The guys find Alexis

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"Whose idea was to go camping again anyway especially on one of our days off from tour? I want to be back in my hotel room sleeping on a bed and not in a tent again" Harry asks as they made their way back to the woods for another band camp out that Liam organized since they were getting ready to go back on tour once again, so Liam suggested that they spend time together to see what each other has been up to since the first leg of the tour ended, and since Zayn left the band to do his own thing

"It was mine, and I think we need to get reacquainted with each other before we hit the road to go back on tour once again, and we perform for the fans" Liam says as they continue to search for the perfect spot away from the fans and life in general cause they needed a break from it all right now anyway before they headed back on tour to finish their run that they had going on before they broke to work on the fifth album that they were working on for the fans that were eager to listen to the new music that was coming out from the group since Zayn left a month ago due to stress, and he decided to leave the band completely to work on things, and maybe start a solo career away from the others since he had been with them for five years

"I say we make camp right here cause I'm not going no further then this spot right here cause it seems to be the perfect spot to me" Niall says as he comes upon the perfect spot for them to sleep on since all four had their own tent and sleeping bag this trip to sleep in instead of doubling up which they did the last time that they went camping, and that didn't end well at all

"I guess we start to clear away the debris and make camp" Liam says to the guys as they set their backpacks down as well as everything else that they brought with them

Louis kicks around little things, and pretend that he was busy the entire time as the guys started to make camp for the night since they weren't moving from that spot


"Okay who wants to gather firewood and stones for our fire pit?" Liam asks the guys after they set up camp for the night

"I will" Niall says as he heads off into the woods to get the items in question

"I'll help him" Harry says as he follows Niall to where Niall was going to gather firewood at

"How much wood do we need?" Niall asks as they continue to go through the woods to get the wood for the fire

"A good bit for supper and for snack tonight that is for sure, and enough for breakfast in the morning as well" Harry says to Niall

"I guess we are going to take some of this back, and come back for more" Niall says as he takes some wood back to the camp, so Liam can get started on the fire

Harry follows behind with the rest of the sticks that they had gathered for the fire

"Louis what are you going to do?" Niall asks him as the group headed back out for sticks and stones for the fire pit that Liam was going to be building for the group

"I am going to gather rocks for the fire pit" Louis says to them as he headed out to go searching for rocks with Harry and Niall, so they could get the campfire going that night before says that he is hungry

"Sounds like a plan to me" Niall says to Harry and Louis as they head back into the woods to get more supplies for their camp-out that night

As the trio was heading deeper into the woods to get supplies they heard a sound coming from somewhere in the woods

"Harry do you hear that? Louis asks him as they continue to go through the woods to get more supplies for their fire that night

"Yeah it sounds weak and faint" Harry says as they go towards the sound, and to see where it was coming from, and what it could be

Abandoned in the woods and adopted by one direction wattys 2023Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz