First day of school

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"Olivia are you going to give papa a kiss?" Niall asks as they were leaving

Olivia gave Niall a kiss as she was falling asleep

"I think I am going to take her on a walk instead i think she is still sleepy from last night" Louis says as he was cleaning her up from breakfast since she got it all over her face

"I think so too" Niall says as they kissed before he left

Once Louis had paid the bill they headed out on their walk and see what was going on with Niall as well

"Oh night Olivia" Louis says when he saw her fast asleep in her stroller

Louis was still walking with her and he could not believe how big she was as well

"Daddy can't wait until we are home and we see how tall you are and how much you weigh" he says as he was walking with her as she was napping in her stroller

Louis called to check-in on the others and see how they were doing with Uncle Harry and Uncle Liam as well and they were doing okay and just playing and helping with their chores, and Louis was glad they were getting along just fine and Niall and him were going to be coming home soon to be with the kids since there was not much they could do with Olivia being with them and Louis only packed so much for her, so they were going to take a family vacation that summer together as a family some place which was going to be interesting in itself cause the kids will go crazy


"They are going to call me with the results" Niall says as he meets Louis at one of the shops since Louis was shopping for everyone

"Niall i think we should take a family vacation with all of the kids this summer" Louis says as he looks at Niall as he joined him

Niall agreed to a family vacation later on that summer with all of the kids and they were going to pick where they were going  

(Months later)

"I can't believe it it's Alexis first day of school" Niall says as he was packing her lunch for the day 

"I can't believe it either" Louis says as he looks at the calender cause the older girls start school t hat week but Alexis started today at her school they decided to break it up for the teachers and the staff as well 

"Soon the others will be going' Niall says as he wa thining of the others 

"I know and then we will just have the babies here until they go to school" Louis says as he looks at the babies  

"I know i love the babies a lot and i can't wait to see the grow and change" Niall says as he saw Olivia come into the kitchen a few minutes later

"Hey buttercup you ready to take sissy to school?" Louis asks her since him and Niall were divinding up 

Olivia nods as she looks at daddy and papa 

"Lexi come on get a move one" Nial says as he calls to her as she comes down with her backpack 

Louis let some tears fall as he saw his oldest daughter there with her backpack on her back and in her hands her lunch 

"Daddy wants to get a picture of you with your sign" Louis says as he wipes the tears that he had let fall

Alexis held her sign happily as daddy took the pictures and she took some silly pictures as well and NIall loved it   

"Okay Olivia we have to get going to take sissy to school for the first time" Louis says as he looks at her cause he was going to buckle her in and Niall was going to help Alexis with her car seat since she was still in a booster 

Louis and Niall got the girls buckled in and they were off to school 


"Okay Alexis here we are we have to be in line-up" Niall says cause the school frowns on parents parking for the first day of school 

"Can you come in with me papa?" she asks from the backseat 

"I am going to come with you" he says as he was going to park the car 

The alarm went off when Niall parked in the lot 

"Mr. Horan-Tomlinson I am going to ask you to get back in the line-up" the voice says 

"I want to walk my daughter in for her first day she is a little scared" he says as he was protecting Alexis 

"I'm sorry we don't allow that" the voice says as as the machine started to move the car back out and Niall was going to get in the line-up 

Niall was upset he could not take Alexis in for her first day 

"Sorry sweetie I think daddy packed you something so we are always with you" Niall says as he looks at her

Alexis saw a picture in her backpack and she loved it 

"Thank you papa" she says when she also saw her stuffed animal in there too 

"Sweetie i am going to give you a big hug and a kiss before you head in" he says as he was going to park the car since he was last in the line-up anyways so he was going to take his time 

Niall hugged her until the end of time cause he didn't want to let go of her at all he loved her and this makes it all real 

"That is the last child" the teacher says when she didn't see anymore cars 

The teachers went in right as Niall pulled up with her 

"I get to take you in after all" he says as he parks and gets Olivia out and helps Alexis out of her car seat so they could head in together for the first day of school, but a teacher saw them as they opened the doors 

Abandoned in the woods and adopted by one direction wattys 2023Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin