Oh... there's Finn

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I woke up the next morning on the bathroom floor, still wrapped up in Dan's jacket. I sat up. There was a laugh coming from the bath tub. "My god, you're a funny drunk." Shane said as I threw open the curtain.

"I don't even remember after we got to shore." I said holding my head.

"Well you decided you had to brush your teeth so we went on a hunt for walmart so you could buy a tooth brush. You then brushed your teeth in a random gas station bathroom." he said.

"Why didn't I just brush them at Walmart?" I asked.

He chuckled "You would not allow that." he said. "Then we tried to find food to try and soak up some of the alcohol we had all drank and you threw up like fifteen times so you locked yourself in the bathroom and laughed for a good hour. Then we found a taxi and dude that driver hated you, until you tipped him $20. We ended up back here and you jumped on the bed until you went to throw up again, you wouldn't go alone so I followed you in here. You told me stories until like five this morning."

"Oh my god, and what time is it now?" I asked.

"Like noon." he said.

"I have to fly out at five." I said.

Shane's face looked panicked. "Does Finn fly out at the same time?" he asked.

"Uh, yes?" I almost asked.

"He's been missing all night, no one can find him." He said.

"I'll call Dannie." I said, I felt my bra and Dan's jacket pockets.

"What's wrong?" Shane asked.

"Did I do anything with my phone last night?" I asked.

"No, you didn't even mention it." He said.

"I must have dropped it somewhere." I said.

"Well Dan must have her number, right?" he asked.

"No, they didn't know each other. Why would he have her number?" I asked.

"Incase you die?" he said.

"Whatever, we have to find my phone." I said.

We walked out into Tyler's living room. Everyone was sitting around talking. "Good morning hangover." Chris said.

"I'm not hungover." I said. "So Finn's missing?"

"I've tried calling him twenty seven times." Jack said.

"We also tried all social networks." Zoe added.

"Panicking every fan out there." Cameron added.

"How about you call Dannie and see if she saw him after we left." Cat said.

"I can't find my phone." I said.

"I'll call it." Pj said.

"The odds of it being in this house are slim." Tyler said.

"It's dead anyways." Pj said.

Everyone split and looked for the phone. We all came to the conclusion that it wasn't in the house. Joey and Shane decided to head back home and Cameron left not long after them. We looked on Dannie's Facebook but she didn't have her phone number posted.

"We're at a loss and we have to be at the airport in an hour." Dan said.

"And food will be cheaper if we eat before we get there." Chris added.

We went and ate. "I'm going to kill him if he misses this flight." Jack said checking his phone.

"You could always stay and wait for him." Phil said.

"I have too much stuff to do at home." Jack said.

"It's been an hour you guys." Cat said.

We made our way to the airport. "Come see England soon." I said hugging Tyler.

Jack continued checking his phone as we all said goodbye. "He's going to miss the flight." Jack said starting to panic.

"If he does he can crash with me until he can get another one and if I happen to find your phone I'll mail it to you, but don't miss your flight." Tyler said.

A car pulled up behind us. "Okay, I love you all but we have to move the car for these people." Tyler said, he waved and him and Cat drove away.

"Okay come on guys." Zoe said turning to walk into the a airport.

"Fancy meeting you here." a guy said after shutting the car door.

"Where have you been?" Jack asked spinning around.

"Well you guys kind of just disappeared, so I hung out with Dannie." Finn said pointing behind him. Dannie smiled and waved, Calvin had his arms crossed and glared at us.

"We have to go guys." Zoe said.

We all waved to Dannie and quickly ran into the airport. "You're step dad is actually really cool." Finn said as I stripped my shoes.

"He didn't seem terrible." I said.

"He's hillarious, he should be a comedian." he said.

I smiled and stepped through the medal detector. He was fast behind me. "Once your mom chilled out she was cool too." he said.

"She has a great front." I said.

"Oh I also found your phone, it's dead but it's where you were sitting." he said handing it to me.

"Thanks love." I said.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm just stressed and not feeling the best. I'll meet you at the terminal, okay?" I said and then quickly darted for the bathroom.

When I came out Phil was waiting with a soda and a bag of cheetoes. "I heard you weren't feeling good again." he said.

"Thank you." I said hugging him and accepting the soda and chips.

"I thought this through, I got you something without caffeine so hopefully you can sleep on the plane and these are tasty but bland so they won't make your stomach sick." he said with a huge smile.

"You're amazing." I said. We walked to the terminal together.

The flight wasn't really long, I slept on Phil's shoulder most of the way and before knew it we were back home in England. After everything we all split and went home. I fell asleep quickly and slept all night.

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