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"Well, well, well." 

The man had a slight limp as he circled the chair. The girl tied to it made no movement. She looked dead and lifeless. Her skin was pale, her eyes were hollow. 

She looked like a porcelain doll.

So delicate, so fragile, so breakable. 

"You put on quite the show there. We couldn't even stop all of Panem from seeing it. Those stupid District 13 rebels blocked our frequency." 

The girl still didn't move. In the flickering light you could still see the blood that was on her neck. 

"Do you have any idea how many uprisings we've had to stop?" the man asked sharply to the dead girl. "Too many. Much too many."

He paused in the middle of pacing. "People have died. All because of you. Let that settle in for a second. You called them to action, you called them to death. Panem is in chaos because of you. And why? For what? For those two silly little boys you supposedly loved?" he let out a sharp laugh. "Absolutely ridiculous. You had everything. You could've just killed them and been done with it."

The man shook his head. "You were my prized possession. The best experiment we'd ever had. But you had faults. You're too human, that's not okay. True, your brain is invaluable, but we can't risk another mistake."

He reached his finger out and pressed a button on the wall. A little door opened up on a panel beside him. He reached in and pulled out a small needle filled with a dark red liquid.

His fingers wavered ever so slightly as he held the needle. 

"Don't get me wrong, I love you. I've taken care of you my whole life. But I'm not you. I will not sacrifice everything for one thing I love."

He swallowed. "You're our Soldier Snow. You're our last hope. You were the spark. But you don't understand, you didn't get it. A fire, the smallest flame, it will all destroy everything. Stop and look at the destruction you've caused."

The man reached over and touched her neck.

The girl let out a gasp and her head snapped upward. Her eyes immediately looked around. 

She stared at the man in front of her and her eyes hardened. 

"Snow, my sweet Snow." the man's voice was gentle. "Please understand why I'm doing this."

"Doing what?" she snapped. She struggled to get up out of the chair but her cuffs were titanium. The man had made sure to make it so she couldn't fight back. 

Not this time.

"What do you think about Jason? Jerome?" the man asked quietly.

She faltered. "I'm supposed to be dead." she said softly.

"Answer the question."

"If you're expecting me to say I love them, I won't say it. I don't know what love is."

The man sighed. "You gave up everything for them."

"I gave up nothing!" she screamed. She attempted to break her bonds again. "I had nothing! Therefore I gave up nothing!"

The man stopped. "Snow. You're my Soldier."

"I am no one's Soldier!" she yelled. "I'm done being a pawn! Let me go!"

She struggled again. 

Her attempts became slower and slower.

She gave up. "I will not be your Soldier."

"Not now no." the man shook his head. "But in a minute you won't be you."

Her eyes widened and she stared up at him. "You wouldn't."

"Desperate time call for desperate measures."

He turned the needle around in his fingers. "I don't want to. Understand that."

"I will never understand. Why are you so cruel?"

He didn't respond.

"Kill me. Hurt me. Change me. Destroy me. Break me down. But no matter what you do, there will always be a part of me that fights against you."

She twisted her body hard and kicked the man in the shin. He dropped the needle in surprise. It shattered against the floor, the liquid splattered everywhere. It looked just like the blood that had spilled out of the girl herself.

A siren began blaring and Peacekeeprs rushed in. 

The flashing of the red reflected on the girl's pale face.

"No matter what happens, no matter what you do," she spoke sharply. "I am a fighter, I am a rebel."

The Peacekeepers grabbed her.

The man watched with simple curiosity and fear.

Snow simply grinned at the man. "I'm many things."

Her voice echoed even as they dragged her away.

"But I'm not who you think I am."

*End of Book One*

I'm Not Who You Think I Am (Team Crafted & Hunger Games Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant