Honeymoon part 7

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"Olivia time-out daddy has to use the restroom" he says as he looks over at her cause he needed to wee really bad so he was fighting it since she was playing her heart out and she was not getting tired at all either which was a shock for Louis, so they were going have to go inside in a little bit and he was going have to figure out a way to get her to go to bed so he could go to bed as well since the next day was going to be jam packed

Louis sees that she was fast asleep on the ground so he was going to take her back in as well as the soccer ball as well so it was not going to get stolen from a crazy fan that might want the soccer ball for their own pleasure and it was Olivia ball that she plays with him when she needed to go to sleep quickly and sometimes quietly as well and it worked like a charm for some reason or another which Louis was surprised

"It's bedtime baby" he says as he was heading back in with her so he could get her tucked in for the night and he could join Niall in bed and he could sleep before Niall would wake him up the next morning someway or another or Olivia cause she had a habit of waking her parents up early in the morning 

Louis changed her diaper before he tucked her in her pack n play for the night and he joins Niall in bed 

"Did she go to sleep finally?" Niall asks him when he heard Louis came back inthe room with her 

"Yeah she did I hope she sleeps good tonight and i hope she sleeps in tomorrow a little bit so we can sleep in" Louis says as he cuddles next to Niall cause he loved to cuddle with him once the kids were sound asleep in their beds or their cribs 

"If she doesn't wake us up early in the morning let's sleep in" Niall says as he turns over to kiss Louis 

"That sounds lovely" Louis says as he kisses Niall 

Louis and Niall fell alseep in each others arms until the next day when they were woken up by Olivia cause she was not going to let her parents sleep in at all 

(Next day)

"Okay Olivia we are up" Louis says when he hears her from her crib 

"It smeels like she needs a major diaper change" Niall says when he smelt somthing really stinky almost making him throw-up 

"I'll change her and give her a bath" Louis says as he got up to give Olivia a bath and change her clothes as well  

Niall aired out the room since it stunk really bad 


"I think we should head to breakfast and go out and see the sights" Louis says to Niall after a while cause Olivia had it all up her back and on her front as well 

"Sounds good to me i can change when we come back and when they clean the bathroom" Niall says as he had to step outside to put on a shirt and some shorts cause he could not stand being inside the room for one more minute 

Louis got Olivia in her stroller so she was not going to take off from her parents at all as they headed out for their adventure 

"Lou can we stop at one fo the clinic cause i am not feeling too good?" Niall says as they headed out cause they were going to one of the local restaurants for breakfast instead of staying in their hotel like they were going to that morning if they had slept in  

"Sure Niall I can drop you off and i can take Olivia so she does not get restless" Louis says as he looks at Olivia cause he knew Olivia was not going to stay still as papa was going to get checked out 

"Sounds good you two can go shopping or something and i can call you when i am done" Niall says as he heads into the clinic cause he knew what was wrong with him and he wanted to make sure there was a baby in there 

"Perfect" Louis says to him as they kissed as they headed to breakfast and got Olivia some food in her little system 

(After breakfast)

"Oliia are you going to give papa a kiss?" Niall asks as they were leaving 

  Olivia gave Niall a kiss as she was falling asleep 

"I think I am going to take her on a walk instead i think she is still sleepy from last night" Louis says as he was cleaning her up from breakfast since she got it all over her face 

"I think so too" Niall says as they kissed before he left 

Once Louis had paid the bill they headed out on their walk and see what was going on with Niall as well 

"Oh night Olivia" Louis says when he saw her fast asleep in her stroller 

Louis was still walking with her and he could not believe how big she was as well 

"Daddy can't wait until we are home and we see how tall you are and how much you weigh" he says as he was walking with her as she was napping in her stroller 

Louis called to check-in on the others and see how they were doing with Uncle Harry and Uncle Liam as well and they were doing okay and just playing and helping with their chores, and Louis was glad they were getting along just fine and Niall and him were going to be coming home soon to be with the kids since there was not much they could do with Olivia being with them and Louis only packed so much for her, so they were going to take a family vacation that summer together as a family some place which was going to be interesting in itself cause the kids will go crazy  


"They are going to call me with the results" Niall says as he meets Louis at one of the shops since Louis was shopping for everyone 

"Niall i think we should take a family vacation with all of the kids this summer" Louis says as he looks at Niall as he joined him  

Niall agreed to a family vacation later on that summer with all of the kids and they were going to pick where they were going  

Abandoned in the woods and adopted by one direction wattys 2023Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz