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"The suspect is in custody" the officer says as he comes out with the suspect

"Thank you officer" Niall says as someone else comes

"I want my kid back' a mother says as she approaches Niall cause he had the little one they adopted

"When we went down to the orphanage they said you signed your rights over at birth, so this little cutie is ours" Niall says as he was holding the baby girl close to him cause she was clearly upset

"I was drugged up i want my baby back" the mother said as she tried to rip the baby away from Niall

"You ma'am are under arrest" the officer says cause he knew she was high as a kite

"Leave me go i want my baby" she says to the officer

Niall brought out the papers for the baby he had in his arms

"It looks like they are her parents" the officer says after he had read the papers for all of the kids and he was going to make copies just in case the other parents come forward for the rest of them cause they might in time or something

The other officer takes the mother away as Niall heads in the house with the baby and celebrate Louis birthday


"The kids are scared what was going on?" Louis asks him

"Let's talk about it later Lou" Niall says as he was going to cuddle with Louis

"Life won't be better than this" Louis says as he looks at Niall

"No it won't" Niall says as he was cuddling with Louis and the kids 

(Days later)

"Niall we need to talk" Louis says as he came in with one of the babies

"What about Lou?" Niall asks as he was packing for tour

"We will be going on tour and we have to decide on who is taking which kids" Louis says to him

"Oh yeah let's see our schedules and see if we meet up any place so we can switch" Niall says to him as they were going to look at the schedules and see if they meet anywhere at all or they don't see each other 

"Sounds good" Louis says as he was going to follow Niall to the room that had all of their music at and Niall's guitars 

Louis and Niall looked at the tour schedules and they saw they didn't meet up at all, so they had to decide on who they were going to take

"Lexi especially is going to be the hard one to break up" Niall says to Louis

"Yeah i know since we got her she has been close to the both of us, and i hate to do that to her since she is so young still" Louis says to him

"Same goes for the others" Niall says as he was looking at pictures of all of them together 

"I guess I am going to join you on tour cause the ones i will take would want you and the ones you take would want me" Louis says to him cause he knew what was going to happen later on in the tour 

"Can you do that?" NIall asks him

"We will have to see if not i will figure out something" Louis says as he was going to make some phone calls to see if he can go with Niall on tour or will he have to take some of the kids with him and see if they can meet some place and swap kids until they return home again where everyone will be together under one roof again


Louis was outside having his fourth smoke of the night 

"Well Lou what's it going to be?" NIall asks him

"I guess we have to divide them up" Louis says to Niall

"I hope the kids will be okay with it" Niall says as he looks at Louis

"I hope so too" Louis says as he was going to figure out how he was going to break the news to the kids and how they will take it 

"I support you either way and the one's that don't want to go with you will go with me" NIall says as he was going to figure out on his end how he was going to explain what was going to happen when the tour starts 

Abandoned in the woods and adopted by one direction wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now