Part 7

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"Louis are you having sympathy pains?" Niall asks him cause he has been feeling off for a while

"I think I am" Louis says as he was holding his back right now cause he has been having back pain for a while right now and he knew that was from the twins right now

Niall knew Louis was getting jealous of all the attention that he was getting right now since he was pregnant with two babies and not just one and cause Niall was more special than Louis too

"Louis want to go on a little getaway with just the two of us and Harry and Liam can watch the kids while we are gone?" Niall asks him

Louis smiles at him cause a trip with just the two of them was just what the doctor ordered for the both of them

"Okay I can get it planned and it will be a stay cation cause of the pandemic that was still going on" Niall says as he looked at Louis

Louis smiled at him cause he was excited about the stay cation and going away from it all for awhile

"It's going to be a cabin somewhere and it will be just the two of us and I hope the babies wait till after the stay cation to come but who knows" Niall says as he was still talking to Louis right now and they were going to get ready for the gender reveal that day

Niall and Louis as well as the kids had the right colors on for who they were picking for the babies and each reveal was going to be different cause Liam did a treasure hunt for the gender reveal and the kids love solving riddles and getting the younger ones involved as well cause they loved those type of games

"Uncle Liam has a treasure hunt planned for our gender reveals, and he has hidden clues to help us find out what the twins are" Louis says as the kids were ready to start the treasure hunt cause Louis and Niall had their own hunt cause Liam did separate hunts for the kids and for Louis and Niall and the treasure was going to lead everyone to what baby A was and there was a clue that was going to lead them to what baby B was as well and everyone was excited to find out

(Much later)

"I guess all of our clues led us to here and I guess here is where we are going to find out what baby a is" Louis says cause he saw that the little kids had suckers in their mouth right now cause he knew that Liam must of put with one of the clues to keep the little kids happy as well as they were doing their treasure hunt

Niall was going to open the box to release the balloons that was going to tell them the color of what baby A was

"Baby A is a boy" Niall says when he saw the balloons be released

The ones who were team blue was happy that they were going to have a little brother to play with and the ones who were team pink were hoping baby b was a girl so they had once of each

"Okay now for clues that will lead us to what baby b is" Louis says to the kids cause they were ready to get this over with and they could talk names as well cause Niall wanted to start calling them by their name so he had that in his head already cause when they were in trouble he wanted to call them by their name and not baby a or baby b cause that was getting annoying

The kids figured out all of the clues really fast and they went to where baby b reveal was and they saw blue and team boy was happy across the board that they were getting two brothers and not two sisters or one sister

"Remember team girl you have one sister from a few weeks ago cause papa saw a baby girl and she is in the hospital right now recovering from being left out in the rain cause papa was at the soccer field letting it loose when he heard a cry coming from the bleachers and low and behold someone abandoned her there" Louis says to the ones who were team girl cause they were totally bummed that they weren't getting another sister

"Louis you never told me this" Niall says as he looks at him cause he was shocked that he just found out the news himself

"Niall it was sudden and she was sick do I had to get her medical attention cause if I didn't she wouldn't survive and she was so cute too, and she needed a family too so I told them she could join our family once she was all better" Louis tells him as he shows him the picture of the baby girl when she was left at the soccer field in the pouring rain and he showed him pictures at the hospital as well and Niall knew she belonged with them immediately cause she had pneumonia and she was on breathing treatments as well to help her along and she would fit right in with the group too

"How sick was she?" Niall asks him cause he was wondering about the baby as well 

"She is sick she was born premature so she is in the special unit right now and they are seeing what she has right now and they will tell me more later on her cause she needs a family really bad Ni and we can protect her at all cost, and she will need medical care as well and we can give that to her" Louis tells him 

"I want to meet her and see how she is doing" Niall tells him cause he wanted to meet the baby girl that was going to join their family too 

Louis was going to take Niall that night to meet the baby that was going to join their family as well cause she was going to be apart of their family from that day forth 

"That sounds fair that way you can bond with her I have already bonded with her and she is in love with me already so is so perfect despite the fact that she is sick right now but I think she will be fine and make a full recovery as well in time and she will be home with us" Louis tells him as he was going to show Niall some of the pictures that he had of the tiny child that was in the hospital right now fighting for her life 

Niall let the tears fall as he was looking at her cause she was so beautiful as well and they needed to give her a proper name in case she doesn't make it and they were going to have her blessed as well in case she takes a turn for the worse as well and Louis doesn't think she will take a turn for the worst at all and she will be home before they knew it 

Abandoned in the woods and adopted by one direction wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now