Chapter 15

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Snow's P.O.V.

"Snow?" Orchid said softly. "Are you okay? What happened?"

I tried to clear my thoughts. "I-I was betrayed."

"Who betrayed you?" Orchid asked helping me sit up.

"J-Jason." I murmured.


I nodded.

"You're weak and hurt. Let's get some food and water into you and bandage you up and then we'll talk." Orchid said standing up.

"Wait." I said standing up shakily. "Aren't you going kill me?" 

I remembered Jason asking me the exact same question.

"I should ask the same question." Orchid said quietly. "Even in this state, you could kill me."

I shook my head slowly. "People overestimate me."

"I have no interest in killing you Snow. You helped me in the training center. I don't think you're like everyone says you're like."

"The last time someone said that to me, he ended up trying to kill me." I said softly.

"We have a lot to talk about." Orchid said turning away.

"Wait." I said again. "The first day of the Games, I blacked out, someone helped me but didn't kill me. I recognize your voice."

She nodded. "You blacked out from hunger and thirst. I found you unconcious in the forest. I gave you some food and water and hid you in some bushes before leaving." Orchid turned sheepish and shifted awkwardly. "I took one of your knives too. Sorry."

I laughed. "You helped me and didn't kill me, I think that justifies you taking a knife from me."

She laughed too.

"My alliances haven't been going well so far, but I trust you." I said softly. "Allies?"

"Why would you want to ally with me? I'm a weak twelve year old. I don't have any skills." Orchid said.

"You saved my life. Besides, I think you're a better survivor than you think."

She grinned. "Allies then. But let's get you fixed up first."


Orchid was applying the cut medicine Enobaria had given to me. 

"So what happened between you and Jason?" she asked as she worked.

"I honestly don't know." I admitted. "My head is still throbbing, I can't concentrate."

Orchid nodded sympathetically. "I get it. Maybe a good night's sleep will help."

"Speaking of sleep, where do you normally sleep?" I asked curiously.

She shrugged. "In the trees or in a cave if I can find one. I don't stay in one place for more than a day or two. Too easy to track. Plus, I like running around."

"I have a sleeping bag. We can probably both fit." I suggested.

Her eyes lit up. "Great!"

We found a good, sturdy tree and climbed it. 

As we listened to the Capitol Anthem (no deaths) we talked.

"Don't you ever get afraid that you'll be sleeping in a tree and it'll fall down?" I asked.

She shook her head. "The Gamemakers only cutt the ropes during the day or right before it get's dark."

"You're brilliant you know." I commented.

I'm Not Who You Think I Am (Team Crafted & Hunger Games Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin