Freds found out

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Hey guys :) So like I said, this chapter has jumped to Envy's last year in Hogwarts. Sorry for doing this, but I've been planning this book >.< and the more interesting parts happen in her last year.

Song for this chapter:
Ugly heart by G.R.L

Chapter 9

Luna's POV


I hadn't seen Fred that much these holidays, and I was leaving to go back to Hogwarts today. Since I had only seen him three times these holidays, I thought it would be nice to see him. I skipped down stairs, and out the door.


I smiled as I walked into the Joke shop. George and Fred were standing at the top of the stairs. Fred saw me, and smiled. He walked down the stairs, and stood in front of of me. "Hi Luna." He smiled. I smiled back. "Hi!" I said. "Come with me." He said, as he led me up the stairs. I nodded.


George's POV


I watched as Fred led Luna to the back room. I told Fred he was playing with fire when he asked Luna out. He didn't listen. But it was Fred, he always did stuff like this, and it always ended up the same way. He had something great, he wanted more, he got both when he knew he could only have one, and then everything blew up in his face. He never learned. I sighed as I watched him kiss Luna.

Fred, will you ever learn?


Envy's POV


I was bored, and there was one hour left before I left to go back to Hogwarts for my last year. I had seen Enna and Tyla allot these holidays, so I wasn't exactly bored all through them. I wanted to go see Fred one last time before I left. I knew Enna was seeing Cedric, she told me yesterday she was going to. Tyla was lucky, Harry was in the same year as us, so she would get to see him all school year. I got up to go to visit Fred. I grabbed my keys, and got into my car.


I walked up to the door of the Joke Shop. I walked inside, but I didn't see Fred, I only saw George. I walked up the stairs. Fred was probably in the back room, he told me if he wasn't out front, I could go into the back room, because that was where he probably was. I walked up to the door, and looked in. But it was dark in there, and the glass was that fancy type with all the waves and ripples. I opened the door, and stopped dead. There was Fred, with a girl in his arms. They were making out. "Fred?" I whispered. He didn't seem to hear. "Fred?!" I yell. He jumped, and pushed away from the girl. He looked as shocked as I was. The girl turned around. I was even more shocked to see that it was Luna. Luna had always seemed so nice, how could she do this to me?! But she didn't looked shocked or smug, she looked more like a normal girl who had just been caught kissing her boyfriend. Embarrassed. "Oh, hi Envy." She smiled, blushed, and looked down. I suddenly felt my anger die away for Luna, I realised she didn't know, but at the same time I felt my anger for Fred grow. He was lying to both of us! "Fred, how could you?!" I cried. "I... umm.... its not what it looks like...." He stuttered. Luna suddenly looked up. "Wait... whats going on here?" Luna looked confused. "He's my boyfriend, Luna. He has been for two years." I told her. She suddenly looked as shocked and broken as I was. "B-but... he asked me out last year!" She stutterd. We both looked at Fred, who was against the wall with his hands in his pocket, and biting his lip. "FRED!" we both screamed. "Its not what it-" He started, but I was two full to hear what he had to say. I stepped forward, and punched his nose so hard, he fell to the floor groaning. Luna Kicked his stomach as he sat up, making him double over again. We both ran outside crying. "Envy! Envy, I'm so, so sorry! I didn't know! I swear I didn't know!" She cried. I hugged her, also crying. "I believe you." I whispered.


George's POV


I watched as Luna and Envy ran out of the joke shop. I knew it, Fred's done it again. Fred stumbled out of the back room, on arm across his stomach, and the other hand cupping his nose. "Fred, I told you. You were playing with fire. Now you'll never get them back." I leaned on the wall. Fred scowled. "Luna might not come back, but Envy will." He said in a flat tone. "George, you broke her heart. Shes not coming back. Its exactly like the last time. I hate to say it, but your a player." I crossed my arms, and Fred glared at me. "I am NOT. And Envy is an outcast, and one things for sure, she'll be crawling back begging me to take her back. She'll be forgiving me like none of this ever happened. She will be back."


So Fred was found out. +.+

Comment any suggestions or opinions. =^•.•^= @.~ ~(•.•)~ \(•.~)/ >.^

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