Chapter 1, The Reaping

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You wanna know my name?

It's Snow Pristeen.

Yep, Snow like President Snow. I was named after him.

Despite my name, I have dark hair that's dyed white at the tips. Courtesy of my short time at the Capitol. 

You may know me as District 2's Prodigy, or the Ambassador (don't call me that), but most know me as the menacing, cold, calculating girl from the District of Violence. 

Well, let me enlighten you.  I'm nothing like that.

At least, not most of the time.

Back to the story.

I let my hair fall down in a curtain around my face. So rarely did I not pin it back or keep it held up with a tight headband. 

But today was the reaping.

So I had to look nice. 

I wore a simple gold colored dress with flats. No makeup. The dress was sleeveless and it enhanced my delicate, but strong and sturdy form.

I don't think I'm pretty.

But you'd be surprised what most guys would do to date the only girl who doesn't get her name in the reaping. The girl who is famous throughout both districts and the Capitol. And you'd also be surprised how cruel I am when I shut people down.

This is District 2 people! We're the Armory District! The District of Violence as others call us. We were born to fight and ignore rejection, pain, and despair.

You may see my ways as cruel.

I see them as a way to make people stronger.

My feet shuffled toward the door as I finished fixing my hair. I followed the mob going to the town square. 

"Blood." the worker sitting at a table said. The only reason why they take my blood is to make sure I present at the reaping even though I won't get picked. Exceptions and privileges only go so far you know.

A young lady with bright green hair took the stage. Her whole outfit was green in fact. Apparently, green was the new in color in the Capitol because of last year's victor Jess Greenway. 

The lady smiled. "Well, well, well, the annual reaping has come again. Let us get straight to the point." she said grinning.

I rolled my eyes. So rarely did people from the Capitol get straight to the point. 

"My name is Isis Relevana. Before we get to the choosing of the tributes let us read the scrolls!" 

I wanted to yell "called it!" out loud.

The mayor came up. 

He read something boring about the rebel war and blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. They read the same scrolls every year. I had practically memorized what the mayor was going to say.

He listed off all of our victors. Since we're part of the group other Districts call the Careers, it was quite the list. 

"And now to introduce our two mentors this year. Enobaria and Brutus." 

Two people stood up from the chairs they were sitting on. I recognized Enobaria because of her golden teeth. Everyone remembers the story of how she had ripped out her fellow tribute's throat and got her teeth encased in gold to commemorate it.

Isis walked back on stage. "Alright, now for the choosing of the tributes. Ladies first like always!" she said.

Her voice was high pitched and squeaky.

She carefully reached into the ginormous glass balls. I was aware that people around me were giving me dirty looks. They were all jealous that I had no chance of being picked. Even so, nervousness ran through my body. Perhaps I didn't have my name in the reaping.

But I had friends too.

No family, but friends.

I couldn't bear watching them go to the games. 

Isis picked a name out of the ball. She carefully opened it. My friend Violet gave me a worried look.

"Ginger Woods!" 

Violet's face flooded with relief. I watched as a little girl stepped out of the twelve year old line. My heart pounded. Her face looked tough like everyone else in District 2 but I saw the hidden fear. 

After all I saw the same thing every time I looked in the mirror.

"Ginger! No!" I heard a voice cry out. Another little girl jumped out of the 14 year old line. She looked a lot like Ginger and her eyes filled with tears. They both had the same figure. Slim and fragile. So easily could they be killed in the brutal violent world of the Hunger Games. 

Peacekeepers ran forward and pulled the two crying girls apart. I felt my heart shatter. A young woman came over and grabbed the older girl though her eyes were damp too. Probably their mother. 

This was wrong. This was so wrong. To separate families like this, so cruel.

I had no family. No one would grieve if I was lost. I didn't know how these girls felt. The younger girl stood and took a step toward the stage. Her body shook. I couldn't take it anymore.

"I volunteer as tribute!" I yelled stepping forward. I felt Violet tug at my dress. "Snow! Don't do this!" 

I walked away from her though my heart broke to do it. 

"I volunteer as tribute!" I yelled again. People turned to stare at me in awe. Sure volunteering was more common in District 2 than in any other district, but no one would have thought that the spoiled, greedy girl would step forward in place of a crying, broken hearted child.

Except for those who thought I was blood thirsty too. 


PROUD OF ME MOM?!?!?! I finally posted the first chapter! The chapters won't be as long as Not Again's chapters though. Probably about 800-1000 words-ish. 

Anywhosers, I hope you liked the first chapter.

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