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Hey guys! The next chapter is going to be the last chapter in Envy, Enna and Tyla's sixth year. I know I just changed it, but I'm trying to get to the more exciting parts, because this book is starting to get boring.

Chapter 7

Enna's POV


"Shut up, Penelope." I hissed. "Whoa, Enna! Calm down." Padma said, in an annoyingly laid-back voice. The other girls laughed. Envy stood with her head down and her arms crossed. Her face was emotionless. "Whats she gonna do about? Nothing. She can't doing anything." Marietta laughed. Envy's face suddenly turned from emotionless to angry. "Shut up." She said through gritted teeth. They all laughed. "Or what? What can you do?" The girls laughing there heads off now. "Shut up. I swear I'll..." "Swear you'll what?" Parvati challenged her. "What are you going to do? Nothing! You can do nothing! YOU'RE nothing!" They were all laughing so hard now, half of them were on the ground. "Shut. up." Tyla hissed, putting an arm in front of Envy. Envy pushed Tyla's arm away, and walked up to Parvati. They all started laughing again. Envy bared her teeth, and grabbed Parvati by the base of her hair. Parvati gasped. Envy hit her against the wall, and still holding her hair with her left hand, punched her in the nose. "PARVATI!" Padma screamed. The other girls, including Tyla and I, stood frozen, our jaws dropped. Parvati sat on her knees, and her hand on her nose. She looked at her hand which was covered in blood, then up at Envy. Her eyes glistened with tears. Padma was down on her knees comforting Parvati. "What is wrong with you?! Her nose is bleeding!" Padma yelled. "Tsst. She deserved it." Envy said flatly. Padma, Penelope, Marietta, Cho, lavender, Hermione, and teary eyed Parvati just glared at her.

After Envy was taken to Mcgonigal's office, Parvati was taken to the nurse, I walked around the halls. "Enna," Someone said behind me. I turned around and smiled. Cedric was leaning against the wall. I ran to hug him. "Why are you here?" I asked. "Visiting you." He said and leaned in so our lips touched i wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him again. "Ahem." Tyla coughed. We turned and looked at her. "Uh..." We both pulled awkwardly away from each other. I felt heat rise in my cheeks.


Envy's POV


"You should know as well as anybody that it is against the rules to hit other students, miss Walters! You are lucky that you aren't being expelled." Mcgonigal told me. "Yes. I'm sorry." I muttered. "You will have two months of detention, in my office every night." She said. Parvati glowed with triumph. "Don't think that I've forgotten about you, miss Paril." Mcgonigal reminded her. Parvati's glow diminished. I smirked, and she scowled at me. "You were provoking miss Walters, and therefor it is partly your falt that she hit you. One months detention." I smiled sweetly at Parvati, who scowled at me, then looked away.


Sorry this chapter was so short! the next chapter be longer. :)

Comment any suggestions or opinions. =^•.•^= @.~ ~(•.•)~ \(•.~)/ >.^

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