Phil said.

"Okay." Joe said slightly confused. "Will you work the camera since you're here anyways?"

"Of course I will." Phil said.

Zoe arrived just then. Her arms full of bags. "I just bought a little bit of everything." she said.

I grabbed a few bags from her because she looked like she might fall over. Phil walked over and took them again from me. We both followed her into Joe's room. They put down the bags. Zoe hugged both of us. "It's so good to see the two of you." she said.

"I'm so excited for you to move here." I said.

"Me too, well for the most part at least. I'm going to miss it back home but Alfie got an amazing job offer that he couldn't resist." she said.

"That's totally understandable." I said.

"I'm going to get the guys so we can do this, but we'll have to go out sometime." she said darting out the door.

"You're being too obvious." I said. "I appreciate the help but they're going to notice."

"So what if they notice? They're your friends, they're going to be hurt if you pop out a baby and they didn't know about it." he said.

"I don't want all the attention of something goes wrong." I said.

"Don't let that doctor put that into your head. Our friends are the best that you could ask for and maybe you'd want the support." he said.

"It's my choice." I said.

"It's not worth losing," he paused and looked over my shoulder. "anything." he stuttered.

"Domestic troubles?" Casper asked in a posh tone.

I lightly chuckled. "Everybody argues." I said.

"I didn't know Phil argued." Joe said putting up a tripod.

"He's precious but everybody fights. It probably doesn't help that you're going on about it." Zoe said sitting next to me twisting my curls in her fingers.

"My apologies." Caspar said sitting on the other side of me.

"Let's do teams, girls and boys." she said. "Whoever can guess the most right wins."

"What do we win?" Joe asked.

"A bit of tea, I don't know, that doesn't matter." she said.

"Alright, everyone in position." Phil said playing with the camera. Joe sat down quickly and the video started.

"Hi guys." Joe started. "As you can see I'm here with three amazing guests, Casper, Zoe, and Scarlett." We all waved. "We're doing the baby food challenge. basically Zoe bought an assortment of baby food and we have to try it and guess the flavor in a limited time, girls on one team and boys on the other."

"The siblings will be doing a thumb war to decide who goes first." Caspar said.

Zoe won so we quickly moved onto the baby food. Zoe handed me a spoon full of a brownish mush. I tasted it. "Oh god." I said at the awful taste and even worse texture. "Beef stew?"

She shook her head. "Meet disgusting?" I asked.

They all laughed but again Zoe shook her head, the timer went off. "It was meat and potato casserole." Zoe said.

"That was awful, my kids will never eat this." I said.

The video continued back and forth until Casper threw up and we ended it. Phil and I didn't stick around long because we knew Dan would be sitting at home alone.

"We need to talk." Zoe said holding me tight as we hugged.

"Okay?" I asked but Phil pulled me away. "Text me." I waved and we left.

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