With that said, he left the room. 

I waited for a minute in case if he was coming back. No. He didn't. I got up from my bed and went back to the window. I saw three of them still there.

"Sorry guys. I dIdn't have a chance to....."

"That's fine...." Kate replied. It was dark. They were hiding behind the window for more than 2 hours now.

"Listen up Jules." Marc said.

"I think we have to leave now. We will be here by 10 o'clock in the morning. By then, find a way to get out of the room."

"But how? He's got guards everywhere." I said.

All of us started thinking. Amy started speaking.

"You know what I think? There is only one person that can help you get out."

We all looked at her curiously.

"George." she said.

"What?" Marc, Kate and I asked with confusion.

"Yes.  If you take anyone else's help, I'm sure they'll be chopped into pieces. So they won't help you. We just saw that poor little cook worried for his life. Besides, it's George who got you here.So all you have to do is trick him into getting you out."

"Trick him? That man? And how do you suggest that should be done Amy?" I asked. I think she's just joking which isn't right at the moment. She's asking me to trick the Alpha like it's very easy to do. She understood what I was thinking.

"Look. I know what you are thinking. But listen to me. If anyone would trick him, they might be having their last day but with you, it's different. You are his mate. Just act like one. Be nice to him. Make him believe that you are starting to feel something for him. Only then he can trust you and let you out of the room."

I started thinking. Strangely, what she said started to make sense somewhere. Marc slowly spoke,

"I think she's right. Let him be the one to help you escape." Marc said.

"How do I do that Marc?" I had no idea what he was talking about.

"You can do it. You are his weakness. Make it your advantage. Use your most powerful weapon." said Kate very confidently.

"Which is????"

"Seduction." she said.

"What???????? Are you kidding, Kate? There is no way of it happening. I can't do it. Besides, What makes you think he'll believe me the very next day I tried to escape?"

"He won't....He won't believe you if you do it the very next day.  Take your time. Wait for a couple of days. Start conversing with him. Make him believe you're trying to accept your fate. Look vulnerable to his advances. Maybe even encourage him."

"Excuse me...." Marc said looking at her.

"Let me finish.... He has to believe that she is coming around. Only then, will he let her out of her room. It all can't happen overnight. That wouldn't be real."

Marc didn't look like he could deny it. He thought for a while. As I came to think of it, it wasn't such a bad idea. I'd rather spend some more time in this prison to safely get out of it than to be dragged back here.

Suddenly there was some noise from the backyard.

"That must the guards. We should really be going right now. We will return in a week. Meanwhile, I will make all the arrangements for you to leave.  Just play along alright? It's for your freedom."

I took a deep breath and said. "Okay."


After they left, all I could think of is how to SEDUCE him. I have never done that before. I never even got the chance to do something like that. Boys were off the list when I was in school or college. I was such a book worm.

Does this mean he's the first guy Iam going to flirt with? Eww.. Let's not think about that. Even in the morning, all I felt when he was forcing me, was horror. I was scared to death to look into his eyes. There is something about them. I used to be a brave girl. Even my Aunt Jenny used to say that. I was never afraid of anything. I used to walk alone during nights when I was a kid. No animal scared me. No dogs, No cats, bears, leapords...Nothing.

But this man..... I don't know. Nothing scared me as much as he did. Even thinking about him started to make me shiver. I don't know how I spoke to him and even shouted at him before. I couldn't believe that was me back there.

I was very sleepy and thinking about him was the last thing I wanted to do. I Shut my eyes tightly and drifted into sleep....... 

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