Chapter 7

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Badu pic🔝🔝🔝🔝
***** Giovanni POV******

After our meal we made our way up to the meeting. We had to wait for five minutes before, I saw Mr. Davis and his twin, Mr. Riley,Mr. Moore and Mr. Davy.
They greeted me and took a seat as Badu place a booklet in front each of them.

She started the video clip while I started talking about the new school and hospital we will be making. I listen for their opinions as well as their ideas about the plan.
We spoke about new partners that wants to join our partnership.

After two hours of talking and planning the meeting was finally over, we stood and shake hands and bid our goodbyes. I saw badu from the corner of my eyes about to leave and without thinking, I reached out and grabbed her arm in a firm yet gentle hold, she stopped and then turned to face, me and my breath got caught in my throat as I stared into her beautiful chocolate brown eyes. It was like she could see in my soul and know my deepest darkest secrets, I don't know why but I just wanted to hold her in my arms, have her body pressed against mine while I whisper sweet nothing in her ears, I want her to look at me with love and admiration rather, than that of fear, confusion and uncertainty.

I mentally shocked out such thoughts from my mind as I saw her giving my a cute look of confusion, it was then that I realized that I still had a hold on her arm and immediately release her arm, while she waited on me to speak about why I had stopped her from leaving before. So I told her the first thing that came to my mind.

"You don't have to come to work for the rest of the week if you wish not to, it'll be fine by me."
'Which might I add is quiet true because I'll be meeting me brother Gonzalo and his wife Julie'

She looked shocked but was quick to cover it up by looking down while reassuring me that she had no problem what so ever.

"Its okay I don't mind coming in."

Was all she said before she started to turn to leave again but I didn't realize that her shoe buckle was lose and she twisted her ankle as she turned to leave again.
She closed her eyes waiting for the pain which the impact of falling on the floor would have bring, but it never came because without my permission my hands left my side and held her Waist tightly preventing her from falling and hitting her head on the hard tile below our feet.
It took her two minutes before see opened her eyes and looked up at me.
Her chocolate brown eyes were so beautiful that I couldn't stop myself from staring in awe.
It was as if I could see in her soul and she mine. It was as if all her secrets and desires would show them selves to me.
I watched as her eyes rolled back in her head as her body went limp in my arms. I called her name multiple times but I didn't get a response from her. Two minutes later the paramedics arrived and took her to the hospital after a difficult five minutes task of removing her from my grasp.
I got in my BMW and followed the ambulance to the hospital.


A doctor was quick to check on my Tony and came back with the reports.

"Mr. Aakarshan your girlfriend has a sprain ankle and is doing fine. The reason behind her fainting is from stress and over work. She just needs to ease off of all the work and pressure that she's been under. I'll advise that she stay off her leg for a week and don't leave her alone. " The doctor informed me.

He kept on going from there but from I heard that she was okay, I was okay. I didn't try to correct him about her, not being my girlfriend because I'll soon be her boyfriend or even her husband in the future. Am gonna make her mine in every way known to man, in every language possible and every religion known, so they would know that she was taken and that she was 'MINE.'

'What could possible be be stressing her out.' I thought to myself after the doctor had informed me what had caused her to faint.
'I wonder what could possibly be stressing he out. Did I give her way to much work than she could handle or was it something more personal.'
It as then that I decided that she was gonna stay with me either by will or by force, I won't take no for an answer. I thought with a smirk on my face.

*****************Few hours later************
After few hours my baby girl woke up. She had on the cutest confused face that I couldn't help myself but to chuckle at it and stare in awe. She quickly turned her head to me faster than Usain Bolt made his record. She held one her palm to her head as she spoke.

"What happened?why am I in a hospital? Why is there a bandage on my left ankle?" She question as she looked at me with shock and be wilderness as she waited patiently for me to explain the reason why she's in a hospital and why there's a bandage on her ankle.
After five minutes of me remaining silent I could see that she was getting irritated and I tried and fight every muscle in my face to not smirk at how adorable she was being right now, without her even knowing what its doing to me. So I decided to fill her irritated self on the details that she requested.

"Well you see Badu you kind of just fainted after the meeting, and I took you to the hospital the doctor has already did a check up and brought back your results, it may seem as though you are under quiet a lot of stress. So do you mind telling me what could possible be stressing you out?" I told her with me famous unemotional expression, so that she doesn't realize how much I actually care about her. 'Even though its been four years I still have a feeling that she doesn't know that am a twin, and would be very confused if she were to meet my brother.' I thought to myself as I waited for her replied.

"Oh well um you see my best friend will be staying with her mother for six months and I sort of don't have a place to stay be cause our apartment will be renovated and its leaking. I've been looking for a place for almost three weeks and I am yet to find a place to stay. So I guess that's what's been stressing me out." She,told me in one breath.

I looked at her in shock because I never knew it was this difficult for her. But this also makes this a lot easier of getting her to stay with me.

"Don't worry I have the perfect place for you to stay. You could stay with me I don't really mind." I told her after i got over my shock. A smirk made it way on my lips as I thought about waking up every morning and see her.

She looked very shocked as the words left my mouth.
"U-um o-okay." Was all she said before falling back to sleep.

Please tell me what you think about this chapter and please if you see any grammatical error please notify me of them so I may correct them



















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