Part 3 preview

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Niall had those loaded in no time while Louis divided up the diapers between the three buses as well

"We got the sliver ware and plates" one of the girls say to him

"Thanks girls those go on the first bus" Louis says as he was looking at his list cause they had a lot to do yet before they left cause they had to load the clothes for everyone as well as the soap too that they were going to use on a daily basis, and the food too cause they had a huge fridges on the first buse for everyone

(Much later)

"Okay everything is loaded" Louis says as he finished putting away the groceries

Everyone started to get on the buses so the tour could get underway

"I guess we are on our way now" Niall says as he was going to tune some of his guitars before the first venue

"I guess we are and now the fun begins with the kids" Louis says as he was looking at him

"Yeah and the first venue is still a ways away" Niall says as he was looking at where the first stop was on tour, so it was not going to be until the next day when they would get to the venue

"Goody and thank goodness we are on the fun bus that has all of the toys and the tech gear" Louis says as he was looking at the kids that were playing with each other and some with playing board games, and there were some that were playing by themselves and that was fine with Niall and Louis as well and later on they will have family game time where one family members picks a game or two and they play it together as a family

"I know and that means the older ones and the younger ones will be charging their IPADS a lot during this part of the trip" Niall says as he was going to get one of the babies cause they were not happy right now and Niall was going to see what the problem was and get it taken care of cause he hated to see the babies like this

(Much later)

"Niall who is cooking tonight?" Louis asks him

"I am and I am making a favorite" Niall says as he was going to get started on supper since many of the kids were napping in the other bus cause they had stopped for nap time and one of the older kids were on with them and it made it nice too and the babies were with the parents playing or watching something on the telly right now

"Can't wait I will let the other bus know when supper is ready" Louis says as he was going to radio to the other bus and let them know when supper was going to be ready and if anyone was up

Most of the little ones were up and ready to come back on for some more fun

"I say we stop some place so we can eat outside and the kids can run around after supper and get worn down for bedtime" Niall suggests as he was making supper  

"I second that" Louis says as he looks at Niall

Abandoned in the woods and adopted by one direction wattys 2023Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum