Chapter 18

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Jason's P.O.V.

Two cannons.

"Who do you think died?" Vena asked quietly.

"I don't know."

She stared at me strangely but didn't say anything else. Instead she stood and went to go make a fire so we could eat.

Vena's question was answered soon enough. 

"Oh, gosh, Jason, you better look at this." Vena said from the entrance of the cave hours later. I crawled next to her as the Capitol Anthem played. Orchid's face stared back at me for a few seconds before it switched to Kern.

A feeling numbness spread over me.

"What do you think happened?" Vena asked.

"I-I don't know."

How could she have died? She was with Snow, and no one could overpower Snow. 

Could Snow have killed her? Along with Kern?

Maybe Vena was right about Snow wanting to kill me too.

"I'll take first shift." Vena said kindly. "Get some sleep."

I nodded slowly.

I should've killed Snow when I got the chance.

Snow's P.O.V.

I woke up in the middle of the field. I was honestly very lucky no one killed me. My cheeks were stained with tears and my hands with blood. 

My movements were slow, I climbed a tree and laid on one of the highest branches. For hours I did nothing but stare up at the canopy of leaves. 

"Snow!" Orchid screamed. 

I heard her scream of pain as the spear entered her body.

Tears were spilling out again.

I watched as Kern lifted his own spear and stabbed himself.

I held their hands as they died.

I gasped for air as the pain hit me again and again.

"They did it." Orchid was muttering. "They did it. They did it."

I watched Kern collapse onto the ground.

"Please, you guys can't just...die." I managed to say.

"Don't. Kill. Him." Orchid said. "He made a mistake. He messed up. But don't kill him, please. For me."

"I-I won't."

He betrayed me, but I couldn't kill him.

For Orchid.

Kern's hand touched my face gently.

"You look like your mom you know. And your dad too. You have your mother's eyes." he quietly.

"They would be proud." he murmured. 

Orchid nodded. "So very proud."

"You're beautiful Snow. And talented. They won't even know what hit them." he said laughing slightly. 

I watched the light leave their eyes. I watched as they said their last dying word.


I laid motionless as tears streamed down my face.

"I'm sorry." I murmured. "I'm so, so sorry."

"The Gamemakers can locate your position in the arena, they can also watch your vitals, but they can also do so much more."

I'm Not Who You Think I Am (Team Crafted & Hunger Games Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن