Getting the new ones settled

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"Well you little ones are going to be sleeping with us while we work on your rooms" Louis says as he was walking out with the little ones that he had in his arms

"Louis I'm walking home with them" Niall says to Louis as he looks at his bunch that he had

"Okay I'll wait for you Niall at home" Louis says as hey kissed before Louis left to go home and see about Freddie cause Freddie was staying over and Louis had to get home to be with Freddie right now too

Niall loved bonding with the one triplet that came with him and the little ones that were walking with him as well to the house where they were going to grow up at as they got older in life

"Ambrosia will you be okay with three other sisters?" Niall asks as he looks at her

Ambrosia nods as they were walking with Champagne who was being carried by Niall

"That's good there is Lexi, London and Darcy" he says as they were still walking home

Ambrosia saw a ice cream store and they stopped and they saw Louis and the other two in there having ice cream as well

"Niall come join us" Louis says to him

"Don't mind if we do" Niall says as he joins Louis and the other two

The girls loved their ice cream and Louis decided that all four should come home. Which Niall agreed cause it was a long walk and they got tired easily from walking all that way to the ice cream shop, and they were going to take in the sights as they were heading home to get the girls settled in


"Looks like Lexi and Darcy was waiting for their new siblings to come home" Louis says as he looks at the girls that were outside waiting for daddy and papa to come back home so everyone can get acquainted and adjusted as well

"Yeah it looks like it I hope it goes smooth and everyone gets along as well" Niall says as they pull in the driveway of the house

Lexi and Darcy was excited to meet their sisters for the first time

"Okay you two just hang on we got to get them out of the van first" Louis says to the girls who were waiting for their sisters to get out so they could meet them

"Champagne it's okay sweetie one of your sisters is out here waiting for you is all" Niall says as he got the little girl out of her car seat ever so gently

Champagne was hooked on Niall and that was fine with him cause this was a new place and new people that she was going to meet

"Darcy I would like you to meet Champagne your new sister can you say hi?" Niall asks as he looks at the little girl that was beside papa who had the newest member of the family

Darcy followed Niall into the house so she could meet her sister and help her get adjusted to her new life

"Lexi girl you get three sisters that you get to play with so I would like you to meet Ambrosia, Chardonnay and Merlot your new sisters" Louis says as he got the triplets out of the van slowly so they could meet Lexi for the first time

"Lexi this is your first sister Ambrosia can you say hi?" Louis asks as he looks at her

Lexi waves at the little girl that was by daddy since papa was in the house

"Chardonnay it's okay sweetie" he says as he was getting her out of the car as well so she could meet Lexi for the first time too

Chardonnay wanted to stay with Louis and she wanted to be held

"Lexi this is you other sister Chardonnay and you can see she is really scared cause she is in a new place with new people, so can you get a toy for her so she feels welcomed?" Louis asks her

Lexi went into the house to get a toy for her new sister and she picked one of her old dolls

"Here Chardonnay this is from Lexi can you give the baby a hug?" Louis asks as he looks at her

Chardonnay started to hug the doll as Louis put her down so he could get Merlot the last one of the girls out of the van

"Oh the poor thing is asleep" he says when he saw Merlot fast asleep in her car seat

Louis got her out gently and she didn't even move at all

"Okay your last sister Lexi and this is Merlot and she is asleep right now, so you want to help me to her room so we can get them tucked in?" he asks hr quietly

Lexi nods as she goes into the house with her new sisters since Niall was in the house with Champagne and getting her adjusted and settled as well

"I just got Champagne down for a nap" Niall says as he was playing with London for a little bit

"That's good you want to help get the others down too?" Louis asks him

"I thought you never asks" Niall says as he got up to help Louis with the others so they could get some sleep before they have a tour of their new home where they are going to live and where they are going to grow up at for the rest of their lives


"I think we are going to be just fine with all these little ones" Louis says as he looks at Niall as they looked at the sleeping girls that were sound asleep on the couch right now

"I think so too" Niall says as they kiss before going to get London and Freddie and put them down for a nap as well so they could have some time to themselves for a little bit

Niall and Louis decided to take a nap with the babies since both babies were clingy for some reason or another to their daddies or their mommy, and that was just fine with Louis and Niall as well cause the babies were little and they still needed them to take care of them, and Niall and Louis loved those babies with all their heart, and couldn't wait to see them grow up and see how they change and how they develop into their own person they already see it with London as she grows every day 

V & C

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