Chapter 19(forgetful mistake)

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  👉👉👉👉👉 Badu's POV👈👈👈👈👈
I didn't want to be reminded of how fat and how fat I still am even after high school and college. I just wanted to get the negativity out of my life, but it seems like every where I go only negativity can surround me. Looking at the tall,slim beautiful woman before me I could only feel my insecurities growing the more she spoke about our past high school history. Now I know some of you are probably wondering whose this slim beautiful girl am talking about, well if I'm right let's go back to two days after I asked Mr Morgan if my friend could stay in his home.

After asking my boss if my friend could stay in his house, I went back up to my room to get my phone so that I could call back Yana. Telling her the good news.

"Hey Yana guess what?!" I screamed into the phone in excitement of finally having someone to talk to, but I never realized how wrong I was.

"What you lost your virginity?" Yana spoke through the phone and I could just imagine the smirk forming on her lips.

My whole system shut done at the thought of loosing my v card. My cheerful expression from before long gone like my parents. The thought of loosing it came to my mind as did the face of the cocky sexy jerk of a man that I called boss came to my mind as the thought of touching those well built- -.

"Hey you still there, you do know that I was joking.... Hello! Did you zone out again?" Yana shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry I was just thinking about something. I actually called to tell you that my boss said that you could stay here and I'll send the address to your phone."

            End of flashback

And here we are with Yana telling me about how I was the fat kid at school that didn't have a lot of friends and I only got friends when she became my friend. Yana showed up this morning at 6 and she kept ringing the doorbell I had to hurry down before she woke up Mr Morgan from his peaceful rest.

Showing her to the guest room down the hall I went to my room and took up the book Primal by MaybeManhattan. I cried when Adam proposed to Evelyn, I could just visualize it.
Note:(I suggest that you try out Primal MaybeManhattan its a very interesting book)
Just as am about to start the next chapter Yana came bargain through my door not even knocking, while Fanning herself looking very flustered in the face.

"Who's the hottie walking around shirtless?" Yana squeaked out.

"Ah that would be my boss and the person you should be staying away from, because I don't want to lose my job."

Later that day

Yana came bargain into my room once again but the only difference being that I was just stepping out of the bathroom with only a towel rapped around me.
"Yana!" I screamed going back into the bathroom.
"Badu let's go clubbing tonight please?" She asked.
"OK find just get out of my room and let me get dress!" I shouted from the bathroom.


Badu's POV
Bright light shined through the darkness, waking me up from a very peaceful slumber, only to be greeted by a massive headache. Strecthing in a rather comfortable bed a whimper left my lips, as I heard the all too familiar cracking of my bones, it was then I suddenly froze when my hand came in contact with that of a very warm muscular chest that I came to the sudden realization that I wasn't in my own bed and room and that I was in fact sharing a bed with a man, whom I came to know was my boss upon looking at the mysterious man's face. I watched as Giovanni took deep long breaths moving in a rhythmic tune like that of a piano playing a love song. His eyelashes so long that they brush against his cheek, his eyelashes could make any woman jealous.
Taking this as a chance to see how his room look, I turned ny head to the left and took in the dark red and black interior of the room I saw a door leading out to the balcony.

I can't believe that something happen between us last night, gosh badu he's your boss.

My thoughts consumed me that I didn't even hear when Giovanni woke up and got out the bed standing and looking down on me.
But before he could even open up his mouth to say was a horrible mistake what happened last night was I took the sheet and wrapped it well around my body before running to my room.
Upon entering my room the shower was the first place that I headed for to try and wash the horrible mistake from my body and mind.
I felt ashamed and embarrassed  to imagine how I had ended up in the bed of my boss. Quickly gathering my dispose clothing beside the bed,  I dashed out of his room quickly escaping to my room before he woke and fired me.  Upon arriving in my room I quickly packed a bag of clothes,  hopping in the shower to try my best to wash away the mistake that I made last night that  I knew would cost me my job. As I was in the shower memory of when I had found out that  Mark was cheating one me with and old friend of mine.
📹 📹 📹 📹 📹 📹flashback 📹 📹 📹 📹 📹 📹
Thinking that I was gone he stepped out side and kissed her while I stood there watching, watching has he pulled her closer holding her in his arms. He pulled her closer said not even the breath of wind could pass through their joined body, he wrapped his arms around her just as he had done to me a few seconds ago, well pulling gently on her hair. A breathless moan fell from her lips as he kissed her neck, sucking on it leaving a red mark all the while I feel my heart shattered feel like no one can put it back together, this time he had succeeded, he had succeeded in breaking my heart leaving it being repaired. Later that night I laid in my bed crying as the memory off what had a happened with mark and my friend Barbara steps flashing in my mind, the heartache he had cause me still present, the heater that I filled when I saw him embrace her in his arms, pain I felt when they're lips met, the betrayal I felt when I realize that the person he had cheated on me with was none other than my friend Barbara Douglas..
📹 📹 📹 📹 End of flashback📹 📹 📹 📹 📹
Next chapter will be in Giovanni  POV
Until next time my lovelies

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