Part 3

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"I'm glad all of the kids are used to Harry and the others being with them" Louis says to Niall

"Yeah, and this little one is hooked on us" Niall says as he was holding one of the little ones that wanted to go as well

"She is and she is very beautiful" Louis says as he got her mask out

Soon Niall was called in and the three of them put on their mask Louis helped the little one with hers and she kept it on cause it was a pretty print

"Height and weight please" the nurse tells Niall

Niall got his weight and height checked, and he was put in a room to weight for the doctor to come in and check on the baby or babies

"Cover her eyes Lou" Niall says as he was going to change

Louis had her eyes covered as Niall changed into a gown


The doctor came in and Louis and the little girl stepped outside for the pelvic exam cause the doctor was checking Niall out down there

"All clear" the doctor tells Louis as he has him come back in

Louis and the little girl saw the ultrasound and they were excited to see the baby or babies finally

"Let's fire this thing up to see about the baby or babies" the doctor says to Louis and Niall

When the doctor turned on the ultrasound machine, he saw more than one Inside of Niall

"Well Niall by the looks of it you are having twins" the doctor tells Niall as soon as he saw the other baby come up on the screen

Niall was shocked that they were going to be having twins, and he was hoping the pregnancy was going to go smooth and have no hiccups at all cause he wanted to have a good pregnancy and he was going to do anything to make it perfect up to delivery

"We can see the gender right now would you like to know/" the doctor asks Niall and Louis

Louis looks at Niall and he nods cause they wanted to do a gender reveal for the twins   

"Yes, we would like to know, so can you write it down and put it in an envelope that will be great cause we are planning a gender reveal" Niall says cause he wanted to do everything this pregnancy, and experience it all and do practically everything he could think of with this pregnancy like a belly cast and lots more he was very excited to do everything he could before the twins are born and he was going to have Louis included as well cause he did not want Louis to be left out on the fun he was going to have

The tech put the genders in an envelope and almost right on cue Liam comes in and takes the envelope cause he was in charge of the cake for the party, and he knew Niall was going to peak at the genders

"I had Liam come and get the envelope so we aren't tempted to look as we wait for the party that will be in a couple of weeks cause I know you really want to know like I do so it will be a surprise for all of us cause I have Liam in charge of getting two of everything just to be sure cause I hate to have the sonogram be wrong and the gender is the opposite of what the baby was suppose to be" Louis says as he holds Niall close to him

"I guess you are right, and we will have more time to work on the nursery for these two little ones and get the hospital plan ready as well" Niall says as he cleans off the gel, he had on his stomach at the moment cause the tech did a check on the babies and they were right on track with development right now and everything else as well which was a good thing as well

"Yeah, we will, and you can rest and relax between work on the nursery" Louis says as he kisses Niall as they were leaving to go home

"I know I will then before we know it the babies will be here, and we will be a family of 12 or more" Niall says as he was looking at Louis as they were leaving

Louis helped Niall in the car to go home and they were going to see what Liam has planned for the gender reveal cause they have to think about who they were going to invite to the shower and the gender reveal as well cause it was going to be a big deal on who was invited and who was not invited as well

Part 4 will come

Part 4 is up

Abandoned in the woods and adopted by one direction wattys 2023Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora