Christmas At The Slender Manor / LJ's Birthday (2018)(MEGA CRINGE)

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Painter was already sitting on the couch while the others were setting up around him; he was making finishing touches to a Christmas-Birthday painting for Laughing Jack. Puppeteer was beside him, blowing up some more balloons.

Smile Dog ran around the place barking excitedly; he wore festive reindeer antlers on his head. Unbelievably, he was carrying around behind him a black and white sleigh that carried none other than KageKao himself. KageKao held to the reigns on the sleigh, chanting as Smile Dog zipped him around the mansion.

Everyone else was pretty much busy doing something concerning the holidays or LJ's birthday, and it all made you feel excited to have your first Christmas with the Creepypastas.

"(Y/N)?" You heard Laughing Jack call your name, and you turn to him immediately, "Yes Laughing?"

"What should we do now? You're the one that brought me out here, so I wanna do whatever you think would be the most fun!"

"'s your day LJ, so you should decide."

"I want to open more presents!"

"No more until tomorrow, doofus!"

Laughing Jack huffed and crossed his arms, then looked around. "Hm....then I'm not sure what I want to do."

"How would you like to swim in your very own pool made of candy?" Candy Pop piped up, and Laughing Jack quickly turned to him, "Pool made of candy, you say!?"

"Yeah, I worked really hard on it. Follow me~!"

The jester blinded off towards the doors of the mansion and walked outside. You and LJ followed him along with some of the others.

Outside of the mansion was the huge base for a pool set up, and it was filled to the top with candy. "Ta-da!! Do ya like?" Candy Pop exclaimed, and Laughing Jack stepped up to the pool in awe.

"It'''s AMAZING!!!!!"
Laughing ran towards the pool and dived in, causing a bunch of candy to spill out over the sides. "Can we play in it too!?" Sally asked, jumping up and down excitedly. "Of course, come on in kiddo! All of ya!" LJ replied, and some of the others shouted out in excitement as they too made their way into the pool of candy.

You decide to let them have their fun in the pool and help everyone else finish setting up for Christmas.

"(Y/N)! What Christmas movie do you think we should play tonight??" Zero asked, jumping up in front of you with a bunch of movies in hand. "Uh...hold on, let me see," You say, taking the covers from her and looking through the choices. You eventually pick out (A favorite Christmas movie) and hand it back to her, "Pretty sure everyone'll enjoy this."

"Alright. Thank you love!"

She took off with the movies and as you were about to walk again, you were encountered by BEN. "What, elf?"

"I need you to do something. Come to my level."

   "What? Why?" You ask, kneeling a bit to his height. "Good...." BEN smirked, holding up his hand over you. You quickly look up and see him holding the red and green plant over your head; mistletoe.

"BEN!" You exclaim before he could kiss your face, and you grab his hat pulling it down over his whole head. "acKK— (Y/NNNNN)!!!" BEN whined, fighting to pull his hat off his face while you ran off.

You heave a sigh and walk into the kitchen, hoping there was something you could do to help. You see a few of the pastas in there, cooking their own stuff and making food for the next day.

"Spaghetti!" Clockwork exclaimed, holding up a big bowl of the past. "I made angel food cake!" Judge Angels cooed, looking happily at her bake. "A bunch of pie!!!!" Splendorman gleamed, pointing at the crap-load of pie he made. "Christmas waffles!" Toby shouted, holding up a plate of waffles that had Santa faces on them. "Toast," Jeff said, tossing one single burnt piece of toast on a plate.

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