Starting Again

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Dan and I stood in the airport waiting for Dannie and Coltin's flight to land. "Thanks for driving us." I said. 

"Anytime." he said looking down at me over his shoulder and smiling.  

I lightly smiled back. We then both turned to look for them. I saw Coltin's light blond fringe and Dannie's dark brown curls as they kept their heads down. "That's them." I said pointing. Dan and I walked up to them. "Hey kids." I said. 

They both slowly turned around. "Scarlet?" they both asked. 

"Um yeah." I said confused. 

"You're so short." Dannie almost squealed. 

"Yeah, yeah. You've both grown so much." I said slightly sarcastically. 

"That or you've shrunk." Coltin said. His voice deeper than it had been before. 

I looked at Dan "This is my family." I said. I turned back to Dannie and Coltin "and this is." I began. 

"Your boyfriend?" Dannie asked. 

Coltin rolled his eyes "They're not dating. See the distance between them, he's just here to drive because she doesn't have a car and is too afraid to drive in other countries." he said. 

"Anything else you'd like to share?" Dannie asked rudely. 

"I'm impressed." I said. 

"That's a change." Coltin said lightly glaring at Dannie. 

"Anyways. Grab your bags and let's go." I said awkwardly. I looked up at Dan "It's going to be a long... well however long they're staying." I said.  

Dan lightly chuckled. "You don't know?" he asked. 

"She didn't say." I said biting my lip. Dannie and Coltin walked back over to us, hands and arms filled with bags. I took two from Dannie and then we headed to the car. Dan's car was filled with baggage and people by the time we were all loaded. Dannie and Coltin sat in the back seat and Dan and I sat in the front. We started driving, I wasn't sure what to say but the silence was obviously awkward and uncomfortable. "So um. Do you guys want to do anything while you're here?" I asked Dannie and Coltin. 

"Not particularly." Dannie said. 

"You've always loved England." I said in disbelief. 

"Yeah, things change." she said dryly. 

"Okay, well how about you Coltin?" I asked doing my best to not be awkward. 

"You're search for inconsequential adult conversation is in it's self inconsequential." Coltin said in response. 

"Okay." I said slowly and awkwardly. Dan looked over at me and did his best to smile. I lightly shrugged my shoulders. "How about coffee? My friend Phil keeps telling me about this little place up here, do you guys want to try it out?" I asked. 

"I don't drink coffee." Dannie said. 

"Contrary to popular belief coffee actually has many health benefits. It can help maintain a healthy weight, ward off depression, and promote fertility in men. The negative part is if you don't clean your coffee pot thoroughly it can harvest many bacteria, including yeast and mold organisms." Coltin said. 

"Coffee is also phsycoactive, meaning it can make you see hallucinations." he continued "It can also be deadly in some rare cases, but the lethal amount is about 100 cups."  

I lightly nodded "Well then." I said. 

"You know Scar, with how clean you normally keep things you really really should check your coffee-" Coltin began. 

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