t h I R t y - t W o (w/ author's note)

25 1 11

"Are you sure your brothers aren't here?" Jace mumbled from my neck.

"Yes," I sighed blissfully while clutching onto his shoulders. "Don't stop."

"Don't stop what?" interrupted Casey from the other side of the treehouse. 

I shook my head as Jace ripped his fingers away from me. Casey shimmed in between Jace and me with a smug smile on his face. 

"What are you doing up here?" I asked him.

"Nothing," Casey chuckled. "Just bored."
"Clearly," I shot back. "Why aren't you hanging out with any friends or why aren't you anywhere but here?"
Casey stayed silent. Jace and I looked over at him to see his gaze stuck on the floor. Oh my gosh, did Casey even have friends?

 "Casey?" Jace questioned.

"I... just don't have anyone I want to hang out with," he said quietly.

Except for your sister and her boyfriend?  Jace and I looked at each other, subconsciously on the same page in thought. I hated to say this but my little brother didn't have any friends. 

What kind of sister would I be if I didn't try to help him out? 

"That's okay," I sighed while wrapping my arms around Casey. "We got you, get in the car."
"Where are we going?" he questioned as I pushed him back down out of the door he came from. 

"You'll find out, we'll be down in about 5 minutes," I said while pulling Jace towards me to finish what we started. 

"What about Casey?" Jace asked between my multiple kisses.

"He'll be fine," I whispered before he properly closed the space in between us.


"Okay Casey," Jace said as Casey and I canvased the mall with him. "Point out a gem that catches your eye and leave the rest to me."

"A gem?" he questioned.

"Yes, a gem," I interjected. "A boy or girl is fine, it is 2018 after all. Love is love!"
"Oh spare me the nonsense, Caden... I can't believe we're doing this," he groaned with his head in his hands. "I think this has to be the worst thing you two have ever done to me."

"Hey, if my sister made this type of effort for me, I'd be a lot smoother than I am with the ladies," Jace announced a little too loudly as I tried to lure girls (and boys) in Casey's direction.

I rolled my eyes at Jace's words and playfully delivered a slap to his arm. He didn't need to worry about being that smooth anymore because he already caught me.

"But... good thing she didn't or else I wouldn't have been able to meet the love of my life," he added while he clutched onto my hand.

"That's more like it," I said out of satisfaction before giving him a quick kiss.

"Okay if you two are just going to make out the whole time, you can take me right back home," Casey whined as he pulled himself away from us.

"Well, that would be a shame," said a beautiful young girl, none of us seemed to know. "I would've contemplated coming over here to talk to you for nothing."
"It doesn't have to be for nothing," Casey purred back at her. 

Jace and I were stunned at what was occurring in front of us. Maybe Casey did have game and we just didn't know.

"Thanks, guys, I got this from here," Casey said while shooing us away. 

Jace and I followed his orders and began to leave Casey behind before he called us back. 
"Wait!" Casey leaned over to Jace and asked for him to stay to make sure things continued going smoothly in case he hit an awkward silence. 

Jace being the kind soul he was agreed and helped my brother secure the girl that bared herself to him. I watched them from afar, feeling nothing but joy and pure love as I saw the three of them laugh together. With a bright smile on his face, Jace looked over at me and held two thumbs up while Casey continued to charm the girl. I held two thumbs back up in return as I the thought of our future together popped up in my head.

The boy who caused me so much confused my anger exposed me to true love, honesty, and a genuine connection. Jace and I would be forever, I knew it.     

"Sweetheart, your favorite pizza place was closed so I got you a fried burrito," Jace explained while shoving the concoction in my face.
"A what? Isn't that just an egg roll?"
"No, it's a fried burrito," he chuckled. "And like us, it's a compelling duo that makes you wonder why they haven't been put together a long time ago."

I laughed at Jace's analogy before taking a bite into the burrito. I moaned out of pleasure at Jace's smiling face. 

I loved it, almost as much as I loved Jace. 


Author's Note: 

Okay well first, I'd like to thank my dear friend "Ask_stellar_why7" also known as Gravity Clevercross for being the first person to read, vote, and give me such positive feedback on my story! She's a wonderful person and I can't explain how much I appreciate her! 

She also has two great stories up on her profile, "Shards of the Sky" and "Eglaf", I strongly suggest giving those a read! :) 

Anyways, this is the end for Fried Burrito but, I am planning on creating a spin-off of this story! I haven't picked a title yet but I do know that it will be the next thing that I publish on here very soon. 

Thank you so so much to everyone who has dedicated their time to my characters, ideas, and words! 

- Sam :)

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