The Wedding

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"So how are we doing this?" Cameron asked as Zoe, Cat, and I tried to share the mirror to finish our hair and make up and the guys just sat in our room watching us.

"My sister's on it, she's going to meet us out front and let us past the gaurdish dudes." I said.

"So we're crashing a wedding that you have to be on the list to get into?" Shane asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Nice." Joey said.

"It could turn out to be a huge disaster." Phil said.

"It totally could, but we're hoping that it doesn't and if it does just everyone try to make a small seen. Nothing big enough to cause concern but enough to get their attention and hopefully we can be let in anyways." I said.

"So being dramatic is accepted?" Shane asked.

"Totally." I said "By the way you all look amazing." I hopped around the room trying to get my heals on without having to sit down.

"So are we all ready to go?" Finn asked.

"Yes." Cat, Zoe, and I said in unison.

-We chose to take a bus so we'd all show up at the same time, we just didn't think of how awkward and gross buses generally are. We all huddled together and no one said a word until we got to the beach. "I think it's actually on a boat." I said re-reading my texts from Dannie.

We trudged through the sand until we saw a bright white yat with the wedding party outside. We walked up, I was getting more and more nervous by the minute. "You can do this." Dan said.

"I feel like I'm going to throw up." I said.

We walked up to a tall and rather intimidating man. "Name?" he asked in a deep voice that could swallow small children.

"We're with Dannie." I said.

He grumbled under his breath. "She did not state that she would have any personal guests at the time of the list. You'll have to step aside for now." he said.

Luckily Dannie bounded up in her bride's maids dress moments after. "They're with me." She said looking at the huge group and smiling "Thanks Uncle Calvin."

He stepped aside and allowed us in. "Ugh, I hate that guy." She said. "Anyways how are you? All of you."

"Pretty good for the most part." I said.

She looked behind me "I don't really know any of you. I'm Dannie, Scarlett's sister." she said.

Everyone introduced them selves. She walked us into a large room with chairs. We sat in the back in a tight group. The wedding was honestly beautiful, my mom looked back at me a few times but didn't ever kick us out. After the wedding everyone went by to say congratulations. "Hi, congrats." I said to my new father-in-law.

"Are you one of Dannie's friends? I don't think we've met before." He said.

"I'm actually your new wife's oldest daughter." I said. "It's really nice to meet you."

"You have another daughter?" he asked my mom.

She awkwardly chuckled "Oh yeah, well kind of." she said.

"Kind of?" he asked.

"Well I had her when I was really young and then she moved to London." she said forcing a smile.

"Well I'm really happy for you both." I said looking back at her.

She chuckled "Did you bring a date?" she asked.

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