Telling Dan

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We went home and I actually went back home knowing that Dan would be home in only a few hours. I fell asleep and woke up to Phil calling me. "Hello?" I answered.

"I don't know what to say to him, I can't keep things from Dan. You have to come tell him." he whispered.

"Phil, where are you?" I asked.

"The toilet." he said.

I laughed. "Okay I'll be down in like ten minutes but make up a good excuse." I said.

"You're coming over to chat." he said.

"Yes, but you can't tell him that, that seems suspicious." I said.

"Fine, you're bored and wanted to hang out before the colab." he said.

"Shit, the colab is today?" I asked.

"Yes." he said.

"Okay it might be more like twenty minutes." I said.

"Just hurry up." he said and hung up.

I quickly got ready and looking normal. I put on something well fitting so I wouldn't look heavy in the camera. Hoping that would kill any rumors.

I ran down to their flat as quickly as I could, Tyler met me at the door. "You're early." I said awkwardly.

He smiled "I know, I texted Dan." he said.

"Right." I said knocking on the door.

"Haven't told him?" he asked.

"I haven't seen him." I said.

"Awkward." he said.

Dan opened the door "Hi." he said excited.

"Hi." Tyler and I both said suspiciously walking in.

Phil was sitting at the table spinning his bowl. "Hi." he said looking confused when he saw Tyler.

"Hi." Tyler said "Weird but I forgot something you should come help me get it, Phil."

Phil nodded and quickly stood up from the table. "Yeah, yeah, I'll help." he said.

"I can help too." Dan said offering his assistance.

"I think just the two of us can handle it, but thanks Dan." Tyler said.

Phil grabbed his wallet and they darted out the door. "That was weird." Dan said turning and looking at me. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing, why would something be wrong?" I asked.

"You're twisting your hair, you only twist your hair when you're panicking over something." he said.

"Why would I be panicking?" I asked and then quickly changed the subject. "How was your trip?"

"Good." he said suspiciously.

"Where did you go?" I asked.

"The Dominican Republic." he said "Are you nervous to be alone with me?"

"Kim Kardashian went there once." I said.

"Yeah, okay. Stop dodging my questions." he said.

"I passed a test this week." I said.

"I don't see how that relates to you not wanting to be around me." he said.

"Well it kind of does, and it was actually 11." I said.

"11 tests? How does that relate?" he asked.

I sighed "Well because they were pregnancy tests." I said.

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