Somethings you shouldn't know

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"And it's a girl." the tec said pushing into my stomach further. "Okay the doctor will tell you the rest."

We walked back to the room. The doctor sighed as she walked in. "You've lost three pounds." she said.

"I've been doing everything that you said." I said.

"Yeah and it should be enough but it obviously isn't working." she said sitting down. "Your beautiful baby girl is measuring very small for how far along you are. She's developed perfectly, she's just small. Have you felt her yet?"

"Not a lot. Maybe once or twice but that's it." I said.

"See that's not enough at this stage, she should be making you slightly uncomfortable and you shouldn't be able to wear a baggie shirt and look normal." she said. "She moving more than enough in there that you should feel her."

"Then what can we do?" Dan asked.

"Carbs, and no working out at all, only short walks." she said.

"My mom never really showed with me." I said.

"Well that is promising but that was also the 90's and we didn't know what we do now." she said.

"Is there anything else I can do?" I asked.

"They make like breakfast supplements, I want you drink those as a normal thing and eating like you normally would. You're going to feel really full but your stomach will adjust." she said.

"What can I do?" Dan asked.

"Go shopping for her, cook for her, basically act like she can't do anything but go to work and come home. Do you guys live together?" she asked.

"No." We both said.

"I want you guys to at least stay together because I don't want her doing anything. If you're gone Dan see if a sibling or someone that you're comfortable with will be with her." she said.

"So basically you don't want me to do anything alone?" I asked.

"Nothing at all, you look healthy but if something does happen for an unexplainable reason I don't want you alone." she said.

"Could there be something else wrong?" I asked.

"Possibly, I just don't want to take any risks." she said "At this low of weight we do consider it a high risk pregnancy."

"So are you saying we still shouldn't tell anyone?" Dan asked.

"I can't tell you what to do, but I'd only tell my very close friends." she said.

"How high is the risk that we'll lose her?" I asked.

"About 60%." she said. I nodded and she paused for a moment before talking again. "Do you have anymore questions?"

Dan looked at me and I shook my head. "No, I think you've answered everything. Thank you for your time doctor." He said.

"You guys are a pleasure, I'll see you again in two weeks." she said and left.

As soon as we got to the car I started crying. "What's wrong?" Dan asked.

"I'm just so stressed out. I want to go for a walk and think about it and I want to curl up and never move again." I said.

He held my hand. Other than a few hugs and one kiss we hadn't had any romantic moments since we found out I was pregnant. It was simply like having a good friend. "How about we get some really creamy ice cream and some delicious food and go home and we can watch whatever you want. We can update Phil but other than that we'll just pretend like today didn't happen and we'll just do our best to make this part of our normal lives." he said.

Llama and LionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora