Start of tour for real

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Niall was making breakfast for the little kids cause they were going to break it to them that they had to be split up for a long while, and Louis and Niall was prepared what was going to come when they broke the news to the kids cause it was not going to be pretty at all there were going to be some tantrums, breakdowns and everything in-between with the younger kids since they will not it very well at all either cause they want to be together all of the time they will hate being apart at all even for days at a time cause they became one big family when they were adopted

"If need be i can get the dates close together cause I told management that we are both going on tour together, and the kids are really close to us, and we can't afford to break them up" Louis says as he was making coffee and getting juice for the little kids cause they were going to be up in a little bit and they were going to need to break the news to them soon cause Niall was going to be leaving in a few days and they had to get the kids that Niall was taking packed and ready to go on tour

"Lou i can't watch all of them by myself i am going to need help" Niall says to him

"I know i will too Niall and I plan on getting a nanny if need be" Louis says as the little kids came down

"I guess I am going to interview nannies too" Niall says to hi cause he was going to need to interview nannies quick or have management do it cause he was going to be picky

Soon Niall and Louis heard thunders of little feet coming down the stairs cause the babies were up and were in their playpens playing since almost all of them were on solids, so they were going to have either a pancake or a waffle cause Niall was making a big breakfast cause it was going to be a busy day out running around and getting everything ready for tour

"The kids are up" Niall says to him

"Okay let's break the news to them" Louis says to him

The kids took their seats and Niall brought breakfast to the table and the kids asked for what they wanted for breakfast

"Kids papa and me have some news to tell you" Louis says to the kids

The kids were listening

"Daddy and me will have to break you guys up cause we are going on tour so one will take half and the other will take the other half" Niall says to them

Olivia and Alexis was not happy about that at all they left the table to go back to their rooms

"That did not go well" Louis says cause the little kids started to cry cause they were being split up

"No it didn't" Niall says to Louis

"I am going on tour with you so we can be a family i hate to have this all tour" Louis says as he was going to make the decision to go on with Niall so the kids were together and still were a family cause they loved their daddy and their papa or their mama as well

Niall was glad Louis was coming with him on tour     

(Weeks later)

Niall and Louis had three buses two were for sleeping cause some of the kids weren't up for sharing their beds with their siblings and the other one was the living bus where they would eat and watch TV or movies as they were on the road there then at night the kids will be divided up for bedtime cause Louis and Niall had a master on each of the buses and they were going to be on the back end of the bus and the older ones were in charge of the little one that slept in big kid beds, and Louis and Niall had the cribs on their bus for the babies and the other little ones as well  

"Okay everyone i want all of the luggage outside in an hour" Niall says cause him and Louis were loading up the diapers and everything that they would need for the babies on each of the buses as well as the changing tables too and the potties cause Louis had a bright idea to potty train some of the little kids while on tour 

The older girls started the process as soon as they heard that cause they were in charge of toys and everything else like electronics, movies and whatever else was needed to keep everyone happy while on tour as well 

"Thank you girls" Louis says cause he was going to start loading everything up in the buses as it was brought out cause they did the bedding the night before cause they had a lot of beds to make and Niall had a system as well to have the right kids in the right beds every night 

Louis had everything loaded in no time cause Niall was taking care of his guitars and everything else that was needed for tour as well and Louis was in charge of snacks for everyone and getting the high chairs and booster seats on board the living bus cause that was a chore in itself  

Part 2 next week or the following week for sure 

Abandoned in the woods and adopted by one direction wattys 2023Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora