#3. Unowned Underwear

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Author's Note
The real names of all the characters have been changed.

Important Note
(For all the Bangladeshi readers)

Am not using the Bengali word for underwear, it may sound offensive.
My apologies to all the Bangladeshi readers out there.
(I bet you would have rolled on the floor laughing if I had used that word.
No matter what happens,some Bengali words really set the mood 😉)

Am the student of Grade 9.

The saying, "Girls are politer than Boys" is proved to be genuine. In my school days, mainly in Grade 9, all of my female friends used to share their snacks with each other and chit-chat in the recess times.

The BOYS ?
Let's assume, all of the boys are present in the class, except for one.

Ha! Time for some INTENSE, BREATHTAKING MISSION! All of the boys would have rushed to that particular boy's school bag who had been absent, hacked the bag to death and rob the snacks he had brought!

Gross! And we girls would say, "NO VIOLENCE!"

One day, this "Robbery Explored something which had been Unowned!"

The last class had been Bengali, and before Bengali started we had our second recess. After the recess time, all boys would return from the playgrounds- wet with perspiration, stinking and extortionately tired. There had been ONE thing that could bring life to those sluggish creatures:FOOD.

One of our friends, Ronald had just made up his mind to be in a quest for THIS TREASURE. He immediately rummaged the bag of our another friend, Aaron, while Aaron had been outside of the class.Ronald searched from one zipper to another, and another till he had been restricted by an inanimate object that left the entire class dumbstruck.


Without giving a second thought, Ronald took it out of the bag at once, yelled his lungs out just when Aaron entered,

"Aaron! An UNDERWEAR!"

and tossed it aimlessly in the air where it landed STRAIGHT ON THE DESK THAT WAS IN FRONT OF OUR BENGALI TEACHER, MR. ARNOLD!

Oh shoot! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The entire class laughed their hearts out, INCLUDING MR.ARNOLD!

Aaron had been left speechless, as he never knew that his ONCE USED UNDERWEAR HAD BEEN INSIDE HIS SCHOOL BAG. Later we learned that Aaron's younger brother, who had been a kid, slipped it inside the school bag.


#This chapter's been dedicated to my male school friend RaselHasan6 😂(Nope! He isn't the guy who was the OWNER  🤣)

#Also dedicated to my female bestfriend, JannatulFerdoush714 😉,she who has been my bestfriend since Grade 5.
And also the person who has always supported me to complete my projects on Wattpad 😀

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