Chapter Seventeen

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Picture of Badu Bae up top 🔼🔼🔼
~~~Badu's POV~~~
I looked at Giovanni shock as to why he was so angry about the fact that I didn't tell him that I was going clubbing with Yana, even though I didn't want to go, but like I said before it wasn't my choice.

"Excuse me but with all do with respect sir its none of your business if I want to go clubbing with my friends, for bubblegum on scale sake your not my boyfriend or my father but rather my boss whom I take order from during office hours or something that is related to the company."
I told him with a very stern voice. I am so sick and tired of people treating me like I'm a child or a fragile piece of glass that will brake if not told what to do.

"Now if you'll excuse me I have a club outing to get ready for." I told them walking away to my room.

Walking to my walk-in closet I picked a blue drop shoulder dress that stops just a little bit above my knee with matching blue heels that has to be tied. Because I had just had a bath before all the commotion down stairs I just put on my dress and heels. Walking to my dressing mirror I pull out the sitting chair before it and sat down to get my hair done but before that I call Yana to come and help me with my hair.

"Yana can you please come and help me with my hair!? " I yelled down the hall in the direction of her room.
Few minutes later she arrived in my room with her hair up in a ponytail and neat edges around it showing up her face and beauty even more.

"Your actually serious about going to the club?" She asked while she started to part my hair to cornrow it in the pattern big, small, big, small.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be serious about going clubbing with you." I replied to her strange question with a frown upon my face.

"I don't know maybe because your you?."
She replied with a frown.

"What does me being me has to do with me not wanting to go clubbing with you?" I asked her turning around in the chair to face her.

"Nothing just forget about it and let me finish your hair so that I can get ready and we can leave to go clubbing." She said as she turn me back around and finished the last cornrow.

She then proceeded to do my edges. After finishing my hair she went to her room to get ready. While I started doing my make-up I kept it natural because I mean who would want to go to bed with a beauty queen only to be scared when they saw your real face and its nothing like when you had the makeup caked on your face.
Walking to my body length mirror I stood there starring at my figure. The dress was like a second skin and it just showed up all my fat even though I wish I could call it curves looking down at my thighs I thought to my self , why couldn't I have a body like Yana so that I could have someone to love me and not have to spend my life alone.
Completing the process of getting ready I walked to Yana's room and knocked while calling her.

"Yana are you ready? I already called the cab and it should be hear in five minutes."

Walking down the stairs I head to the kitchen to find something to eat because I don't want to be puking up on myself and other people like that one time in college.
More like multiple times in college. Yeah well whatever that's the past. After all only pain and hurt can be remembered from past memories but the present and future could be of happiness and more positive than negative emotions. Walking to the stairs I called up to Yana only to see Mr. Aakarshan walking down the stairs in a black suit that clings to him showing off his muscles and that he had spent many hours in the gym. As my eyes ran over his image I could have sworn that I saw a smirk his L's but I guess its my mine that was playing tricks on me again, shaking my head of such thoughts I called out Yana's name, upon calling her name I heard thee click of her heels looking up I saw her wearing a red dress that hugged her figure perfectly with red knee high heels. She looked so beautiful, stepping down the stairs beside me she grabbed my hand and told Mr. Aakarshan goodbye while pulling me behind her like a lost puppy. I turn and watch as Giovanni raked his eyes over her body, I mean I wouldn't stop him from look cause I mean come on man look at Yana and then look at me, she's perfect while I'm- I don't full of flaws and could never be classed as perfect.

Getting in the car Yana drove us to a club called Dirty Dancing Club getting out of the car we walked up to the entrance and saw a long line of about 50 fifty people. "Uum Yana I don't think that we're gonna get in any time now." I told her as I tugged on her arm. "Yeah we can I know the bouncer." She told me walking up to a big black man with tattoos on both of his arms and a lip piercing, he had gray eyes that looked dark when the light didn't shine in them, when he looked up and saw her he smiled and pulled her into a hug. Hey Sniper how's Lisa doing? Did she have the baby yet?" I heard her ask him but I didn't get to hear what he replied to her because all of a sudden I heard screaming coming from behind me. Turning around I saw Giovanni walking towards me with a slim chocolate women beside him. She wore a dress that showed all her curves in just the right place, she looked like one of those model from a magazine that you always wish you could be. Behind them I saw a white guy with hair reaching his shoulder he was like a walking eye candy, my eyes followed them as they made their way through the door past Yana and the bouncer Sniper, just as Yana called my name that we could go into the club.

Hey guys I know that it's been a while since I've last update and because of that I tried to make this chapter as long as possible.

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