Chapter 19

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Snow's P.O.V.

"So who's taking first watch?" Thalia asked.

"That depends," I said shrugging. "I'm assuming none of you trust me enough to watch over you while you sleep."

"You would be correct." Mitch said.

"Fair enough."

"I'll take first watch." Jerome volunteered.

"Great." Thalia said lying down.

They each had their own sleeping bag from the Cornucopia.

Mitch laid down too.

I stared at Jerome for a moment before pulling out my sleeping bag.

"Good night." he said.

"You too." I murmured before shutting my eyes and attempting to fall asleep.

Jerome's P.O.V.

I made a small fire. It was big enough to give me warmth and light up a small area but it wasn't enough to create a whole a lot of smoke.

My head was working overtime. I kept thinking about so many things at once.

I looked over at the sleeping faces of Thalia and Mitch.

But when I reached Snow her midnight black eyes stared right back at me.

"You're awake?"

She sat up slightly. "Yeah. I'm not used to getting this much sleep."

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't sleep much back in 2." she said shrugging.

"How's your head?"

"Fine. I could be better though." she said frowning.

"What happened? You know, before we found you?" I asked her.

She looked at me and I was surprised to see her eyes look slightly watery. 

She blinked and the tears were gone.

"They both died." she murmured. "Saved my life then died. It's my fault." she said throwing a rock with anger at a tree across from us.

 I didn't speak.

"One of the trees fell and I pushed Orchid out of the way." Snow said slowly. "It landed on my leg. Then Orchid left to get water from the river. I was talking to Kern when he just randomly..." she trailed off.

"He tried to kill you?"

She shook her head. "He wasn't himself. I just can't explain it to you."

"You're smart aren't you?" 

She glanced at me. "No. I mean, I can't."


So it was something she couldn't let the cameras and microphones pick up.

"I was paralyzed. Orchid managed to push me aside and she took the spear. Then, while she was dying, Kern stabbed himself."

Her eyes glistened.

"I held their hands. I watched the light leave their eyes." she whispered. "If I had just been faster-"

"Don't say that. It wasn't your fault. The tree fell on your leg." I interjected.

"I could've moved." she said shaking her head. "I was paralyzed with fear. I was weak. If I had just moved a little Orchid wouldn't have had to jump in front of me and then we could've talked some sense into Kern. We could've-"

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