Doctor's appointment

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"Why are doctor's offices always like white and blue?" I asked.

"Because it looks clean." Dan said.

"And evil." I said.

He laughed "You're the only person I know who thinks light blue is an evil color." he said.

"It is, they poke you with shit and violate you in a light blue or white room." I said.

Dan shook his head "You're insane." he said.

"Took you long enough." I said.

The doctor walked in and introduced herself and then asked a bunch of personal questions.

"Well." she said at the end of the appointment "You look over all really healthy. You're further along than you thought. You just started your second trimester about five days ago, which raises a little concern since you're not showing yet. It is your first pregnancy and you're very small built which might be part of the reason, but we will put you on a pill that's basically going to make you gain some weight."

"Um I don't want to gain a lot of weight." I said.

"No woman does but that's part of being a mom and it's worth every pound." she said.

I almost sighed. "Is there anything else we can do to make her more healthy?" Dan asked concerned.

"Just keep her healthy and eating, I'm going to give you some very safe and good medications that she has to take twice a day and an anti nausea medication that she can take every four hours whenever she doesn't feel well." she said.

"I'll make sure she does that." he said.

"Good, you've gotta good guy here." she said shutting her folder.

"I know." I said taking the prescriptions and hopping off of the table.

"Alright, see you back in two weeks, we'll do an ultrasound then to check the gender of the baby I just feel like with you being so small we may cause problems if we do it now. I'm going to recommend that you don't tell a lot of people at this point simply because things could still turn south and it's always hard to explain a miscarriage to a lot of people. I'm confidant that you and the baby will be fine I just won't know for sure until we check everything out. Call if you have any concerns before your next appointment." she said and walked out the door.

We left and were on our way to see Louise. "You're going to do everything that doctor said." Dan said.

"Yeah, I will." I said. "I mean I want to be healthy I just don't want to gain a lot of weight that isn't going to come off when the baby is born."

"I don't think you're going to get fat or anything." he said "I mean look at your mom she's had three kids and she might be a bitch but she's fit."

"Yeah, but she's such a trophy wife. She'll do anything to look good." I said.

"I still think you're going to look amazing." he said.

"Thank you, I already feel like a whale. It feels like my insides are splitting open." I said.

"That's gross." he said.

"Yeah, well it's true." I said as we parked. We got out of the car and went in. Louise wasn't there yet so we got a table and sat down.

Finally she showed up and excitedly hugged both of us. "Oh my gosh, I feel like I haven't heard from you guys in forever." she said.

"I know it's been like two weeks." I said.

"Yeah, almost exactly." she said "So what's new? Are you guys together again? Not to be forward but I feel like you two asking me out together basically says it all."

I smiled and looked at Dan who was also just smiling. "Yeah, Dan wanted to tell you all of the details of that." I said.

"Oh," she looked at him "What's the dirt?" she asked.

"Well it's kind of a secret, actually for the time being it's a big secret." he said.

"Romeo and Juliet style?" she asked.

"More um-" he said looking for a couple.

"Juno." I said awkwardly.

She stared at us for a second. "Wait you mean like pregnant Juno?" she asked.

"Yes." Dan said biting his lip.

"Oh my god." she said "Oh my god." she repeated in a different tone. "Congratulations, I mean why are you telling me?"

"Well because Dan kind of accused you of being pregnant and we wanted to explain." I said. "See Tyler got the whole thing going while he was here so Phil went and bought all of those tests when I started panicking that one came out positive. I hadn't told Dan yet when you came over and asked about it so Phil covered for me."

"I thought something was suspicious that day, you both just acted so weird." she said.

"Yeah we were in shock and then you show up asking about it and we both just panicked to be honest." I said.

"And I'm sorry that I thought it was you, I just couldn't think of anyone else that Phil would do that for." Dan said.

"He's seeing someone and you don't know about it." she joked.

We both chuckled "I think we'd figure it out." Dan said.

She laughed "You're pretty oblivious." she said.

"Hey, I notice what I need to." he said.

-The rest of the dinner went well. As soon as we got home I called Tyler and gave him an update. "It's all still on the down low so don't say anything to anyone." I said.

"I won't say a word." he said. "I'm glad she's making you gain some weight though. I think that would be good."

"Yeah I guess, I'm fine with baby weight I just don't want to gain any other weight. I want it to stick on forever." I said.

"That's kind of conceded, like honestly you're going to be a mom I think you're going to have a lot more going on than your weight. Have you thought about what you're going to do about YouTube and work? Where are you and Dan going to live? These are the real things that you should be concerned about." he said.

I sighed "I know but those aren't all decisions I can make on my own and I have six months to get all of that taken care of." I said.

"That six months is going to go faster than you think. When are you guys planning on announcing this? Are you planning on telling your friends before you announce it?" he asked.

"I don't know yet." I said.

"Then stop worrying about your waist line and worry about your real problems." he said.

"Those aren't problems they're minor decisions and not ones that I may have to deal we with for the rest of my life." I said.

"You're scared and would rather concern yourself with something that's simple huh?" he said.

"I'm terrified and I don't want to tell my friends because word spreads like wild fire and I don't want to announce it because I don't want the hate and the publicity. I just, I want everything to just work out and I just want to hold the baby and be happy. That's all I want and it's amazingly too much to ask for right now. I don't want to be fat, I don't want to go through labor, I just want it here." I said.

He sighed. "You're overly hormonal and once you get back to normal you'll look back and all of this will seem stupid but just remember that you got this and I love you but I have to go, text me if you need anything." he said.

"Yeah I will, thank you. I love you too." I said.

"Call me with details." he said and hung up.

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