Chapter 6, Interviews

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Jason's P.O.V.

Her eyes narrowed and caught mine.

I felt my heart beat faster in fear.

Play along, she mouthed.


She ran up to me with her hands formed into fists. 

"You adjusted my simulation?" she demanded.

Before I could answer, Kern spoke up. 

"Yeah he did! We all saw him, right?" he yelled. All the other tributes murmured in agreement, afraid of what Kern would do if they didn't lie. Of course with the exception of the Careers.

Snow smirked.

"I like your courage and spunk. Consider us allies." she said. 

It took a moment for me to process her words.

She couldn't be serious right?

"What?!?!" Kern demanded. "That's not fair! I'm the one who did it! This idiot shoved me aside!" 

Snow's expression turned stony. "That's what I thought."

Without turning around, she kicked him in the gut.


He let out a scream and doubled over. Capitol assistants ran over. 

"Who hit you?" one asked.

Snow glared at everyone. As much as other tributes were afraid of Kern, they were most definitely more afraid of Snow.

 Kern couldn't say anything. He was gasping from pain. 

"Kern hit himself on the machine. Was running, didn't notice." Jerome said. Snow smiled at him. I felt jealously course through me again.

A couple Capitol people picked up Kern and led him into a room. The crowd of tributes dispersed. 

Snow faced me and smiled. "Thanks for playing along."

"That was very smart of you." I mumbled. She crinkled her eyebrows. "What?"

"Hitting him in a crowd of people. So the Capitol people wouldn't know who hit him."

Snow grinned. "Thanks. For the compliment and shoving Kern out of the way."

A electronic ding rang through the training room.

"Guess it's time to go back to our rooms. It was nice talking to you." Snow said before walking off and joining another Career.

"You know Snow?" a voice said from behind me. I turned to see Jerome standing there. "Kind of. You?"

"Ditto. I'd like to know her better, but I'm sure everyone does. She's very mysterious."

"Yeah." I sad nodding.

Jerome stared at me strangely. "I'll see you at interviews. It was nice meeting you Jacey." 

I didn't bother correcting him as he walked away.

"Hi Jacey!" a giggling voice said behind me. Orchid was bouncing behind me.

"Hey Orchid." I said grinning. "Who was he?" she asked. I frowned. "Some District 1 Career."

We walked to the elevator. As soon as the door closed Orchid turned toward me. "I know you like Snow." 

"I don't."

"Please Jason. I've known you forever. I can tell." she argued. I sighed, too tired to protest.

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