Bye Grams

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I was at the church at five a.m. to set up for the funeral. I was happy it was almost over, it had been an over all horrible week. I really didn't know what I would have done without Dan and Phil.

The ceremony was beautiful, other than the comments my father made during my speech. He was mad that I asked Phil to say somethings but most of my Aunts and Uncles didn't come and Phil had spent hours, even days with her before she died. He probably knew he better than her own kids did.

"I know most of you don't have a clue who I am." Phil began. "I met Grams when her and Scarlett moved into the flat above me. It didn't take long for me to start thinking of her like my own grandmother and frankly if you can't accept my relationship with her then you didn't really know the kind of woman she was. She was a strong and independent woman,none of us deserved to have in our lives."

"She would talk about her younger days for hours, sharing stories that were in such detail you'd think she had written a book and was reading it aloud."

"The love she had for her children and husband drove her to hold on as long as she did, she would talk about how much she missed each of you. I really wish you all could have spent her last days with her just as Scarlett and I did. She was..." he paused "is a remarkable woman." he lightly teared up as he walked off stage.

He sat down next to me still silently crying, I put my hand on his lap and he returned the gesture. Dan looked around me and then also put his hand on my leg as I began to cry with Phil. I grabbed both of their hands and the three of us sat hand in hand for the rest of the funeral.

-When the service was over Matt and his brother thanked people for showing up and everyone gave them their condolences while Dan, Phil, and I sat alone and being ignored.

I over heard my dad say "Thank you, I put a lot of work into this funeral." and then he looked at me.

"Let's bounce." I said to Dan and Phil.

"What?" Phil asked.

"Get out of here." I said.

We walked out the front door without saying a word to anyone. Dannie and Colton were sitting on the church stairs. "Can we come home?" Dannie asked the phone.

"Thank you." she said after a moment and then she hung up. "Mom's flying us home tonight."

I nodded slightly relieved. We went back to my flat, Phil went through my cabinets trying to find something to eat, Dannie and Colton were packing, and Dan and I were sitting in my living room. "You know listening to Phil talk about Grams made me regret not getting to know her." Dan said.

I smiled "She was awesome, she would have loved you." I said. Dan looked at his lap leaving me to wonder what thoughts were fluttering through his mind.

-After dropping Dannie and Colton off at the airport I came home to an empty house. Dan and Phil had videos to record but reassured me that if I needed anything to just go over. The night seemed to take forever, I couldn't sleep, eat, or even find the motivation to clean my still trashed house. I kept so silent that I could tell the sound difference from when the boys were recording to when they had gone to bed. The night seemed almost dull and so lonely.

-The next day wasn't much better, Phil texted and asked if I wanted to get coffee and I didn't reply. I didn't want to be rude but I didn't want to do anything. Having Grams gone meant that the last bit of my caring family had drifted away into the after life, or were like Uncle Jim and Aunt Lucy and had lost contact with the rest of the family.

The fact that my mother didn't tell me about her engagement was still boiling in my mind and making me angry. How could someone do that to their kid? Then the way my father left because he disapproved of my life style was also appalling. I wondered how Dannie and Colton really felt about the situation, if my mom was beginning to brain-wash them into taking her side or if they just acted that way to keep her happy. I wasn't sure if I'd ever know the answer to that.

As the day went on and my mind raced thinking about every little thing in detail I noticed that I had stress cleaned my flat to show house standards. Not a single thing was out of place and there wasn't a spot to be found in the whole house. Even the bathroom looked perfect. Colton and Phil had eaten my kitchen clean so I ordered in. Apparently concerning Dan and Phil even more. I got a text from Dan;

Dan: Hey Little Red, it's Dan. You ok?

I still didn't reply, simply thinking that Phil might think that I was choosing Dan over him which was not what I was meaning to do.

The night went on just as the night before, still not sleeping and only eating the smallest bit even though I hadn't eaten all day. I was becoming pretty miserable, but doesn't everyone after they loose someone they love? I figured that it's just a part of life and I had been hosting since she had died so I didn't really have time to grieve myself;until now.

-Days past and I didn't change much I only texted back the boys enough to keep them calm and I still hadn't left my flat. It had almost been a week at this point and even I was getting concerned. My house was still spotless other than the trash bags I was neglecting. I decided it was time to pull myself together and get a job, maybe that would help my dad see that I'm an adult, even though I didn't really need the money yet. I applied online and waited.

-Days past with no calls, I had nearly given up hope when a used comic book shop called. It was a young sounding guy on the other end and he set up an interview for that after noon. I quickly showered, did my hair, make-up, everything. I made it to the small run down store about ten minutes early. I was greeted by an older heavy set man at the front counter who sent me to a back-room that had beads covering the door way. The young boy that I had talked to on the phone appeared to be the older man's son. "Hi I'm Kale." the younger man said, coming off a lot more friendly than his father.

"Scarlett." I said shaking his hand.

"American?" he asked as though he wasn't sure about my accent.

"Yeah." I said hoping that wouldn't be a deal breaker.

The three of us sat down and began talking. "I'm looking for someone to take my position while I go to school in Manchester." Kale said. "My dad has some medical issues and not near the passion for comics that I do so I feel wrong leaving him here alone. Now normal (not to be sexist) but I normally wouldn't higher a woman but I'm pretty much down to no choice. I want this place to look desirable and as we all know thirty year old men that live in their mother's basements are far from desirable."

I nodded and lightly chuckled. "How much do you know about comic books?" he asked.

"I read a lot in middle school." I said.

"Middle school?" he asked as if he didn't totally understand.

"Um that's American school for grades 6th through 9th." I said.

He nodded like he understood. "Great, well I'm here for two more weeks I'll train you. You're the best we got so you're highered." he said.

I wasn't sure if 'best we got' was the best way to get a job but it was still a job. The father who still hadn't introduced himself rolled his eyes as Kale and I made the agreement. I wasn't sure how comfortable I would be with working alone with this man but I could quit if things got awkward.

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